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张利 《河北学刊》2006,26(2):108-112
宋代的“义理决狱”是中国古代法律儒家化运动中的一次升华,是儒家的精神和原则在司法领域内的具体体现。“义理决狱”以儒家的伦理道德作为司法审判的标准,以调解为手段,以宁人息讼为目的,在调解和息讼中都贯穿着教化的原则。  相似文献   
作为离婚审判的必要程序,调解的设立是为了减少或避免纠纷并公正地解决争端。研究发现调解中的男女当事人存在权力差异,而且男性在权力的两个维度上均显示为强势。首先就社会生活维度来说,男性在收入、职业、社会地位和教育程度等方面较女性处于优势。其次,在语言使用层面,以评价理论为指导,本研究发现不论是针对女方还是法官,男性在情感词汇、义务型情态词汇以及级差词汇的使用上都体现出了强势的特征。然而,在调解过程中,双方权力的失衡没有得到法官的重视和正确对待,妇女的权益也没有得到较好的维护。因此,有必要让法官意识到男女权力在社会生活维度,尤其是语言使用维度的差异,确保能够在审理过程中做到公正公平,更好地保护妇女的正当权益。  相似文献   
行政诉讼调解制度对当下中国的行政诉讼法发展有着不可忽视的消极作用,它将行政诉讼的目的定位为解决纠纷,淡化了行政诉讼保护相对人合法权益的目的,妨碍了行政诉讼独特的宪政功能的发挥,并导致了行政法规则在诉讼中的模糊化,使行政诉讼所承担的对行政法的告示、指引、预测、教育等作用无从发挥,行政违法的责任也随之淡化。而学界肯定行政诉讼调解制度的理由如行政裁量权的存在、中国无讼厌讼传统、外国存在相关制度等,均无法成立。由此,中国在当下不应建立行政诉讼调解制度。  相似文献   
基于山东省果蔬种植户的实地调查数据,采用内生转换回归模型(ESR)与因果中介分析模型(CMA),从社会化服务供给异质性视角检验了参加合作社对农户家庭务农收入的影响效果及作用机理。结果表明:参加合作社具有明显的促农增收效应;合作社的社会化服务有效供给对成员家庭务农收入的提升存在显著的因果中介效应,其中金融信贷服务、技术培训服务和生产流程服务对成员家庭务农收入提升的平均因果中介效应依次递增;尚无证据表明产品销售服务对成员务农收入存在显著影响。因此,在引导和鼓励农户加入合作社的同时,应重视强化合作社的社会化服务功能,适度扩大合作社的社会化服务供给规模。  相似文献   
Mediation and moderation are two theories for refining and understanding a causal relationship. Empirical investigation of mediators and moderators requires an integrated research design rather than the data analyses driven approach often seen in the literature. This paper described the conceptual foundation, research design, data analysis, as well as inferences involved in a mediation and/or moderation investigation in both experimental and non-experimental (i.e., correlational) contexts. The essential distinctions between the investigation of mediators and moderators were summarized and juxtaposed in an example of a causal relationship between test difficulty and test anxiety. In addition, the more elaborate models, moderated mediation and mediated moderation, the use of structural equation models, and the problems with model misspecification were discussed conceptually.
Bruno D. ZumboEmail:
《Long Range Planning》2022,55(4):102220
We examine both mediation and moderation effects on the direct relationship between internationalization speed and firm performance in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Building on prior studies that focus either on the direct speed–performance linkage or the moderating role played by knowledge, we suggest that an important source of performance variations is organizational learning. Grounded in the organizational learning perspective, we argue that firm strategies regarding speed and earliness of internationalization provide the SMEs with opportunities to develop their absorptive capacity, and thus enhance their performance. Using survey data from 343 SMEs in Australia and New Zealand, our empirical results suggest that absorptive capacity is associated with internationalization speed in a reversed U-shape relationship and that in turn absorptive capacity mediates the direct speed–performance relationship. Moreover, this mediating effect is moderated by earliness of internationalization. By demonstrating the moderated mediating effect of absorptive capacity as a novel mechanism to achieving superior performance, we enhance the understanding of how firms succeed internationally.  相似文献   
设立刑事和解制度的主要目的在于维护被害人权益,在我国构建该制度具有必要性和可行性。结合我国司法现状,应从适用领域、对象、条件等方面构建刑事和解制度。当然,在具体运用该制度时应注意做到刑事和解方式的多样化等。  相似文献   
乡土社会调解的法律文化学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调解一直是我国乡土社会重要的解纷方式,本文基于法律文化视角,从乡土社会的传统文化基础、现实法律文化背景以及国外解纷发展趋势三个方面,思考了在我国法治化进程中,调解在乡土社会解纷体系中的地位,认为在建构我国多元化的解纷体系时,应重视调解解纷机制的作用。  相似文献   
民间调解的困境和出路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为调解的一种重要形式,民间调解曾经在纠纷解决领域占有举足轻重的地位。在我国进入“诉讼时代”后,民间调解受到压制和质疑,面临困境。然而,面对越来越多的社会纠纷,诉讼已不堪重负,构建包括民间调解在内的多元化纠纷解决机制是必不可少的而且意义重大。本文分析了造成当前民间调解困境的诸多原因,探索了社会转型期民间调解重构的路径与方法等,使其与诉讼方式相得益彰,以发挥民间调解应有的不容忽视的优势和作用。  相似文献   
文章从科学发展观的角度出发,探讨语言力学里的关于语言力和心理调节之间的关系。语言力学是一个新概念。语言力可以用来调节自己或者对方的心理,并且可以用来解决人们之间的纠纷和争端。  相似文献   
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