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飞行中的航空器具有速度快、风险高、易受干扰的特点,以虚假信息威胁航空器飞行安全,极易发生飞行事故。与一般公共场所的事故后果相比,散布虚假信息给民航飞行安全造成的后果更严重,所以编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪的适用难以达致立法的预期效果。为严密我国刑事法网、与国际公约相衔接,有必要具体考察1971年《蒙特利尔公约》的相关规定,应在厘清我国刑法条文与之对接过程中存在的问题基础上,在我国刑法分则第二章危害公共安全罪中创设“以虚假信息危及飞行安全罪”,作为我国刑法第一百二十三条之一。  相似文献   
合同诈骗罪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
违约(包括故意)以及欺诈行为,仍然属于民事法律调整的范畴,合同诈骗则属于刑事法律调整的犯罪行为,二者之间以是否存在一个真实或基本真实的交易为分水岭;交易条件是否真实、透明,不但影响对案件性质的认定,也决定其民事争议的最终处理;交付之后的行为被认作诈骗行为表现的,必须特别慎重;而对于行为人是否具有“以非法占有为目的”的主观要件,应坚持审查其是否具有“将他人财物永久性地归自己完全享用”的主观内容。  相似文献   
虚假广告是指广告主或其代理人,或者通过广告经营者、广告发布者,利用一定媒介和形式进行宣传、介绍与其所提供的商品或服务不符的广告。虚假广告民事责的构成条件包括虚假广告的行为、损害事实的存在、虚假广告行为与损害之间有因果关系、行为人主观上有过错四个方面。虚假广告应由广告主依法承担民事责任,广告经营者、广告发布者明知或应知广告虚假仍设计、制作、发布的,依法承担连带责任;在广告经营者、广告发布者不能提供广告主的真实名称、地址的,应当承担全部民事责任;社会团体或者其他组织,在虚假广告中向消费者推荐商品或者服务,应当依法承担连带责任  相似文献   
在湖广填四川的移民运动中,移民之众当推湖北,而湖北填川之民中,称来自麻城"孝感乡"者比比可见。对此现象古今不乏见疑者。本文以福主信仰事象的梳理陈述,试图破解"冒籍"之谜。  相似文献   
Consider testing multiple hypotheses using tests that can only be evaluated by simulation, such as permutation tests or bootstrap tests. This article introduces MMCTest , a sequential algorithm that gives, with arbitrarily high probability, the same classification as a specific multiple testing procedure applied to ideal p‐values. The method can be used with a class of multiple testing procedures that include the Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate procedure and the Bonferroni correction controlling the familywise error rate. One of the key features of the algorithm is that it stops sampling for all the hypotheses that can already be decided as being rejected or non‐rejected. MMCTest can be interrupted at any stage and then returns three sets of hypotheses: the rejected, the non‐rejected and the undecided hypotheses. A simulation study motivated by actual biological data shows that MMCTest is usable in practice and that, despite the additional guarantee, it can be computationally more efficient than other methods.  相似文献   
消费异化、生态危机及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会生态危机问题已经成为一个人类亟待解决的问题,而消费异化现象是催生生态问题的一个最重要的原因,要缓和人与自然的矛盾,缓解生态危机就必须克服消费异化,建立一个适合人类生存发展的生态社会。  相似文献   
Repeated neuropsychological measurements, such as mini-mental state examination (MMSE) scores, are frequently used in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research to study change in cognitive function of AD patients. A question of interest among dementia researchers is whether some AD patients exhibit transient “plateaus” of cognitive function in the course of the disease. We consider a statistical approach to this question, based on irregularly spaced repeated MMSE scores. We propose an algorithm that formalizes the measurement of an apparent cognitive plateau, and a procedure to evaluate the evidence of plateaus in AD using this algorithm based on applying the algorithm to the observed data and to data sets simulated from a linear mixed model. We apply these methods to repeated MMSE data from the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, finding a high rate of apparent plateaus and also a high rate of false discovery. Simulation studies are also conducted to assess the performance of the algorithm. In general, the false discovery rate of the algorithm is high unless the rate of decline is high compared with the measurement error of the cognitive test. It is argued that the results are not a problem of the specific algorithm chosen, but reflect a lack of information concerning the presence of plateaus in the data.  相似文献   
Simultaneously testing a family of n null hypotheses can arise in many applications. A common problem in multiple hypothesis testing is to control Type-I error. The probability of at least one false rejection referred to as the familywise error rate (FWER) is one of the earliest error rate measures. Many FWER-controlling procedures have been proposed. The ability to control the FWER and achieve higher power is often used to evaluate the performance of a controlling procedure. However, when testing multiple hypotheses, FWER and power are not sufficient for evaluating controlling procedure’s performance. Furthermore, the performance of a controlling procedure is also governed by experimental parameters such as the number of hypotheses, sample size, the number of true null hypotheses and data structure. This paper evaluates, under various experimental settings, the performance of some FWER-controlling procedures in terms of five indices, the FWER, the false discovery rate, the false non-discovery rate, the sensitivity and the specificity. The results can provide guidance on how to select an appropriate FWER-controlling procedure to meet a study’s objective.  相似文献   
寿险欺诈犯罪是保险诈骗中最为突出的一种,具有危害多重性、主体多元性、行为隐蔽性、资金流失性等法律特征。寿险欺诈的行为特征决定其存在数罪并罚问题;教唆或强迫被保险人自杀的行为是一种故意杀人行为;法人进行寿险欺诈必须实行“双罚制”,既要对直接负责的主要人员和其他直接责任人员依法追究刑事责任,又要依法判处罚金刑。  相似文献   
疫情背景下,有关网络传谣行为的刑法规制问题再次引发广泛关注。大量裁判案例显示,网络谣言型寻衅滋事罪的打击范围出现了相当程度的偏差,亟需对该罪构成要件的规制范围做出更加贴合时代需求的分析研究。在解释论上,应将“虚假信息”解释为“与事实不符的信息”,而非“没有根据的信息”。不应将行为人的“实质恶意”视为“主观明知”的判断因素。在逻辑上,虽然“网络空间秩序”是“公共场所秩序”的内涵之一,但在我国目前的社会条件下还不宜将之上升为独立的刑法法益。因此,我们应将该罪中的“公共秩序”限缩解释为物理空间中的“公共场所秩序”。在下次刑法修正时,立法者可以考虑将在网络中传播谣言并造成公共场所秩序严重混乱的行为,明确设置为一个独立的轻罪罪名。  相似文献   
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