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在“互联网+”背景下,众筹模式逐渐崭露头角,成为电商营销的一种新形态.本文从众筹模式的特征分析出发,以其网络外部性特征和完全垄断的市场结构为切入点,建立众筹平台网络外部性的价值度量模型.该模型以考虑宏微观网络外部性的消费者效用函数和众筹发起人的收益函数为基础,在差异化定价策略、非差化定价策略和无网络外部性基础模型的三种情形下,应用两阶段博弈模型分别求解众筹发起人的最优价格向量、参与者的最优申购量和众筹发起人的最优收益水平,进而通过比较在不同策略下众筹发起人最优收益的差异得出众筹平台网络外部性的策略价值和内在价值.进一步,将模型的理论结果应用于推荐网络这一特殊的网络结构中,并设计出具有推荐功能的众筹平台.结果表明:本文所设计的具有推荐功能的众筹平台,可以显著提升众筹发起人的收益水平,对完善众筹平台的营销模式具有管理实践意义.  相似文献   
Public relations scholars have called for a shift from organization-centred approaches and practices to community, – or collective-based ones. With the Internet, the latter have become more frequent although under-researched or not well understood. This article addresses those gaps by researching a community-based campaign in New Zealand and by underpinning the research with collective action theory. Methodologically, it combines netnography, thematic analysis, and interviews with major players, to analyze a civic crowdfunding campaign. It provides an account of how two amateur activists not only initiated and managed this campaign, but also raised US$1.5 million (NZ$2.27) within three weeks to buy a private beach and gift it back to the New Zealand public. The article seeks to add to both PR scholarship and practice. It adds to the former by analysing the campaign and identifying success factors for civic crowdfunding campaigns more generally; and to the latter by accounting for a different kind of activist and community-based PR that goes beyond organization-centred approaches to offer gratifying community-centered work that improves the reputation of PR for contributing to the common good.  相似文献   
农村环境治理已经成为乡村振兴战略的一项重要任务,仅依靠政府单一治理主体无力应对全国70多万行政村的环境治理需求,发挥农户治理主体作用成为一种新的农村环境治理机制。本文将众筹模式引入环境治理中,采用演化博弈理论,在公平贡献和利他偏好两种情景下,分析有限理性农户决策行为演化动态,研究风险发生概率、亲环境偏好、团体效用、初始财富、融资目标、众筹份额等对环境治理众筹融资成功的影响。研究发现:公平贡献和利他偏好两种情形下,考虑环境污染给农户初始财富带来风险时,当初始财富期望损失、团体效用与声誉损失之和大于参与众筹的支出时,参与环境治理众筹成为农户的演化稳定策略。风险发生的概率越大、初始财富越多、参与众筹获得的群体认同价值越大、不参与时声誉损失越大,越有利于参与众筹策略成为农户的演化稳定策略。而在公平贡献模式下,当初始财富期望损失、团体效用与声誉损失之和小于参与众筹的支出时,农户群体中会出现不参与和不参与环境治理众筹两种策略共存的稳定均衡状态。通过对农户参与环境治理众筹成为演化稳定策略的内在机理分析,为农村环境治理众筹融资实践提供决策参考。  相似文献   
新时代网络公益众筹以其便捷性、可及性、延展性等优势激活了社会网络“差序格局”中的社会资本,为生活困难、深陷困境的个体提供了“弱有所扶”的防护线和安全网,但“互联网+”公益众筹中屡屡出现的诈捐、骗捐行为以致网络公益救助面临认同危机。文章从完善网络公益众筹的信息等级筛选机制、构建网络公益众筹认同性的参与效果评价机制入手,以轻松筹平台的公益众筹案例作为研究对象进行评估,提出嵌入式“互联网+”公益众筹信息等级的评估方案,统筹推进社会救助与慈善救助有效衔接的制度安排以及完善慈善相关立法等治理对策,针对公益众筹中的诈捐、骗捐现象提出风险防范与危机消弭之道。  相似文献   
在中国股权众筹监管细则尚未落地的背景下,以大众投资参与视角为出发点,基于前人对众筹成功影响因素的分析,利用众筹平台"人人投"所披露的质量信息为样本,研究融资方和众筹平台披露的质量信息与投资人的参与意愿之间的相互关系。基于ELM理论,将众筹平台披露的质量信息归结为中央路径和边缘路径。运用多元回归方法构建模型,实证结果表明:文字介绍完整度、视频时长和点赞数量对众筹项目投资人的参与热情有正向影响。整体来看,投资者对众筹平台提供的边缘路径信息更加敏感,其投资行为存在一定的羊群效应。  相似文献   
众筹是以网络为依托,借助信息平台和社交网络,实现投融资双方需求直接对接的新型融资模式。目前,交易成功率成为限制众筹发展的瓶颈。基于信任理论,构建众筹投资人投资行为的影响因素模型,以“点名时间”为研究对象,验证感知风险、感知收益、信任度三个维度的关键影响因素与众筹成功的关系。实证结果表明:投资人的风险感知负向影响众筹成功率,融资人通过合理地缩减融资目标及期限能弱化项目风险。投资人对收益和信任度的感知能显著地促进众筹项目的成功,提高项目质量、加强项目互动、丰富回报种类均能有效提高众筹成功的可能性。  相似文献   
