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阐述了创意产业与创意城市的关系,介绍了美国卡内基.梅隆大学教授理查德.佛罗里达的"欧洲创意指数",即创意城市的衡量标准。论述了文化对邯郸创意产业发展的重要作用。根据创意城市构建的关键要素"3T"理论,提出了应如何进行创意邯郸的建设。  相似文献   
詹锳先生整理李白全集,对其版本源流进行了细致梳理和深入研究,进而确定以最早的完整宋本静嘉堂文库本为底本,用于校勘的刊本多达十四种,并选择重要总集及选本共十七种进行校勘,校勘版本数量之多,无出其右,这为超越清代王琦注本奠定了基础。詹锳先生校勘李白全集,在对校法基础上,增加了是非判断,以“今照改”“今据改”“当据改”等分类校勘,提升了古籍整理的学术品位。詹锳先生重视唐代唐诗选本的校勘作用,用以系年、解惑、辨伪和辨析诗歌本事,破解了若干千年疑案,在李白集整理中颇具特色。詹锳先生强调古今并重,中外并重,学术面前人人平等,坚持无征不信、片善不遗的理念。詹锳先生具有深厚的旧学功底,又深受西学影响,形成了阔大的学术格局和高远的学术视野,他以“预流”的学问开创了李白研究的新境界,其主编的《李白全集校注汇释集评》达到了那个年代的制高点,至今仍难以超越。詹锳先生的版本学、校勘学思想是留给后世的宝贵学术遗产。  相似文献   
In Turkey, the laws which define disability have become increasingly harsh, and require disabled people to be assessed in order to determine ‘how disabled’ they are. For blind people, as for other disabled people, these assessments have real consequences. This article aims to discuss an appealing piece that arose during a project, which has bearing on how disabled people tend to answer these questions. The participants are legally blind adults. We, as sighted researchers, asked totally blind individuals to describe their vision. Interestingly, they all answered this question without hesitation. The paradoxical nature of this question was only realized during the analysis. We requested the participants to talk about something they do not really know. This might be a reflection of our over-visualized world and might be due to our subtle prejudices. This type of questioning not only has implications for research, but also for assessments of disability in Turkey.  相似文献   
在古代中国, 在夏商周时期的上古社会, 邦君与贵族领地或采邑之间的某种隶属 关系并不等于秦汉以后郡县制下中央与地方的那种具有行政级别的行政管理关系。那 种只有具有四级聚落等级形态才表示国家已形成的理论是有局限性的, 它并不能说明 国家是否产生这一问题的实质, 因而也不应作为衡量的标准。将聚落考古学与社会形 态学结合起来研究古代国家和文明的起源, 固然要对聚落的等级做出划分, 同时还必 须对史前社会组织、等级、阶层、阶级的产生、权力性质的演变等因素进行多方面的 考察。因此, 将阶层阶级的出现和凌驾于全社会之上的强制性权力的设立作为国家形 成的标志是最具特征性的, 而且在考古学上可以找到其依据和物化形式, 因而具有可 操作性。

关键词: 四级聚落等级形态 阶层和阶级 强制性权力

In ancient China, in Xia, Shang and Zhou society, the relationship of subordination between the head of a state and the territories or fiefdoms of the nobles was not equivalent to the administrative relationship between the central government and the localities under the system of prefectures and counties introduced in Qin and Han times. Any theory of state formation based solely on a four-tiered settlement hierarchy is limited; it fails to explain the essential question of whether a state has come into being, and thus cannot be regarded as a criterion for judgment. It is true that in integrating settlement archaeology with social morphology in research on the origins of the ancient state and civilization, we need to classify settlement hierarchies. At the same time, however, we still need to conduct extensive research into the appearance of prehistoric social organizations, hierarchies, strata and classes, as well as the evolution of the nature of power, etc. Therefore, it is the emergence of strata and classes and the establishment of a coercive power that stands over and above society that are the most characteristic indicators of state formation. Further, we can provide archaeological grounds and materialized forms for this approach, which thus possesses operability.  相似文献   
The expansion of cities in the developing economies of the world has one major urban corollary: the proliferation of unplanned parts of the cities, identified by a plethora of terminologies including bidonville, favela, ghetto, informal settlement, shantytown, spontaneous settlement, squatter settlement and township. Such urban conurbations are characterised by a unique form of architecture that historians find difficult to define. The fact that these architectural productions are overlooked by the historiography of modern architecture suggests a narrowed class‐oriented reading of the aesthetics engendered by the Modern Movement in architecture. Any paradigm introduced to bridge the existing gap should go beyond questions of construction methods