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李安作为华人电影界的翘楚,站在东西方文化交汇的中心,诉说着他的电影梦。文章从李安多元文化创作背景和后殖民主义影响角度出发,观照和审视他创作的东方电影中那些"叛逆"的新女性形象。以《饮食男女》《卧虎藏龙》为例,分析影片中东方女性角色身份、社会地位及性格在全球化和现代性语境中的嬗变。李安正是在东方传统儒释道文化和西方现代女性解放的双重审美文化矛盾冲突碰撞中,凸显了东方新女性的精神追求和独立品格。这也为我们认识现代社会中的东方女性打开了一扇天窗。  相似文献   
美国小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑擅长剖析人物内心,他的小说被看成是现代意义上的心理小说。在其著名短篇小说《好小伙布朗》中,人物的刻画与描写与弗洛伊德的人格理论有着紧密的联系。在小说情节发展中体现出的本我,自我,超我之间的冲突和协调表现出了霍桑对人性的理解。  相似文献   
Across developed countries, experimentation with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs often begins in the early adolescent years. Several evidence-based programs have been developed to prevent adolescent substance use. Many of the most rigorously tested and empirically supported prevention programs were initially developed and tested in the United States. Increasingly, these interventions are being adopted for use in Europe and throughout the world. This paper reports on a large-scale comprehensive initiative designed to select, adapt, implement, and sustain an evidence-based drug abuse prevention program in Italy. As part of a large-scale regionally funded collaboration in the Lombardy region of Italy, we report on processes through which a team of stakeholders selected, translated and culturally adapted, planned, implemented and evaluated the Life Skills Training (LST) school-based drug abuse prevention program, an evidence-based intervention developed in the United States. We discuss several challenges and lessons learned and implications for prevention practitioners and researchers attempting to undertake similar international dissemination projects. We review several published conceptual models designed to promote the replication and widespread dissemination of effective programs, and discuss their strengths and limitations in the context of planning and implementing a complex, large-scale real-world dissemination effort.  相似文献   
麦尔维尔小说《白鲸》中人物意识和无意识的多层次描写使得他的小说在人的精神和心理层面的刻画上达到了前所未有的高度。他对人的心理的研究与弗洛伊德有许多相合之处,因此,运用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论,可以更立体地把握麦尔维尔的精神世界。  相似文献   
钱伟长教授六十余年来在科学、教育领域叱咤风云、纵横捭阖、业绩辉煌并非偶然。他具有爱国敬业、矢志不移的治学动力 ;勤奋进取、锐意创新的治学精神 ;面向实际、求真务实的治学态度 ;广闻博览、融会贯通的治学方法和群策群力、集思广益的治学谋略。他的学术思想是 :立足于社会实践 ,以高瞻远瞩、勇于探索的思路 ,根据经济、科技发展的需要来发现、提炼问题 ,经过充分调研 ,以广泛扎实的知识基础和独辟蹊径的创造性劳动 ,建立实际问题的数学模型 ,用独创的或先进的方法加以巧妙处理 ,将所得的成果经过实践的严格检验 ,并上升到新的理论高度加以认识或系统地发展成新的理论。事实证明 ,这种思想指导下的科研实践是卓有成效的。钱伟长教授创造性地继承了我国先哲深邃的学术思想和德国哥廷根学派优良的学术传统 ,并结合当今的实际情况加以发扬光大 ,他的探索所积累的经验是学术界的宝贵财富  相似文献   
运用弗洛伊德心理分析方法来解读小说《艰难时世》,展现人物的内心世界以及人格结构,并探讨这些主要人物心理状态发展的原因和最后结构,进而揭示工业化进程中维多利亚人的生存状况以及人格结构中的不平衡带来的一系列不良后果,最终造就了一个艰难时世。  相似文献   
本能是一种原始生命力,而原始生命力既可以是创造性的,也可以是破坏性的。过度放纵本能会破坏人格的完整。道德的起源与发展并非与本能是对立的,恰恰相反,它是为维护人的长远利益而产生的,“与本能对立只是它们与本性之关系的最外在的表现,在深层,文化正顺应着人类潜在的可能性。”所以,本能与道德并非一对死敌,提倡道德同样也是保护人的本能。爱欲存在的矛盾提醒我们:爱需要教导,需要学习,需要与人格的成长相伴而行。人的任务是通过意识的深化和拓展,把原始生命力整合到自我之中,强健自我的任务是学会坦然面对、合理转换,能够疏导并驾驭自己。  相似文献   
本文从精神分析的角度,创造性的运用弗洛伊德关于心理人格的理论,围绕<红楼梦>中钗黛争"宝"这一主线,揭示了两位女性在本我方面有着惊人的相似,而受本我驱使的自我的表现形式却迥然不同,但她们最终都成了超我的牺牲品.  相似文献   
玛格丽特.阿特伍德的小说《盲刺客》故事情节离奇,"俄罗斯套娃"式的叙事方式具有强大的张力,是其代表作。文章从一个全新的角度,心理分析的视角,通过分析"本我"与"超我"的关系解释了艾丽丝、劳拉姐妹之间匪夷所思的感情波折和彼此的对位象征关系。劳拉是艾丽丝"本我"的实现,一个艾丽丝最渴望成为的人,同时也是艾丽丝的"超我"极力压制、排斥的对象。  相似文献   
Religious participation is linked to numerous positive safety outcomes for adolescents. Scant attention, however, has been paid to associations between religious participation and safety risks among adolescents. Using data from Add Health (N = 18,449), a nationally representative school-based sample of US adolescents, this study examines the relationship between adolescents' religious affiliation and easy access to firearms at home. Regression analyses adjust for complex sampling design and compare easy firearm access at home among conservative Protestant adolescents to adolescent firearm access in other religious traditions. Conservative Protestant adolescents have a substantially greater likelihood of easy access to a gun at home compared to adolescents of all other major religious traditions in the United States. Recognizing differences in adolescent firearm access between subcultural groups can help public health interventions more effectively identify and address the needs of vulnerable populations. The paper's conclusion considers suggestions for effective policy and programmatic initiatives.  相似文献   
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