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激励在复杂产品供应链中对主供协同合作关系及质量控制发挥了重要作用。本文研究基于主制造商在复杂产品生产研发前按照客户要求形成的质量意识的激励策略是否可以实现复杂产品质量控制问题。考虑具有质量意识的主制造商和其系统供应商组成的两级供应链,建立以主制造商为领导者的Stackelberg博弈模型,分别讨论无激励和存在激励时的主供生产最优决策。基于激励方式的不同,将激励策略分为根据供应商产品质量水平激励以及根据主制造商质量意识水平激励两种方式。研究结果表明激励是供应商加强协同合作、改进产品质量的内在动力,主制造商根据质量意识激励供应商可以进一步促使双方协同合作,提高产品质量,使双方获得更高的利润从而实现供应链整体利润最大化。此外用灵敏度分析发现提高主制造商质量意识水平可以增加双方协同合作努力程度,有效提升产品质量水平并实现帕累托改进。  相似文献   
A critical need exists to challenge approaches to nursing home care due to rigid organizational factors and hospital-like culture. It has been argued that resident care needs to move toward a person-centered approach by addressing the organizational, social, and physical environments in nursing home facilities, a process often known as culture change. In response to this need, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has created funding for pay for performance (P4P) nursing home incentive programs to allow nursing home providers to receive CMS reimbursements for culture change in the facilities. Through care staff interviews, site observations, and a document review, this qualitative study assesses the impact of a Midwestern state P4P incentive program in three participating nursing homes. Using an environment and behavior (E-B) policy orientation framework, this study examines culture change through a focus on policy, the physical environment, place attachment, and social and psychological processes in the study settings.  相似文献   
This article develops an analysis of the concept of disciplinary neo-liberal feminism through a focus on gendered poverty alleviation strategies and illustrates the value of this through a discussion of microfinance. By locating this study within an analysis of the expansion of global capital accumulation, the article argues that the liberal frameworks of female empowerment and entrepreneurialism that are central to these programs and to feminism in this form, mask their underlying political, social and economic objectives. In contrast, a Marxist Feminist approach more adequately explains the interplay of class and gender that underpins poverty alleviation strategies. This article argues that in the context of financial crisis and reduced social provision, women living in poverty in the Global South were identified as targets for the expansion of global finance. Their integration into global financial networks via microfinance and other pro-poor strategies has facilitated the expansion of markets for credit while at the same time disciplining market participation through the twin forces of risk and incentive. Disciplinary neo-liberal feminism has underpinned this incorporation of women into global capital accumulation creating profound effects for households and families, with microfinance programs representing important sites of contestation for the politics of class and gender.  相似文献   
新冠疫情期间,企业为了缓解各方面压力,探索出"共享员工"新型用工形式,具体表现为企业间共享模式、用工单位直接与劳动者签订劳务合同以及在第三方介入下实现员工共享。中央及地方政府也纷纷推出鼓励"共享员工"发展的政策。但是"共享员工"制度是否能在常时条件下成为一种用工形式仍存在一系列问题。"共享员工"制度常态化的可能性应从其对劳务派遣制度"三性"的突破、对传统员工借调主体范围的扩大以及对共享经济用工模式的补充等方面分析。"共享员工"制度实现常态化需要以平台经济为依托,借助政府监督机构,对其他用工制度的不足进行修复式移用。  相似文献   
本文以沪深两市上市公司为研究对象,基于2012-2016年的样本数据,运用STATA14探讨了上市公司发生股权质押后,相较不存在股权质押的公司是否会更有可能进行市值管理,以及股权质押、股权激励和市值管理三者之间的传导机制。基于相关数据的实证结果显示,控股股东在发生股权质押行为后,为了避免股价发生异常波动或者持续下跌从而引发公司治理层面的风险,相较不存在控股股东股权质押情形的公司的确更有可能进行市值管理;进一步分析发现,股权质押后,控股股东会通过股权激励这种手段来进行市值管理。  相似文献   
Whether participation in active labour market programmes (ALMPs) pushes individuals back into employment depends on the programme's characteristics. On the basis of encompassing registry data that allow us to control for usually unobserved employability, we find evidence of a systematic access bias whereby jobcentre caseworkers in Switzerland assign unemployed persons to activation measures based on a competition logic that is mainly driven by an economic rationale and the jobcentre's performance evaluation. This practice seems problematic because it results in an overrepresentation of immigrants in measures with little efficacy rather than in measures that could compensate for employability disadvantages. Conversely, Swiss citizens are more likely to enter beneficial human-capital-intensive measures. It is plausible that this discrepancy in programme participation amplifies the general labour market disadvantages of immigrants.  相似文献   
O2O外卖作为"互联网+"时代下的新型餐饮模式,日益受到人们的关注。本文研究的O2O外卖服务供应链由一个O2O外卖平台、一个餐饮商家和一个配送骑手构成。O2O外卖平台决策平台的服务质量努力和服务费用,餐饮商家决策产品价格,骑手决策配送服务质量努力程度,同时会受到来自平台或商家的服务质量激励。通过分析商家配送、平台配送和商家自建平台+配送三种运营模式,分别构建O2O外卖服务供应链成员的利润函数,运用博弈理论,优化得到不同模式下O2O外卖服务供应链成员的最优质量控制策略和最优利润。利用公式推导和对比分析,分别探讨了骑手激励金额上限和市场规模对服务供应链最优策略和最优利润的影响。通过数值仿真,可得结论:服务供应链各成员利润均随着市场规模的增大而增大,随着骑手激励金额上限的增加而先增大后减少。当市场规模较小时,平台配送模式下商家最优利润最大。而当市场规模较大时,商家自建平台+配送模式下商家最优利润最大。  相似文献   
当今,知识和信息技术的价值化和产业化使得一般人类劳动出现了体力劳动和脑力劳动的分化,且有不同的价值体现,故马克思提出的简单劳动和复杂劳动需要重新定义,将体力劳动定义为简单劳动,脑力劳动定义为复杂劳动。简单劳动是一次耗费,一次凝结并物化到劳动产品的价值中,而复杂劳动是整体或连续性的凝结到知识及与知识相关的产品中。简单劳动和复杂劳动的价值测度模型表明:在完美市场状态下,如果简单劳动的社会劳动生产率提高,那么复杂劳动者的价值也会相应提高。据此,我国要建立健全劳动力市场,就要注重劳动的平等性,对于复杂劳动要建立长效的报酬机制,鼓励创新和社会价值的提升;对于简单劳动要建立充分的竞争机制,给予简单劳动者二次分配后的社会福利与收入补贴。  相似文献   
职业病病人的人身损害通常具有缓发性、不可逆等特质。《职业病防治法》第58、59条分别规定了工伤保险待遇给付请求权和人身损害赔偿请求权。工伤保险待遇在本质上属于人身损害补偿,如要实现损害之全部填补,职业病病人可以选择从契约关系、侵权行为、保险契约、法律之特别规定等视角,以仲裁或诉讼方式请求用人单位予以人身损害赔偿。  相似文献   
针对煤炭企业人员流失风险的复杂性和不确定性,建立了基于组合赋权未确知测度(UM)的综合评价模型。在应用AHM-信息熵确定风险评价因素权重的基础上,采用未确知测度方法对煤炭企业内不同职能的人力资源进行分析,评价出风险等级。最后运用实例证明了组合赋权的有效性和评价模型的可靠性,为企业的风险管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   
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