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Scholars have highlighted the use of punishment as a tool to defend laws and norms, deter deviance, and restore justice in the aftermath of organizational misconduct. However, current theory and research primarily draw on a micro-oriented lens to understand how punishment occurs in response to deviant actors within organizations, neglecting macro-oriented questions of whether and how organizations are punished for their misconduct. We review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties. We then develop a mezzo-lens framework motivated at the intersection of micro- and macro-perspectives on organizational misconduct to shed light on opportunities for theoretical expansion by crossing levels of analysis.  相似文献   
“一带一路”宏伟蓝图下,我国承接沿线国家工程项目业务已成为常态。中国海外项目经理是建筑企业开拓国际工程承包市场的中坚力量,建筑企业要想在“一带一路”国际市场中搏击长空,加强海外项目经理职业化建设乃当务之急。项目依据海外项目经理的岗位职责,从德、能、勤三方面总结影响海外项目经理职业化水平的各个因素,并结合几何平均法和TOPSIS法进行中国海外项目经理职业化水平测评研究。  相似文献   
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Brazil took advantage of its economically and politically privileged position to challenge global normative structures. In 2004, the concept of “non-indifference” was integrated into the Brazilian vocabulary of foreign policy, justifying and legitimating the country’s acceptance of the invitation to command the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). On the one hand, non-indifference can be read as a discursive maneuver that enabled Brazil to accommodate its non-interventionist agenda to an old geopolitical game, given the pressure imposed upon “global players” to respond effectively and assertively to threats to international peace and security. On the other hand, the “Brazilian way” could also be seen as an alternative to a highly masculinized geopolitical approach to international security. This paper explores possible limitations, tensions and/or opportunities that emerge from the encounter between a feminist diplomatic agenda and a masculinizing ordering of the international space. It does so by contrasting Brazil’s ambition for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the club of powerful states, with Brazil’s diplomatic and military performance during MINUSTAH, widely evaluated as a success due to characteristics such as solidarity, generosity, flexibility and the “warm conviviality” of Brazilian culture.  相似文献   
国际法在长期的实践当中存在着价值理性弱化的困境,价值理性的趋弱使得国际社会忽视国际法在国际治理中的地位,人类命运共同体理念的出世为国际法价值理性的增进带来曙光。当前人类命运共同体理念已初具影响力,国内政策报告已有初步的系统阐述,该理念在联合国决议中多次出现,表明人类命运共同体在为国际法提供"价值指向"方面有极大的发展潜力。人类命运共同体语言系统中的诸多表述对于国际法价值理性的增进皆有启示意义,从内部形态塑造来看,该理念对于"善治"价值中的"合法性""善意遵守"皆有指导性的表述,从外部环境改良来看,该理念可与"合作"价值下的风险防范、角色定位两方面相联结。为确立具备可操作性的国际法价值理性增进路径,中国、国际组织乃至全球国家都需要扮演好相应的角色,为在人类命运共同体指引下增进国际法的价值理性而努力。  相似文献   
从章公祖师佛像跨国追索诉讼主体资格问题切入,分析佛像的法律性质,探讨涉案物权准据法的确定及适用问题。该案原告应由阳春村全体村民担任。涉案佛像属于文物,建议村民在荷兰法院提起原物返还之诉。受案法院应当适用物权冲突法确定准据法,即可能适用中国内地、中国香港或荷兰法律。被告在购买时应当对涉案佛像来源产生合理怀疑,因此不构成“善意”;原告应尽可能搜集证据证明《荷兰民法典》规定的20年消灭时效因起诉而中断。依据《香港货品售卖条例》和中国内地物权法理论与实践,被告均不能取得系争佛像的所有权。  相似文献   
国际政治的参与情境决定行动者的博弈行为类型,参与情境变迁将导致行动者行为发生变化。能源安全是国家对外政策的核心议题之一。1973年爆发的第一次石油危机,凸显了能源安全问题的重要性,改变了二战后国际能源政治的参与情境,构建了行动者新的博弈类型,调整了国际能源政治行动者的博弈策略。为了有效应对国际能源政治的情境变迁,美国通过协调与其他国家的能源关系,设置能源安全国际议程,最终确定了新的国际能源秩序。当前,我国在积极参与国际能源合作的过程中,第一次石油危机后国际能源政治的情境变迁以及国际社会的应对策略具有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
当前基因编辑技术发展迅速,引起各国政府、学术界和企业界的广泛关注。但从近期“基因编辑婴儿”事件来看,基因编辑技术的伦理问题仍须厘清,我国现行法律尚不完善。通过保护基因编辑婴儿隐私、切实发挥伦理委员会作用、加快相关立法工作,我们或可更好地解决基因编辑技术背后的伦理和人权问题。  相似文献   
开发区是我国改革开放进程中重要的"制度安排",在制度转型、市场机制培育、产业结构升级和带动地区经济增长等方面发挥着引领示范作用,但同时也存在政策效应边际递减、土地资源浪费、创新不足等诸多问题.梳理我国开发区过去三十多年的发展经验和不足,并展望其未来定位是一项重要的研究课题.在详细讨论我国开发区的缘起、动力机制、发展阶段、功能演变、面临问题的基础上,文章从制度安排、比较优势、产业集聚和商业环境四个方面总结了我国开发区取得的成功经验.未来,开发区的发展应实现从生产到生活、从效率到公平、从地的繁荣到人的繁荣、从外围到中心、从专业化到多样化、从高速增长到高质量发展、从对外开放到国内国际双循环等方面的转变.  相似文献   
梅英  彭海林 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):64-70, 118-121
缅北动荡局势下,我国中缅边境地区面临传统安全与非传统安全双重威胁。从前期系列缅北冲突导致的问题处理经验看,我国中缅边境地区安全应对体系建设在预防意识的主动性、应急制度的协调性、应急体系的系统性方面仍有待进一步提升。立足中缅边境地区安全问题的特殊性,其应对可从立足跨境民族众多的实情主动应对、立足边境安全事件的复杂性系统应对、立足边疆经济的落后性持续应对等方面予以加强。  相似文献   
The arrival of Trump in the White House does not augur well for the long-run prospects of the US economy. The protectionism that is gathering steam under his presidency may yield some short-term gains, but at the detriment of the long-run. Examining the discontent among ordinary voters that brought Trump to power, this paper argues that this should be treated as an opportunity for a major regulatory reform. With the advance of digital technology, we have increasing returns to scale, and that, in turn, is making our antitrust laws backfire and hurt the well-being of ordinary people, thereby sowing discontent. The paper builds a simple model to illustrate this and makes the case for revoking the older antitrust laws and replacing them with some simple profit-sharing rules at the level of the firm, and the economy.  相似文献   
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