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当今世界正处于“百年未有之大变局”中。这是中国共产党对于世界新的时代特征的全新、科学和准确的研判。“百年未有之大变局”这一重大论断,具有深厚的马克思主义哲学的本体论基础、认识论基础、矛盾论基础和历史观基础。作为科学世界观与方法论,马克思主义哲学的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为我们深刻认识和精准把握“百年未有之大变局”的深层本质和哲学依据提供了重要的认知性引导、方法论基础和实践智慧支撑。  相似文献   

We introduce four papers comprising a Themed Section for this issue of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, which together ‘Make the Case for Qualitative Interviews’. Here our aim is to show how this collection provides a timely contribution to key debates concerning the value of qualitative interviews, particularly as these are employed and analysed in much recent social scientific thinking. We explore ways to move beyond recent, sometimes constraining and occasionally dismissive, approaches to interviews in the social sciences through reframing and reconfiguring central questions germane to these debates. We also seek to challenge a broader neo-liberal trend towards valuing quantitative over depth qualitative research. Through this Introduction, and the collection of papers that follows, we seek to re-establish the value of qualitative interviews by shifting the focus from a preoccupation with what interviews can be said to do, towards questions centring on what can be done with interviews.  相似文献   
在科学发现逻辑受制于描述性的传统研究路径,经历衰落和缓慢复苏的大背景之下,计算知识论为科学发现逻辑提供了一个全新的规范性研究框架。该框架不仅为科学发现逻辑做了系统性辩护,而且围绕发现问题的可解性做了许多规范性讨论。虽然其有关具体规范性的研究距离现实的科学发现仍然较远,但这一路径对未来发现逻辑研究走向的启发意义毋庸置疑。  相似文献   
作为包含着马克思主义新世界观的天才萌芽的第一个文件,《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》吸引了国内外众多学者的研究目光。《提纲》第一条作为全文的总论,集中体现了马克思主义哲学的伟大变革;第二条不仅是马克思主义认识论革命性变革的成果,同时具有重要的历史观意义;第三条探讨了人与环境、教育的相互关系;第四至十条可以看做是对新唯物主义历史观的论述和对费尔巴哈哲学的彻底批判;第十一条彰显着马克思主义哲学的本质特征和马克思人生的真实写照。  相似文献   
This article first argues that the social sciences need to be decolonized, as the current epistemologies and research methodologies are too narrowly based on the European and North American experiences and hence unable to adequately capture non-European experiences and realities. I then argue that decolonizing dominant social science epistemology means freeing it from its Aristotelian foundation. The next step undertaken is to discuss five non-Western epistemologies from West Africa, China, Melanesia, India, and South America. Building on the work of Jimi Adesina (2002), I find that all five share a fuzzy perception of reality, allowing for statements that are non-exclusive, non-discrete, and hence fuzzy. I propose an operationalization of these fuzzy epistemologies by applying Charles Ragin's Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fscqa).  相似文献   
This article details one teacher preparation course centering Latin American Testimonio narratives of struggle/survival amid structural oppression for use in secondary curriculum. As our class of predominantly Latina/o students and two Latina instructors engaged Testimonio pedagogy, we fashioned a hopeful alternative to our own experiences of intergenerational oppression. While research indicates that the experiences and histories of pre-service Teachers of Color lend pedagogical strength and critical consciousness to teacher education, three Latina pre-service students highlight the ways in which Testimonio became more than a pedagogical approach. Testimonio’s collectivity, resistance, hope, and assertions of voice and dignity moved through them not as educators first but as (great-grand)daughters of oppressed though still-resilient People(s). Testimonio emboldened these Latina pre-service educators to recognize and validate their own inherited multiliteracies, (re)claim their connectedness to land, and articulate their visions for more equitable schooling. This work advances research into the essentiality of engaging race and ethnicity in K-12 and teacher education curriculum and pedagogy.  相似文献   
金岳霖没有直接回答何谓知识,但揭示了知识事实是关系事实,知识等同于真命题。他立足于常识,肯定知识之有,回答了知识的可能问题和知识的限制问题,但又明确指出他的知识论不涉及这两个问题。当代知识论学家在普遍接受柏拉图知识概念的同时,通过回应盖蒂尔挑战来完善传统的知识概念。为此,他们提出了无假信念条件、挫败条件、可靠性理论、结论性理由以及因果理论等方案。但是,这些方案无法弥补传统知识概念的不足和缺陷。金岳霖的知识概念与当代知识论中的知识概念有许多相同之处,但也存在明显区别。后者主要表现为金岳霖和当代知识论学家对知识有无明确的定义、知识的构成要素、怀疑论的挑战、知识概念的分析方法等方面持有不同观点。  相似文献   
技术设计是运用设计理论和方法,在创制和改造技术人工物的过程中,把思维中的技术构思规范化、定量化,把它们以标准的图纸或说明书的形式展现出来的创造性活动。技术设计是解决技术问题的关键,通过分析问题、综合取舍、实践评估等环节使得抽象的技术认识得以形象化、具体化,从而形成切实的技术问题解决方案。在不同的认识情形下,技术设计或者被当作一个黑箱,或者被当作一个白箱,或者被当作一个系统,这三种不同的设计方式分别反映出技术设计的创造性、合理性和过程控制。  相似文献   
研究群知识的形式模型有助于澄清抽象的哲学概念以及概念之间的关系。然而,目前群知识的形式化的处理方法和哲学所讨论的群知识是相脱离的。对群知识的形式化的定义可称为集体知识,是关于公共问题的分布知识以及公共知识和全分布知识之间的桥梁。所有的知识都是基于对主体的不同概念的区分而获得的。为了对认知群和集体知识进行模型,需要引入新的克里普模型,即认知群模型。定义一个好的群知识有助于对基于群知识的更高层次的哲学讨论。  相似文献   
Lynn Badia 《Cultural Studies》2016,30(6):969-1000
This paper offers a new interpretation of Émile Durkheim's The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912) as the basis for reconsidering the Tarde–Durkheim debate of 1903 and the distinctions between a theory of social force and a theory of social assemblage. Resisting traditional interpretations of Durkheim's scientism, this essay traces how concepts of force and energy are centrally developed in Elementary Forms to draw new lines between epistemology to ontology for twentieth-century theory. I argue that Durkheim develops an ‘energetic epistemology’ that conceives of the human capacity for shared meaning as a product of invested energy in the form of continually enacted and evolving material practice, thought, and attention. According to Durkheim, when a member of a collective perceives a god or feels belief, he or she actually perceives the accumulated energy of on-going creation and maintenance of objects and ideas by members of a collective. Sacred objects, images, and ideas bear the trace of collective energy the more they are carefully crafted, maintained in spaces that are specially arranged, and written into behavioural codes. This reading of Durkheim allows us to consider him in a lineage of social constructivists and, particularly, in relation to Ludwik Fleck, who has been largely confined to different theoretical discussions when his contributions to sociology have been acknowledged at all. By reconsidering Durkheim, we have occasion to rethink his sociology and understand how he redrew the lines between thought and action, between epistemology and ontology, through the material framework of energy and force.  相似文献   
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