The study aims to investigate the signalling role played by the intellectual capital of entrepreneurial projects towards crowdfunders. The study argues that information on; the intellectual capital of entrepreneurial projects posted on equity crowdfunding platforms can be perceived by external small investors or crowdfunders as signals of the venture's quality and can induce them to invest. By leveraging on the role of signalling theory in the mitigation of information asymmetries, the study argues that the intellectual capital of projects looking for equity crowdfunding is a powerful signal that positively affects the investment decisions of crowdfunders. Three components of entrepreneurial projects' intellectual capital – human, structural, and relational capital – are considered as factors affecting the success of equity crowdfunding campaigns, measured in terms of funding collected and the number of investors. The findings reveal that relational capital positively affects the investment decisions of equity crowdfunders and thus explains the success of equity crowdfunding campaigns. Factors related to human capital and structural capital have a positive impact on investment decisions, but only to a limited extent. This study provides valid implications for entrepreneurs, platform managers, and policy-makers/authorities.  相似文献   
Fundraising can be viewed as a systematic activity aimed primarily at raising financial resources for the activities of either an organization or an individual. The inconsistency of this effort usually cannot be blamed on internal factors within an organization, but rather phenomena of a macroeconomic, legislative or societal nature. In an effort to gain an insight into the measure of utilizing fundraising principles in nonprofit organizations, extensive research was conducted for the ninth time among nonprofit organizations in the Czech Republic, the sample of which consisted of 313 fully completed questionnaires. Based on the research results focusing on fundraising, measures were proposed to expand the possibilities of ensuring effective multisource funding for a selected nonprofit organization. One of these options and at the same time the current trend in marketing not only for the nonprofit sector is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a new concept of funding projects that has seen a significantly growing trend in the fundraising is part of marketing activities, or at least it is very closely connected with them.  相似文献   
作为新兴的互联网融资工具,众筹融资模式发展迅速。在金融市场最发达的美国,其学术界已开启了关于众筹平台上投资者决策的影响因素的探索性假说论证和实证检验,为未来众筹平台的发展提供了宝贵的前沿理论基础。然而不同众筹模式下平台的机制存在差异,并且不同文化地缘的投资者行为决策并不具有同质性,对于当前焦点的股权众筹业是否能够采纳这些观点仍然没有定论。本文以“大家投”平台数据为样本,采用零膨胀负二项回归对中国众筹平台项目筹资影响因素进行实证检验,期望给未来研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

Crowdfunding platforms are increasingly being used by small and micro-firms to fund the development and initial promotion of their new products. The transition from a crowdfunding campaign to the subsequent operational phase is critical to successfully fulfil the expectations of the backers who supported the micro-firm and expect to receive the new product. This paper analyzes the main challenges that must be faced by micro-firms during this transition, adopting the perspective of knowledge management theory. Based on an exploratory case study analysis, the paper highlights the particularities of these knowledge management challenges in terms of knowledge diversity, dependence and novelty. Asymmetry, dispersion, synchronization, a lack of a common understanding and backer lock-in are the main knowledge-based challenges for the operations of micro-firms that use crowdfunding. Various theoretical and practical implications of the findings are offered.  相似文献   
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