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The EU/European political community’s reaction to irregular migrants is ambivalent. On the one hand, migrants are produced as people to be pitied, rescued, and saved. On the other hand, they are feared, despised, and left to die. The article explores this ambivalence from a gender perspective and asks how sovereign masculinities are produced through emotional performances in the politics of migration control and management. It will be argued that emotions such as fear, disgust, and compassion are performed in the biopolitical security governance of irregular migration by producing a “socially abject” life as its object. This is a life that is to be killed, despised, and saved. Encounters between the irregular migrant and a European border security actor constitute a neo-colonial masculinity. During the moment of the encounter with the other’s life, sovereignty is produced through emotional performances of border security actors. The discussion concludes with illustrations of how racialized bodies and lives are produced as objects of fear, disgust, and compassion through European neo-colonial masculinity. The article speaks to the debates in the literature on masculinities in global politics, emotions and politics, and critical border studies.  相似文献   

The rise of ‘new powers’ in international politics has been frequently associated with a re-emergence of traditional notions of sovereignty as a backlash against the weakening of nation-state sovereignty related to globalization. We argue that the coexistence of these trends has led to new forms of ‘soft sovereignty’. Soft sovereignty means that rising powers both gain and lose authority: From above, their freedom from interference within the international state system is strengthened due to their new status and influence. At the same time, rising powers’ governments are losing authority due to the rise of a multiplicity of sub and transnational actors from below. We apply the concept of soft sovereignty to the analysis of foreign policy-making in India as a least-likely case of a weakening of sovereignty from within a sovereignty-oriented rising power. The analysis of India's relations with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka reveals the huge impact that subnational governments have had on India's policies towards its South Asian neighbours over the past years. The dynamics observed in the case of India reflect many of the traits of current globalization processes, from regionalization to identity politics to the multiplication of actors in the conduct of foreign politics.  相似文献   
西方海权理论带有浓重的海洋霸权色彩.中国海权是海洋主权、海洋权利和制海权的统一,具有自卫性和有限性.我国海权的法律保护存在宪法关注缺失、立法相对滞后及体系不平衡等缺陷.宪法保护海权有其必要性,解决海岛海洋争端和提升我国海洋执法的正当性均需宪法提供明确的依据.党的十八大报告为海权入宪提供了契机,海权的宪法保护路径在于增设涉海条款直接保护海权、授权普通法律间接保护海权.  相似文献   
虽然美国主权信用被降级反映出的是美国经济的停滞不前的困境,但是其隐藏下的债务危机更多地暴露出了当下国际货币制度的无为与无序.立于国际层面群策群力地为国际货币秩序造法当然不失为一种理智的选择,但是从本国实力出发改变博弈的平衡更是务实之道.  相似文献   
This article discusses the history of Scottish sovereignty as a component of Scottish identity. The argument is that certain aspects of Scottish sovereignty were preserved by the union, and that these have often remained latent until the devolution settlement. The new political landscape in the UK has contributed to a redevelopment of ideas of British parliamentary sovereignty, which have served to render these elements of preserved Scottish sovereignty active, and this new state of affairs is reflected in the findings of the Calman Commission. In this context, what is independence?  相似文献   
2010年7月22日,国际法院就科索沃独立发表了咨询意见,裁定科索沃宣布独立没有违反国际法,没有违反联合国接管科索沃时颁布的《临时自治宪法框架》以及安理会关于政治解决科索沃问题的第1244号决议。国际法院的咨询意见,再一次引起了国际社会的轩然大波,科索沃单方面宣布独立似乎有了“合法”的依据。作者就此提出反对观点,认为科索沃单方宣布独立违反了国际法多项基本原则,同时也破坏了国际社会的安定秩序,并就科索沃问题的解决提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   
国家文化主权是一个国家在世界上所拥有的无可争辩的文化话语权,它包括创造权、所有权、阐释权、享受权和继承权,具有主体性、尊严性、唯一性、发展性、整体性等特征。国家文化主权与原生态文化的安全关乎中华民族的文化认同,关乎我们社会主义价值现的认同,关乎文化自尊、自信、自爱。在多民族文化交流当中,我们时刻都要有国家文化主权及原生态文化安全的意识。  相似文献   
随着全球气候变暖,北极的各种利益优势正在显现。作为北极周边国家,加拿大日益感到主张北极权利的紧迫感,为此从国际和国内两方面综合采取政治、法律、经济、行政、科学、科技和军事等手段,拓展其在北极的利益。我国地处西北太平洋,在北极有着重要利益。当前,对北极严密关注并跟踪北级周边国家政策动态,积极获取第一手资料加以分析,有利于今后及时应对由北极争端引发的对我国安全与发展的挑战。  相似文献   
国家主权与国际法的关系一直是国际法领域倍受关注的热门话题之一.为了正确辨析两者之间的关系,首先必须弄清主权的性质、主权与主权权利的不同概念及相互关系.笔者认为,主权权利区别于主权的特征在于,不仅其自身具有可分割或可让与性,而且可与主权相分离,甚至全部主权权利的不能行使也不构成对主权的否定.以此为基础,本文将主权与国际法的关系划分为两个层面,即国家主权与国际法相互依存的关系、国际法对主权权利的丰富、发展和限制的关系.  相似文献   
钓鱼岛问题,是历史遗留在中日之间的领土主权归属问题。钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国领土,日本对钓鱼岛的实际占领,以及日方在钓鱼岛问题上所持的强硬立场,使钓鱼岛问题日益复杂化,已成为中日关系中最为敏感的问题之一。它不仅关系到中日关系的发展,而且涉及亚太地区战略格局发展的大局。中日必须从21世纪两国关系发展大局出发,妥善处理分歧,和平解决争端。   相似文献   
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