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历代注家对〈论语·颜渊〉篇"片言可以折狱,其由也与.子路无宿诺"一章的注释大致可以分为三种:1.孔子美子路可以只凭单方面的言辞断案,因为子路是一个信守承诺的人.2.孔子美子路三言两语就可以断清一个案子,"子路无宿诺"应另作一章,与前文没有关联.3.孔子美子路笃信不欺,只听子路单方面的言辞就可以对一件事情作出判断.大多数注家都倾向于第一种理解.由于只听单方面的言辞就断案,这实在不合常理,因此也引来很多质疑.通读〈论语〉全书,结合历史事实,第三种注解更为符合事实.  相似文献   
渠道制胜是现代市场营销的新观念.通过对广东省高州市根子镇柏桥村荔农的入户抽样调查,发现导致其荔枝增产不增收的关键因素在于渠道单一、组织松散、冲突频繁且缺乏促使相互信任产生的交流沟通平台等方面.为此,从加强荔农教育着手,通过创新种植模式、加大关系专用性资产投资、搭建信息交流平台等措施,尝试构建了基于信任特征的荔农营销渠道.  相似文献   
通过分析实行“新两规”的政策本意,探讨实施“新两规”对信托业以及信托会计核算的影响,并从核算时效和核算质量两个方面提出信托公司应对会计核算变化的措施。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question of bankruptcy and honesty in local contexts, and especially the problem of the bankrupt small businessman in conveying ‘honesty’ to the local community. Studying bankrupt entrepreneurs, the analysis explores a tacit dialogue between the failed businessmen and the small town communities where they live and work. The bankrupts respond to their seemingly mistrustful surroundings by demonstrating their respect for the dividing line between two social categories of money: ‘company money’ and ‘family money’. This discursive resource expresses business ethics and respectability, both essential for the bankrupt entrepreneur to start another business in the local community. The empirical material in the study consists of interviews with 22 businessmen who had created small businesses and experienced at least one bankruptcy, half of them in small towns. The entrepreneurs were found through court records and word of mouth. Interviews were conducted by the author and by graduate students from the Department of Sociology in Lund. All interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim.  相似文献   
在增进政府与公民社会的合作过程中,应开发利用信任资源。信任的秩序功能随着人类社会的发展而增强,到后工业社会发展为人类合作的主导模式,合作型信任为合理社会秩序的构建提供了充分的社会支持。以后工业化与全球化时代的政府治理模式作为研究立足点,良性善治的社会治理模式需要合作信任作为其文化建设体系与社会整合机制。  相似文献   
本文应用Berry等(1995)[2]提出的离散选择需求模型和差异产品的伯川德竞争模型,并利用淘宝网上的交易数据,对声誉、消费者保障计划、保修服务及信息披露四种信号策略在网上交易中的作用进行了实证研究。需求估计结果表明消费者保障计划中的"7天无理由退换货"计划以及保修服务可以作为产品质量的信号;而在其他有效信号策略存在的情况下,消费者保障计划中的"先行赔付"计划以及卖家声誉作为质量信号的作用则被削弱。成本分析表明,信息披露虽然可以提高消费者购买的可能性,但是由于发出信号的成本太低,容易被低质量卖家所模仿,因此并不能作为有效的质量信号。本文首次从供给和需求两个方面分析了信号机制在信息不对称情况下的效应及其作用机制。  相似文献   
应用信任理论,以诚信因素作为内生变量构建银企信贷风险决策模型,对银企信贷合约进行了进化博弈分析,推导出维持信贷合作的最低信用度底线及合作周期,证明了在投资环境不确定性增加合约实现难度的条件下,利用诚信因素调整银企之间的合作机制,使信贷合约实现双赢的局面。  相似文献   
Teun Terpstra 《Risk analysis》2011,31(10):1658-1675
Despite the prognoses of the effects of global warming (e.g., rising sea levels, increasing river discharges), few international studies have addressed how flood preparedness should be stimulated among private citizens. This article aims to predict Dutch citizens’ flood preparedness intentions by testing a path model, including previous flood hazard experiences, trust in public flood protection, and flood risk perceptions (both affective and cognitive components). Data were collected through questionnaire surveys in two coastal communities (n= 169, n= 244) and in one river area community (n= 658). Causal relations were tested by means of structural equation modeling (SEM). Overall, the results indicate that both cognitive and affective mechanisms influence citizens’ preparedness intentions. First, a higher level of trust reduces citizens’ perceptions of flood likelihood, which in turn hampers their flood preparedness intentions (cognitive route). Second, trust also lessens the amount of dread evoked by flood risk, which in turn impedes flood preparedness intentions (affective route). Moreover, the affective route showed that levels of dread were especially influenced by citizens’ negative and positive emotions related to their previous flood hazard experiences. Negative emotions most often reflected fear and powerlessness, while positive emotions most frequently reflected feelings of solidarity. The results are consistent with the affect heuristic and the historical context of Dutch flood risk management. The great challenge for flood risk management is the accommodation of both cognitive and affective mechanisms in risk communications, especially when most people lack an emotional basis stemming from previous flood hazard events.  相似文献   
消费信任发生机制探索——一项基于中国本土的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信任是促进消费者购买的关键因素之一。本研究在梳理以信任为研究主题的文献基础上,对消费信任的发生机制进行探索,编制了消费信任发生机制的量表,并运用此量表调查了中国7个省市和地区的529名消费者,采用结构方程模型检验消费信任的发生机制模型。结果表明,声望和理性计算结果对消费信任的产生具有重要影响,消费者做决策时对刻板印象的偏好及其对商家的认同也对消费信任具有显著影响。  相似文献   
李慧 《现代交际》2011,(4):66-67
网络交际现今已经成为很多人生活的一部分,通过网络空间人们交流更加便捷,更加丰富。网络交际对我们的现实社会文化和人际交流有着深刻的影响和冲击。网络交际弱化了文化因素对交际主体角色的制约和影响;网络交际的开放性使不同文化的人更容易交流和相互认同,弱化了本土文化对人际交往的影响;网络交际形成的特殊文化,引起了文化的碰撞和交融;网络交际的不真实性加剧了人与人的信任危机;网络交际信息与真实信息的差异,及网络上对他人隐私的侵害给日常生活交际带来了不利的影响。  相似文献   
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