and materials, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the experiences of everyday life in such habitations, that is, the rise of modernity. This paper argues that the social environments which facilitated the development of the architecture of the underprivileged residents in African cities began in the late nineteenth century, when the great capitalist cities of the world began to emerge and expand. We expand on this position by examining the architectural construction of the underprivileged classes from four perspectives: a new urban culture of building practices; radical solutions proposed and provided by governments and agents of social change; visual and literary commentaries by artists and writers; and a survey of the writings of architectural historians on these themes.  相似文献   
Missing observations due to non‐response are commonly encountered in data collected from sample surveys. The focus of this article is on item non‐response which is often handled by filling in (or imputing) missing values using the observed responses (donors). Random imputation (single or fractional) is used within homogeneous imputation classes that are formed on the basis of categorical auxiliary variables observed on all the sampled units. A uniform response rate within classes is assumed, but that rate is allowed to vary across classes. We construct confidence intervals (CIs) for a population parameter that is defined as the solution to a smooth estimating equation with data collected using stratified simple random sampling. The imputation classes are assumed to be formed across strata. Fractional imputation with a fixed number of random draws is used to obtain an imputed estimating function. An empirical likelihood inference method under the fractional imputation is proposed and its asymptotic properties are derived. Two asymptotically correct bootstrap methods are developed for constructing the desired CIs. In a simulation study, the proposed bootstrap methods are shown to outperform traditional bootstrap methods and some non‐bootstrap competitors under various simulation settings. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 281–301; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
A density bounded class P of probability distributions on a space χ is the set of all probability distributions corresponding to probability densities bounded below by a given subprob-ability density and bounded above by a given superprobability density. Density bounded classes arise in robust Bayesian analysis (Lavine 1991) and also in Monte Carlo integration (Fishman Granovsky and Rubin 1989). Finding upper and lower bounds on the variance over all p? P allows one to bound the Monte Carlo variance. Fishman Granovsky and Rubin (1989) find bounds on the variance over all p ? P and also find the densities in P achieving those bounds in the case where χ is discrete; that is, where P is actually a set of probability mass functions. This article generalizes their result by showing how to bound the variance and find the densities achieving the bounds when χ is continuous.  相似文献   
The authors consider the problem of estimating a regression function go involving several variables by the closest functional element of a prescribed class G that is closest to it in the L1 norm. They propose a new estimator ? based on independent observations and give explicit finite sample bounds for the L1distance between ?g and go. They apply their estimation procedure to the problem of selecting the smoothing parameter in nonparametric regression.  相似文献   
表扬的程度要与学生的行为相称,表扬要及时,方式应灵活、要公正无私、表扬失当应及时补救;批评则须明确目的,要客观,要以学生的心理基础为前提,批评还须讲究时机场合以避免羞辱性,具有权威性;唯此,作为奖惩因素的表扬与批评的运用,才能提高班级的凝聚力。  相似文献   
在全面推进素质教育的新时期,对大学生进行心理健康教育,增强他们的心理素质,促进其全面发展是目前高等教育的重要任务之一。而高校的思想政治教育与大学生的心理健康教育有着密切的联系,因此怎样把思想政治教育与大学生心理健康教育有机结合起来,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性,成为思想政治工作者的重要任务。  相似文献   
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