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诗路花语:李清照与狄金森咏花诗之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从李清照和狄金森诗歌中花意象所呈现出的不同形象、不同内涵、不同基调出发,探索引发这种差异背后的艺术家创作个性以及她们长期浸润的中西方文化传统、思维模式、诗学理念等方面的差异。受中国文学深厚的比兴传统的影响,易安咏花词重神轻形,五彩纷呈的花意象象征着女词人高洁孤傲和卓尔不群的人格。但女词人终不堪封建礼教与传统诗学的重重束缚,哀怨郁结遂成为未走出男权文化樊篱的易安咏花词的主要基调。狄金森以花来象征女性意识,其诗作中“花”意象的变迁充分体现了女性从被动走向自主的转变过程。深受人文主义、超验主义影响的狄金森,其咏花诗所散发出的强烈的个体意识使她成功地突破并超越了男权文化传统和以男性为中心的话语模式,凸显了女性的自强、自立和自尊。  相似文献   
威廉.福克纳在创作思想上的一个重要特点是对人性和人自身的关注,而这个特点在他的名篇《八月之光》上得到了充分体现。本文通过分析福克纳对人生存权利的肯定、对人自身的寻求以及对个体主义的赞美,来揭示他笔下的人性思想。  相似文献   
宗教改革是继文艺复兴之后又一次思想解放运动,宗教改革的年代是欧洲资产阶级力量上升的时期,它的发展对西欧社会进步产生了巨大的推动作用,引发了思想观念的变革,为社会转型奠定了思想基础。从根本上说,宗教改革是一场在宗教外衣掩护下,新兴资产阶级反对封建统治的政治变革。从思想观念变革及其对社会发展作用的角度看,宗教改革为资本主义民主核心精神的形成与发展提供了土壤。  相似文献   
This article pursues a reconsideration of the role of autobiographical life writing within the context of disability studies. I respond to concerns that this genre tends toward a problematic and politically limiting individualism that undermines the consideration of disability as a social phenomenon, reproduces the depiction of disabled people as isolated outcasts, and replicates the meritocratic myths of personal achievement that dominate contemporary western capitalism. While not rejecting these concerns in their entirety, I attempt to develop a particular set of reading practices that may be productively employed to strategically work against the individualising tendencies of autobiographical life writing. These strategies include a commitment to seeing the realm of the ‘private’ as social, reading auto/biographically, and seeking to deconstruct the narrative myth of the liberal humanist ‘choosing’ subject. In conclusion, I offer a brief discussion of the particular ethical and methodological opportunities created by the greater consideration of these texts within disability studies.  相似文献   
杨婕 《现代妇女》2014,(7):294-294
Individualism and collectivism are one of the core values of western and Chinese cultures. This article intends to summarize the conceptions of individualism and collectivism and single some representations of the two different ideologies in order to clear up the misunderstanding which exists in today's view of individualism of Chinese people, and the essence of individualism will be concluded to deepen the understanding of individualism.  相似文献   
David Cowan 《Social history》2018,43(3):332-355
In the post-war English media, ‘modern’ parenting referred to psychologically inspired styles of parenting drawn from professionals. Drawing on archived social-science interviews with over 600 families, this article considers what ‘modern’ parenting meant in the vernacular. It explores the emergence of a group of working-class parents who felt ‘modern’ because they had adopted whichever style of parenting they felt ‘right’ for their child, whatever its source. These parents personalized ‘modern’ ideas found in the mass media, using them to justify choices which they had already made. They came to identify as flexible, adaptive, parents, rather than as people who unquestioningly implemented someone else’s ideas. Using reflexive models of selfhood, they produced a syncretic amalgamation of ideas about parenting, which were drawn, simultaneously, from childcare professionals, members of their communities and their own intuitions. This allowed them to fashion unique styles of parenting, tailored to their children. Rethinking what was ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ let them reconceive parenting as a personal matter, not as something which professionals or kin should dictate. The post-war fixation on the self was therefore consonant with the ‘reworking’ of class, rather than with its declining salience in English society.  相似文献   
17至18世纪期间不仅是英国资本主义迅速成长的时期,而且在这种经济中,财富和成就都必须个人化,从而为资本化提供手段和动力。社会变革的步调也紧随其后,作为社会最小单位的家庭则成为这种变化最直接的指示剂。生物、社会、政治、经济、心理和性的变化,为个人主义的兴起提供了契机,为社会个体尤其是传统的弱势群体争取更好的生活条件、创造更多的个人发展空间、满足日益增长的个人情感需求提供了精神上的动力,也成为现代自我意识的肇始。因此,个人主义的兴起被视为18世纪英国资本主义经济繁荣的必要条件。此时英国上层社会中流行的情感式个人主义不仅打破了中世纪以来宗教道德对人性及家庭的束缚,也在社会中引领了一种新的风尚。  相似文献   
政治自由主义的价值理念一直是西方社会政治思想的主流,但自从古典自由主义诞生的上百年时间里,自由主义理论鲜有新的理论建树。直到20世纪70年代罗尔斯的正义理论问世,政治自由主义又萌发了勃勃的理论生机。古典自由主义主张个体享有自由平等的权利,而它所指的“平等”仅局限于形式上的平等。罗尔斯对。平等”概念重新阐释,赋予传统的“平等”观念以实质性的含义,这一观点使得古典自由主义上升到了新的理论水平。  相似文献   
通过分析李安的早期作品《喜宴》中反映中西方文化冲突的情节,剖析其潜在的文化背景因素,即中国人的孝道、家庭伦理观与西方的个人主义和家庭伦理观;中国相对传统保守的文化特征与西方多元开放的文化特征;以及在解决同性恋事实与传统中国式婚姻的矛盾时所体现出来的中国的“中庸”处世哲学。通过分析得出结论,观看反映中西方文化特征的影片是了解、学习不同民族文化,培养跨文化意识的有效途径。  相似文献   
个人主义是一种一切从个人出发,一切以个人为中心的思想体系,与中国传统的价值观念是相悖的。社会主义市场经济条件下的价值观除了具备市场经济价值观的一般特征之外,因其建立在社会主义公有制的基础上,更应该注重社会生活中义利统一和公平竞争,提倡效率公平兼顾,自律、互利、公正、奉献作为价值观的基本内容。因此,在当前形势下我们仍然要大力倡导利他精神和集体主义价值观,这不但有利于市场经济的健康发展,也符合每一社会成员的长远和根本利益。  相似文献   
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