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赋体叙事研究前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟生 《云梦学刊》2011,32(5):101-103
赋体兼具小说的叙事性和诗歌的抒情性,赋的叙事性既体现在"赋"字铺陈的本义里,也体现在它的题材、手法、与体式上。古往今来的赋论家们对赋的叙事性也不乏零星的认识,但叙事研究相当薄弱,甚至可以说是刚刚起步,一些关键性的、全局性的问题尚未解决,全面系统地考察赋体叙事的成果尚付阙如,理论的更新也该提上研究日程。近年来引入并兴起的空间叙事理论为赋体叙事研究提供了新的契机。赋体叙事可以在赋体本质与叙事、赋体表现手法与叙事、赋体体式结构与叙事、赋体题材与叙事、赋体叙事的源流衍变等五大方面进行深究。  相似文献   
莫言仅用43天的时间就创作了近50万字的《生死疲劳》,其创作速度之快、文本之厚重、情节之复杂都令人惊奇。《生死疲劳》的成功与莫言独特的叙事策略密不可分,"六道轮回"的叙事模式、灵活多变的叙述视角以及怪诞传奇的叙事情节,不单是吸引读者的因素,更是文本构造的支柱。  相似文献   
清代乾嘉时期是中国传统学术文化由理学迈向朴学之重要转型期,也是中国戏曲评点理论发生转变的关键期.清代戏曲评点在清初顺、康年间达到鼎盛,乾隆以后又迅速走向衰落.较清初而言,乾嘉时期的初戏曲评点在延续中有变化,主要表现在:戏曲叙事结构理论的延续与变异、形式批评的崇尚和反剧场化的艺术追求.这是时代思潮规训和文人戏曲评点家忽视戏曲综合性艺术的"类"特征二者合力的结果,标志着古典戏曲评点日渐走向衰亡.  相似文献   
迄今为止,《穆天子传》的撰者、成书年代、文本性质等,均可谓学术疑案。从叙事动机出发,依据战国初期前后相关文献的巨大差异,可以认同此书源出赵国后嗣对祖先的追崇。《穆天子传》体式近似起居注,风格却呈现恍惚无征之态,它既非信史著作,亦非上古神话抑或次神话之类。基于社会风尚和读学心理来审视,穆王故实在虚实相生中形成的小说境界,曾一度受到战国末期神仙思维、汉晋时世造仙运动先后影响,最终在历史误读中造就了后人所谓的神话品格。  相似文献   
《史记》和《汉书》的比较渗透于方方面面,早期的比较研究多以优劣为重,后期开始侧重于二者的异同及异同关系的研究。两汉时期正是中国文学发展的重要阶段,中国文学开始由功能性向审美性,由抒情性向理性,由不自觉向自觉的转变。通过《史记》、《汉书》的对比解析,可窥见两者在文学创作中叙事风格异同。  相似文献   
库切近作《凶年记事》以书中主要人物C先生为视角,深刻揭示了当今社会民主进程中有关政治、经济、道德等方面存在的霸权现象,大胆挑战了普世的理性法则和价值标准,对人们的心理乃至生理上产生的矛盾和困惑做了客观深入的描述。平行发展和交替的多重叙事线,在对立和互补的叙事背后呈现多层次的阅读视野。在对当今黑暗世界的拷问中,库切开启了读者思想的闸门,并以其敏锐的观察和深度的反思唤起了人类对理性价值的思考和对各种隐性霸权的批判。  相似文献   
青年卢卡奇对在所有修正主义著作中被奉为神明的方法论——自然科学的方法,即自然科学通过观察抽象实验等取得"纯"事实并找出它们的联系的方法,展开了批判性论述,揭示了自然科学的"纯"事实之伪;对当时盛行的实证主义和科学主义也进行了抨击;在此基础上提出了非常著名的思想——"自然是一个社会范畴"。这对于我们探究自然概念的社会本质、探索人与自然的伦理关系均有深刻的方法论意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the narratives shared by low-income women in addiction recovery centers about the meaning they attach to being a parent in recovery and how they view current program models that include children in daily treatment. Their stories reflect the centrality of the mothering role to women in recovery and offer insights that can guide treatment and program planning with families.  相似文献   
The following paper centres on my unique experience as a white Australian therapist who is able to sympathise with a Western world view while being immersed in an Islamic world view. The goal is to share my journey as a Muslim Australian via an auto‐ethnography reflexive method. Using diaries, intentional reflexive positioning, and multiple modes of supervision, I contemplate an Islamic identity and value system while negotiating poststructural therapies such as solution‐focused collaborative, and in particular, narrative therapy as viable approaches to working with the Muslim community. There are two inquiries which are of interest. The first is to reflexively describe the experience of being a Muslim practitioner and wondering whether core differences in epistemological views between social constructionism and Islamic doctrine can be overcome. Secondly, this enquiry explores Quranic guidelines about how to perceive ‘problems’ in life, based on the premise that understanding how an Islamic world view addresses life's troubles may add to deeper conceptions of the role of difficulties. I propose that adherent Muslims have a natural metaphorical way of thinking that connects with some of the poststructural therapeutic skills and techniques and at the same time draw on past Quranic solutions for contemporary problems. Little has been written on narrative therapy as a suitable approach to working with Muslim clients. In the current paper I review my personal experience as a veiled Muslim therapist striving to implement narrative therapy alongside an Islamic epistemology.  相似文献   
Entrepreneurism is widely regarded as being one way in which women can sidestep the sexism of male‐dominated institutionalized work environments and enter into a world in which men and women operate on a level playing field. Yet, in a corpus of stories of female entrepreneurs’ experiences, we noted that being ignored by men was a constant theme. Taking a social constructionist and narrative approach to identity, we analyse the gendered identity work that female entrepreneurs do in these stories and we seek to explicate the process through which female entrepreneurs do not evaluate being ignored by men as sexism‐in‐action. Using positioning theory as an analytical tool, we analyse these stories at three different levels: the here‐and‐now interaction between interviewer and storyteller; the there‐and‐then identity work of the characters in the storyworld; and the wider societal Discourses that the storytellers enact, and which are enacted by such identity work. Findings indicate that despite making gendered difference, inferiority and lack of agency relevant, the stories are not evaluated as sexism‐in‐action because the female entrepreneurs enact a postfeminist and neoliberal Discourse of freedom, autonomy and choice, rather than a feminist Discourse of discrimination and sexism.  相似文献   
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