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Schiller  Andrew  Horn  Sally P. 《Urban Ecosystems》1997,1(2):103-116
Goals related to wildlife conservation are stated or implied in many urban greenway plans, but the actual wildlife conservation value of urban greenways is unclear. We surveyed 72 km. of greenway consisting of 38 different greenway segments in six cities in the mid-southeastern United States to determine the presence or absence of red fox (Vulpes vulpes), grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and to assess characteristics of the greenways and adjacent lands that might promote or limit the presence of these species in each greenway. We focused on fox and deer because these mammals, while habitat generalists, require diverse habitats within close proximity, and are more sensitive to human disturbance and have larger territories than the majority of urban wildlife in this region. Thus, they can serve as indicator species for these habitat values in urban greenways in the southeastern United States. Field observations and scent station inventories revealed that only 18 of the 38 greenway segments had either fox or deer, 12 had only fox, 6 had fox and deer, and none had deer alone. Greenway segments with more forest cover, wider corridors, greater amounts of adjacent natural or seminatural habitat, and forest connectivity between greenways and nonadjacent natural areas were more likely to have fox or deer present. Characteristics associated with fox and deer presence were not independent of each other. Because greenways with such characteristics tend to be surrounded by less urban areas, adjacent land use is a good predictor of fox and deer presence in the surveyed greenways. Whether greenways that are beneficial to fox and deer can be developed in urban settings is strongly site specific, because the greenway variables that appear most essential to these species are often dictated by the preexisting urban form and the vegetation in the vicinity of the greenway. Because the wildlife conservation value of urban greenways depends greatly on factors external to the greenway, greenways that have fox and deer present today may be particularly vulnerable to future changes in surrounding land use.  相似文献   
陈洁 《文史哲》2004,(2):32-37
佛教徒既坚持普遍的因果律,又认为善恶报应皆是自作业自受报,既同意决定论,又坚持自由意志,两者对佛教来说都很重要,前者是佛教的根本教义,而没有了后者,无法劝人修行为善。那么,佛教是如何处理两者之间的矛盾呢?佛教对这个问题的观点是:自由和被决定并不冲突,自由更多的只是感觉和选择的可能性,被决定并不表示意志也是被先在原因决定的。总之,佛教徒属于温和决定论者,提倡自由地选择必然。  相似文献   
王海燕 《东方论坛》2010,(5):47-51,77
与之前的志怪小说相比,《聊斋志异》对异类形象的态度呈现出一种新的审美价值偏向:异类仙化倾向。这种异类仙化倾向源自《聊斋志异》对民间传统中狐仙观念与唐以来文学中仙妓合流意识的继承,更出自蒲松龄对异类观念的创新与道德理想的寄托。蒲松龄对聊斋中关的异类女性的褒美乃至“仙化”,是其理想人性追求及浪漫诗心的体现。  相似文献   
"狐"在先秦时代是作为瑞兽出现的,没有"淫"之意。《诗.齐风.南山》以"雄狐"起兴主要是因为狐在上古时曾作为高禖神。以后狐意象的发展分为两枝,在文学作品中则逐渐发展为"狐狸精"妖精形象,而在民间则逐渐发展为狐仙崇拜,走上神坛。  相似文献   
《太平广记》中的狐可以分为雌狐、雄狐和佛形狐三类。雌狐意象经历了一个由瑞兽到妖兽,从美人狐到人性狐的变化过程;雄狐有邪恶之兽与博学书生之别;佛形狐是唐代特有的文学形象,反映出唐代崇佛的风尚。  相似文献   
钱穆先生在其众多的著作和论文里,论述了中西文化的差异和产生这种差异的原因.他从中西不同的民族性格、经济特征、宗教、科学等方面进行了系统论述.阐述了中西不同的自然环境、经济特征是产生中西不同的文化特征的主要原因.  相似文献   
袁枚的《子不语》中有众多的篇章都和狐仙有关。小说既描写了各种不同的狐仙形象,也概括了狐仙的特点。《子不语》中的狐仙形象是社会传统狐仙文化在小说作品中的体现,也是袁枚对社会人生思考的结果。  相似文献   
在甲骨文和金文中,"求"是兽尾的象形,故早期的"求"含有长大、圆曲、多毛等意象.求与九相通,"求尾"后来音变而成为"九尾",故九尾狐即是"求尾狐",指"大尾狐".在大禹娶涂山女的原始传说中,九尾狐象征大禹,而不是象征涂山女;"九尾"也不是指有九条尾巴,而是指大尾巴,喻指大生殖器,暗示着性交的需要和性能力的旺盛.因此,"九尾"可以成为娶亲之证,也可以带来部族的子孙昌盛.最初,九尾狐仅仅被当作奇兽看待,随着大禹的被神化,九尾狐也成了一种瑞兽.后来,九尾狐象征的对象由大禹转向涂山女,由于传统道德中的性别歧视,九尾狐也由祥瑞之兽变成了淫邪之兽.  相似文献   
九尾狐始载于《山海经》之青丘,经郭璞注而得到后世的默认。然而,青丘山与青丘国并不在同一个地方,据《山海经》的文例可证青丘山之九尾当为别一种动物,后世认作祥瑞者乃是青丘国之九尾,由于脱文导致郭璞的误读,加之后世因为政治、宗教等各种原因,使得九尾狐成为祥瑞或灾异的标志。  相似文献   
胡汉交流是一个漫长的过程。在其初期或中期,胡人多受到歧视,地位低下,“狐”常用来作为对胡人的蔑称。狐妖故事多包含着胡人、尤其是胡女的不幸遭遇。如果我们对《任氏传》等狐妖小说加以审慎处理,它们将是十分珍贵的民族文化交流之史料。  相似文献   
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