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原西藏地方政权对墨脱及其以南地区的统辖与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨脱及其以南地区过去是我国珞巴族和门巴族的重要聚居地。从新石器时代开始,珞巴族先民就与藏族先民有着紧密的联系。珞巴族居住的珞瑜地区(包括墨脱)很早就为原我国西藏地方政权统辖和治理。  相似文献   
中华民族对待动物的古老原始神话思维对当下文学创作具有潜在影响,在与现代思维理念相交融、碰撞之后发生现代转型,并且这种转型以一种相对固定的母题模式呈现在“动物叙事”文本表达中。原始动物神话的派生形态:动物自然神话与动物图腾神话的溯源研究,导引出动物原型母题中动物作为自然象征、动物作为人的本质性象征两大核心叙事维度,进而深入到对其神话原型母题模式与类型衍生的探讨。  相似文献   
从新意识形态研究范式论证司法公开正当性成为人们的惯常路径,其最大问题是忽视司法公开及其保障机制背后的非法律因素、资源配置或司法体制方面的问题.实际上,司法公开成为一种司法技艺.通过赋予程序选择权、参与权,司法公开机制勾连当事人和社会公众力量互动,最终激活了司法机关权威的“重生”.  相似文献   
接受美学是一种强调读者地位与作用的美学理论,在解读与赏析文本中可以拓宽研究的视角,更深层面地挖掘作品的价值与意义。本文基于接受美学视域对莎士比亚经典戏剧《李尔王》的叙事话语与文化内涵进行阐释,从作品情节、人物命运、叙事语言、叙事风格、意象、宗教色彩等方面力求突破文本限制与障碍,以期让独具魅力的经典作品焕发新的生机。  相似文献   
运用契约型叙事结构理论分析了《沧浪之水》的叙述结构,从叙事结构来看,《沧浪之水》真实细腻地展示了池大为心灵之约的订立、履行、违反到最后轰毁的心路历程,深刻地揭示了在社会不良风气浸染下传统人文精神的败坏和毁灭,给传统人文精神唱出了一曲忧伤凄凉的挽歌.  相似文献   
《曹禺传》是田本相代表性的研究成果之一,该著以其整体宏阔的结构原则,史实考订与艺术想像并重的阐释方式,注重心灵探寻的写作向度,重建了伟大作家曹禺的生命史和灵魂史。《曹禺传》所提供的意义已经远远超出了透视曹禺本身,对探求文学背后所隐含的政治、思想、文化的解释,以及克服当代作家传记写作的隐与忧等亦有诸多启示意义。  相似文献   
This article provides an exploratory analysis of the life narratives of migrants in the Portuguese-speaking world. By interweaving the life experiences of eight participants in three thematic clusters – ‘shared past’, language and sense of community – we propose a critique of the deep-seated idea of the Lusophone space as a community constructed by the harmonious conviviality of different countries and people. Drawing on contributions from cultural studies, social psychology, anthropology and sociology, we first aim to give voice to the human subjects who embark on migrations and then to understand how the engendered process of identity construction is framed by their social world, simultaneously reframing it. Thus, we aim at shedding light on the ways in which aspects of the political discourses on Lusophony are used (and are instrumental) to the migrants’ identity narrative (re)construction.  相似文献   
To increase our understanding of the dynamics of young people’s embodied engagement in health, this article analyses Danish upper secondary school students’ understandings and practices of health and the role of the school environment in these dynamics. Participatory, visual and narrative data were collected during fieldwork with 37 students aged 16–17. Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of the body is applied to analyse the affective relations and emerging body-health assemblages within the students’ school life, which generated force and vitality (here conceptualised as health). Through becoming within sensuous, social and political body-health assemblages, the students attempted to curb school stress, sustain social belonging in an individualistic school environment and both reproduce affirming power discourses and subvert their territorialisation. The study proposes an analytical shift in perspective on young people’s health away from an individualistic ‘components approach’ towards a relational understanding, and suggests that students’ health at school relates to collectivity, quality, rhythm and co-produced engagement, rather than individuality, quantity, rules and performance, which increasingly characterise Danish health discourse and school policy.  相似文献   
《神乌傅》于近年出土,赋作者旨在借神乌故事传达弃利避害、全身而存的人生教训与处世哲学。赋文多处征引与化用儒家经典,表现了明显的文人创作特征,因而是一篇文人故事赋,将其定性为民间俗赋或民间故事赋都是不妥的。《神乌傅》显示了说部的特征,作为一个珍贵实例,补充并明晰了古代文学中禽鸟寓言故事赋的发展脉络。  相似文献   
The illness narratives presented in this paper were video‐recorded as part of child patient–staff interaction, during more than a year of ethnographic fieldwork at a paediatric oncology centre. The two children tended to ‘do illness’ differently, producing different types of narrative accounts. One of them presented accounts that invoked ‘fight’ metaphors, whereas the other one invoked patient identities. Also, the medical staff deployed different interactional strategies with different children in response to their narrative constructions of themselves and their leukaemia.  相似文献   
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