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We analyze a variant of the EGARCH model which captures the variation of the intra-day price. We study the asymptotic behavior of the estimators for the parameters of the model. We also illustrate our theoretical results by empirical studies.  相似文献   
This article provides an expository account of the multivariate autoregressive moving average models and proposes an extended sample cross-correlation approach for practical model identification. An iterative model building procedure for applying these models to real data is discussed and demonstrated by analyzing the 5-series U.S. Hog Data.  相似文献   
This article reports on work designed to measure the time required for a change in a stock's price to be fully reflected in the price of a warrant on that stock. The method employed to measure the adjustment speed is the bivariate transfer function technique of Box and Jenkins. An interesting aspect of the study is the use of trade-by-trade data for measuring stock and warrant returns. The evidence presented here suggests that warrant prices adjust quickly to changes in stock prices. In addition, evidence concerning the ability of the estimated models to forecast warrant prices is presented.  相似文献   
Estimators of chain and fixed-base Laspeyres price indexes are studied using the prediction approach to finite population sampling. The estimators include some that are based on those used in several U.S. government index programs and others derived from prediction models. Biases and variances of the estimators are studied for a case in which the reference period index weights are unknown for nonsample items. Under a model for a one-period price change in which items have common within-stratum means, unbiased estimators can be constructed, but under a more general regression model, special sample balance conditions are needed for unbiasedness of those estimators. The theory for the estimators of fixed-base indexes is illustrated in an empirical study using a population of items priced for the U.S. Consumer Price Index.  相似文献   
The paper introduces a new difference-based Liu estimator β?Ldiff=([Xtilde]′[Xtilde]+I)?1([Xtilde]′[ytilde]+η β?diff) of the regression parameters β in the semiparametric regression model, y=Xβ+f+?. Difference-based estimator, β?diff=([Xtilde]′[Xtilde])?1[Xtilde]′[ytilde] and difference-based Liu estimator are analysed and compared with respect to mean-squared error (mse) criterion. Finally, the performance of the new estimator is evaluated for a real data set. Monte Carlo simulation is given to show the improvement in the scalar mse of the estimator.  相似文献   
We propose a semiparametric approach for the analysis of case–control genome-wide association study. Parametric components are used to model both the conditional distribution of the case status given the covariates and the distribution of genotype counts, whereas the distribution of the covariates are modelled nonparametrically. This yields a direct and joint modelling of the case status, covariates and genotype counts, and gives a better understanding of the disease mechanism and results in more reliable conclusions. Side information, such as the disease prevalence, can be conveniently incorporated into the model by an empirical likelihood approach and leads to more efficient estimates and a powerful test in the detection of disease-associated SNPs. Profiling is used to eliminate a nuisance nonparametric component, and the resulting profile empirical likelihood estimates are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. For the hypothesis test on disease association, we apply the approximate Bayes factor (ABF) which is computationally simple and most desirable in genome-wide association studies where hundreds of thousands to a million genetic markers are tested. We treat the approximate Bayes factor as a hybrid Bayes factor which replaces the full data by the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of interest in the full model and derive it under a general setting. The deviation from Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) is also taken into account and the ABF for HWE using cases is shown to provide evidence of association between a disease and a genetic marker. Simulation studies and an application are further provided to illustrate the utility of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
Recursive partitioning algorithms separate a feature space into a set of disjoint rectangles. Then, usually, a constant in every partition is fitted. While this is a simple and intuitive approach, it may still lack interpretability as to how a specific relationship between dependent and independent variables may look. Or it may be that a certain model is assumed or of interest and there is a number of candidate variables that may non-linearly give rise to different model parameter values. We present an approach that combines generalized linear models (GLM) with recursive partitioning that offers enhanced interpretability of classical trees as well as providing an explorative way to assess a candidate variable's influence on a parametric model. This method conducts recursive partitioning of a GLM by (1) fitting the model to the data set, (2) testing for parameter instability over a set of partitioning variables, (3) splitting the data set with respect to the variable associated with the highest instability. The outcome is a tree where each terminal node is associated with a GLM. We will show the method's versatility and suitability to gain additional insight into the relationship of dependent and independent variables by two examples, modelling voting behaviour and a failure model for debt amortization, and compare it to alternative approaches.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a semiparametric method of estimating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) surfaces for continuous diagnostic tests under density ratio models. Implementation of our method is easy since the usual polytomous logistic regression procedures in many statistical software packages can be employed. A simulated example is provided to facilitate the implementation of our method. Simulation results show that the proposed semiparametric ROC surface estimator is more efficient than the nonparametric counterpart and the parametric counterpart whether the normality assumption of data holds or not. Moreover, some simulation results on the underlying semiparametric distribution function estimators are also reported. In addition, some discussions on the proposed method as well as analysis of a real data set are provided.  相似文献   
A proposition is given which provides an easily justified reason as to why attention should be confined to estimable parametric vectors when formulating linear hypotheses. The possibility of justifying one's linear estimation effort on the estimable parametric functions via an identifiability condition is also mentioned.  相似文献   
Estimation of covariance components in the multivariate random-effect model with nested covariance structure is discussed. There are two covariance matrices to be estimated, namely, the between-group and the within-group covariance matrices. These two covariance matrices are most often estimated by forming a multivariate analysis of variance and equating mean square matrices to their expectations. Such a procedure involves taking the difference between the between-group mean square and the within-group mean square matrices, and often produces an estimated between-group covariance matrix that is not nonnegative definite. We present estimators of the two covariance matrices that are always proper covariance matrices. The estimators are the restricted maximum likelihood estimators if the random effects are normally distributed. The estimation procedure is extended to more complicated models, including the twofold nested and the mixed-effect models. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the use of the estimation procedure.  相似文献   
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