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作为一个认识论概念的真理有两个基本涵义真和真的理论.把真理扩大为一个融本体论、认识论、伦理学内容于一身的概念以及把真理归结为真这两种倾向都是难以成立的.  相似文献   
冯赖特于1991年写道,逻辑学中大多数具有哲学意义的技术性工作似乎均已完成。本文作者以二阶逻辑、直觉主义逻辑、连续统值逻辑、一阶模态逻辑,以及关于绝对无限一般性的逻辑等等为例,说明逻辑学中大量具有哲学意义的技术性工作才刚刚开始。对象语言中的非正统只有通过元语言的非正统才能得以充分探究与公正评价,这种非正统有时是关于逻辑的演绎力的,有时是关于语言的表达力的。两种类型的非正统导致在元逻辑研究方式上的争论。由于这方面工作的动机主要是哲学上的,而且所需要的技术常常具有哲学意味,这项工作必须由哲学家自己去完成。因此,在21世纪,逻辑学将继续受到哲学家的关注,哲学家也将继续对它的进一步发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
Emotions have become increasingly recognized as constitutive elements of organizations and organizational processes. While the emotions of pride, shame, guilt, and humiliation have long been considered to play a significant role in what people do and how they do it, they have received little theoretical and empirical attention within the literature on social service organizations. This paper responds to this research gap by outlining a conceptual framework for the role these emotions play, developed from an ethnographic case study of one English local authority child protection service. The framework outlines how these emotions influenced the wider institutional processes to construct an ideal form of practice, which was then used to evaluate the social workers’ actions and praise, shame, or humiliate the social workers accordingly. The threat of shame, and promise of praise, influenced most social workers to enact or conform to the standard, thereby regulating their identities. Some social workers, however, felt ashamed or guilty of what they were doing and sought to resist these attempts at control through acts of compromising, concealing, and influencing. This paper considers how this understanding contributes to our understanding of these emotions and how they are experienced in a modern social service context.  相似文献   
This paper examines how institutional complexity, due to the availability of multiple logics, influences the behavior of academic inventors during an innovation process. Based on four case studies of medical technology innovations, this paper identifies three logics influencing academic inventors’ behavior: academic, market, and care logics. We identify several patterns that characterize the practices of academic inventors in a context with multiple institutional logics. Despite the availability of multiple logics, we observe a strong pattern of academic inventors predominantly following the market or the care logic. As for the influence of multiple logics, we find very limited interaction between logics (i.e., reinforcing, complementary and conflicting interaction), with the prevalent pattern being “no interaction” between institutional logics. Thus, instead of following several logics, academic inventors’ specific practices are mostly guided by a “unique” logic. This influence of logics leads to a clear pattern of “dominant” influence on behavior, reflected in individual strategies of “entrenching,” that is, a strategy based on building one’s behavior on a “unique” logic. However, the same available logics can also generate "aligned" influence, entailing behavior guided by several logics. But this occurs only if the academic inventor faces uncertainty regarding the exploitation of the intellectual property. With these findings, we add to the ongoing discussion concerning institutional complexity and individual behavior by elucidating in detail how institutional complexity can entail behavior guided by “unique” logics.  相似文献   
家族企业在中国经济发展中占有非常重要的地位。在关于企业组织形式的探讨中,家族企业通常被视为是保守、低效率、内部纠纷纷呈的作坊式企业,不少研究者强调,家族式企业迟早要消失。但这一古老企业形态在中国大陆民营企业中的复兴却已是不争的事实,家族企业具有企业系统、资本积累、经营行为、信誉安排以及企业所有权方面独特的家族共同情感、观念和形式上的现实性和理性。本文就家族企业的兴起背景,结合经济环境讨论家族式企业的现代化发展趋势。说明基于特定的经济、文化环境和其内在的演进逻辑在家族企业研究中的重要性。  相似文献   
本文对《普通逻辑原理》一书中一些包含逻辑矛盾的论述、对矛盾律和排中律有欠准确的表述和公然否定三段论规则的两个"逻辑分析",明确地提出了自己的商榷意见.  相似文献   
逻辑学教学改革由来已久,但始终没有达成共识,"传统"与"现代"之争还在继续,但或许此时我们该重新审视此争论并提出新的改革方案。为此,在已有教学实践的基础上,对高校文科非哲学专业逻辑学教学从教学目标、学生需求、学生可接受程度三个方面进行分析,提出了将形式逻辑与非形式逻辑(批判性思维)结合在逻辑学这一课程名称之下的改革方案,并具体分析了改革后逻辑学课程设置、教学内容的选择、教学方法的运用、教师队伍建设、教材编写几个方面的内容。  相似文献   
逻辑与科学、哲学的关系是科技文化学和科技教育学的重要命题。有一种"中国古代无逻辑"的说法,是一种误识,影响了对逻辑的深刻认识和影响了对逻辑的教育,需要改变和超越:其一,中国古代没有明细的逻辑学并不妨碍其他学术的发展。其二,中国古典哲学的有些基本概念和观念的提出超越了西学。其三,按照中国古代观念,逻辑不是形式是名理,辩证不是逻辑是易道,辩证法与逻辑学是统一的。据此提出逻辑学中国化方案,建议增加三条定律:定义的约定俗成律、判断的同异交得律和推理的容欠理由律。我国大学高等教育的辩证法课,应重新设计,以克服西方传统逻辑学的狭隘和局限。  相似文献   
试论逻辑学与素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
素质教育要求对学生实行全面教育 ,注重对学生创新思维和创新能力的培养。而这些都必须以加强逻辑教育 ,提高国民逻辑思维素质 ,优化国人思维结构为前提和基础 ,都离不开逻辑思维素质的提高。逻辑不仅是教育教学的基石和创新的坚强后盾 ,而且在知识型教育向智能型教育的转变中 ,有提高学生自学和语言表达等能力的重要作用。当然 ,要防止对素质教育特别是逻辑本身的性质和功能的不正确或不深刻等错误认识 ,特别是要防止后现代主义和培养逻辑思维不用专门学习逻辑的思维倾向  相似文献   
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