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在《乌泥湖年谱》中,作者展现了同一时空下的两个世界:一个世界主要以紧张的政治生活为背景,表现了以丁子恒为代表的知识分子在强大政治压力下理想的失落、精神的炼狱和人格的异化,着力于心理描写,带有浓重悲剧色彩;另一个世界以轻松的日常生活为背景,表现了温情的家庭生活中家庭主妇的鲜活个性和儿童的天真、可爱,着力于动作和语言的描写,带有喜剧成分。悲和喜的交融突破了以往此类题材以政治批判、血泪控诉为主题的常见偏颇。  相似文献   
儿童观问题是儿童文学一个根本性的文化问题 ,2 0世纪中国儿童文学的发展思潮 ,集中到一点 ,就是“儿童观”问题。从五四“以孩子为本位”的儿童观 ,到 30年代“配合一切革命斗争”而形成的儿童观与儿童文学观 ,再到八九十年代尊重儿童个性的儿童观 ,它的背后是社会文化产生了变革 ,通过儿童观来影响儿童文学观和儿童文学作家的创作。  相似文献   
分析一例典型儿童强迫官能症的整合主义心理疗法理念和治疗过程,及其治疗的有效性,探讨整合主义心理治疗的发展趋向和综合成因。结论:整合主义心理治疗是一种有效治疗手段,符合一般发展规律,在减轻患者强迫症状,增强社会功能方面均有较好的效果。  相似文献   
信用最初是在道德教化层面上使用的。随着社会经济的发展,特别是商品交换的日益复杂,信用这一侧重道德价值的概念逐渐被吸收到民事法律当中,并衍生出诚实信用原则。我国现行民事立法虽然确立了诚实信用原则,但还必须加强对这一原则的价值性和规范性解释,应该合理限制当事人的意思自治和法官的自由裁量权,使其更好地调整民事关系和指导司法实践。  相似文献   
My study explores how children established and crossed gender boundaries in four recreational settings with different racial compositions and patterns. Children generally marked boys' gender boundary crossing as more deviant than girls' crossing. However, the amount of gender salience structured into each setting and the salience of race in each setting affected campers' perceptions of the risks from gender boundary crossing and, thus, their strategies for crossing. My findings suggest that the perceived race of the actor may be less important than the race of the audience. Also crucial are the ways in which race category membership gives meaning to gender boundaries and to gender deviance in a particular situation.  相似文献   
浅析我国经济公益诉讼制度的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着市场经济的快速发展,与社会公共利益密切相关的经济法纠纷日趋复杂,而我国现有的行政解决机制对此已有些束手无策了。经济公益诉讼制度的出现,既是诉讼法对只顾及保护私人利益的狭隘性的突破,也是对传统诉讼法制的超越。文章在介绍分析经济公益诉讼制度的概念、特征、意义的基础上,对如何在我国建立独立完善的经济公益诉讼制度提出了一些个人的见解和主张。  相似文献   
研究表明:幼儿家长在教养活动中同时运用支持、惩戒和溺爱三种教养行为,但三种行为在其全部教养行为中所占比例不同,支持行为最多,惩戒和溺爱行为较少;家长的支持教养行为与其对子女的控制感呈正相关,而惩戒和溺爱行为则与控制感呈负相关.  相似文献   
社会的发展要求信誉的提高与之相适应,社会信誉的建设是中国特色社会主义政治文明建设的一项重要内容。由于受主客观因素的影响,信誉缺失已成为社会转型时期的一种道德病态。文章从社会信誉的作用和特征入手,提出相应的对策:构建社会信誉制度,加强社会信誉的立法,加大对失信行为的处罚力度,打造诚信政府,等等。  相似文献   
康德道德哲学从道德动机入手,阐明了善良意志、责任、规律的先验性,主观原则和客观规律的符合原则,定言命令的强制性、普遍性和必然性,得出"普遍立法""、人是目的""、意志自律"三大道德法则。从双重立场看待人,解释了自由的积极含义,赋予理性无比崇高的地位,彰显了人作为道德最终的自在目的尊严和价值,并对我国道德教育有着诸多的启示。  相似文献   
Drawing on social schema theory ( Fiske & Taylor, 1991 ) and social identity theory ( Tajfel & Turner, 1979 ), this study examined the impact on teachers’ reactions to children's aggression of three variables, two of which were related to the aggressors and one was related to the teachers. Experienced female elementary school teachers (N =90) each read a scenario that described an aggressive episode committed by a group of boys against a boy from another class. The aggressors were either good or bad children, who were either popular or unpopular with their classroom peers. In addition, the scenario manipulated the teachers’ identification with, or commitment to, the class to be either high or low. Analysis of the teachers’ ratings of causal responsibility, liking, and recommended punishment revealed a consistent negative response from the teachers towards the aggressors versus the victim. However, the teachers’ responses were also interactively influenced by the aggressors’ goodness and popularity, as well as the teachers’ class identification. The results are discussed in relation to other findings on teachers’ responses to school aggression and bullying, as well as how their responses might best be explained.  相似文献   
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