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Scholars have highlighted the use of punishment as a tool to defend laws and norms, deter deviance, and restore justice in the aftermath of organizational misconduct. However, current theory and research primarily draw on a micro-oriented lens to understand how punishment occurs in response to deviant actors within organizations, neglecting macro-oriented questions of whether and how organizations are punished for their misconduct. We review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties. We then develop a mezzo-lens framework motivated at the intersection of micro- and macro-perspectives on organizational misconduct to shed light on opportunities for theoretical expansion by crossing levels of analysis.  相似文献   
检察机关提起环境行政公益诉讼,是促进行政机关履行环境保护职责的重要方式.环境行政公益诉讼涉及检察机关、法院和行政机关三个机关,需要处理好司法权与行政权之间的关系.一方面,环境司法具有能动性,容易导致司法权与行政权之间的冲突;另一方面,基于司法有限性与环境法行政实施的特征,需要重视司法谦抑性问题.而如何认识环境行政公益诉讼的谦抑性,需要从理论和实践的维度进行分析.在检察机关提出环境行政诉讼时,应当尊重行政机关的首次管辖权、重视行政公益诉讼的诉前程序、尊重行政自由裁量权、重视行政不能问题.当然,这种谦抑并不是绝对的,为有效发挥行政公益诉讼的功能,应当把握好这种谦抑性的限度,通过明确强制诉讼范围、确定实体性裁判的要件、尊重诉讼和解等方式来处理好司法谦抑与司法监督的关系.  相似文献   

The article presents a study of how U.S. social work educators are including discussion, exercises, readings, and other pedagogical approaches to the natural environment into their classrooms. The findings are part of a larger, naturalistic study that gathered data using a semi-structured interview format. The three major themes that emerged were human behavior theory, ecological and environmental justice, and environmental sustainability. The participants are introducing issues of the natural environment using varied pedagogical techniques including readings, in-class discussions and exercises, service learning, assignments, including written and practical work, research, self-awareness exercises, and class facilitation. Questions for further investigation of social work and the natural environment are included.  相似文献   
新生代农民工过于频繁的离职行为导致企业用工成本上升,同时也阻碍了农民工的城市融入进程.基于组织支持和互惠理论,采用问卷调查的方式,实证检验了组织支持感、城市融入感及互惠与新生代农民工离职意愿之间的关系与作用机制.研究结果表明,组织支持感负向影响新生代农民工的离职意愿,城市融入感在其中起到了中介作用.同时,新生代农民工的互惠倾向对城市融入感与离职意愿的关系具有强化调节作用,并进一步调节城市融入感在组织支持感与离职意愿之间的中介作用,也即新生代农民工的互惠水平越高,城市融入感的中介作用越强.文章首次测度了新生代农民工的互惠倾向,并且验证了微观企业的组织支持能够促进新生代农民工的城市融入.研究结论为用工企业更好地理解新生代农民工心理行为机制,从而建立有效的管理措施提供了理论指导,同时为寻找新生代农民工城市融入的实现路径提供了依据.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect of the professional, technical and relational background (human and social capital) of outside directors on promoting firm CSR disclosure. Following the Hillman et al. (2000) taxonomy of board members, we classify outside directors as business experts, support specialists and community influential, and examine whether business and technical expertise or political ties in the boardroom affect CSR disclosure.This study confirms that not all outside directors are equally effective in improving CSR disclosure and that only certain kinds of outside directors, those classified as support specialists, help promote it. On the other hand, our findings also show that directors with previous experience as politicians affect CSR disclosure negatively, probably due to their interests in safeguarding their reputation within the company, in avoiding public scrutiny and in protecting their political connections. In addition, our set of analysis with interaction effects reveals that powerful CEOs have the incentive to promote CSR-related strategies and to convince business experts and support specialist directors to enhance profitable sustainability strategies and transparency in CSR disclosure. Nevertheless, the powerful CEO effect is not enough to compensate the negative role of political directors on CSR reporting. Therefore, this paper supports the theories in favor of analyzing the multiple configurations of corporate governance mechanisms by adopting a holistic approach, and the need to combine these configurations in order to analyze their impact on CSR behavior.  相似文献   
On 18 December 2015, the spatial planning bill was finally passed by the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan. That was a special moment for planning community and authority since they had anticipated this moment for more than two decades. However, this is not the end of the story. On the contrary, the battle between the economic development promoters and environmental conservation supporters just starts. The Act introduces several new changes to secure its goal of nationwide sustainable development, but the introduction also raises some tensions. This article reviews the tensions and their socio-political context, and gives some suggestions to the Taiwanese government.  相似文献   
随着智慧社会的到来,人工智能体广泛应用于社会各个领域,智能水平不断提升,与之相关的犯罪问题逐渐走向理论和实践的焦点。人工智能体冲击着刑法教义学主体和客体相区分的二元结构,引发了广泛的讨论和争议。探讨人工智能体的刑法地位应当改变混同分析主体性和能力性的思路,区分不法和责任两个层面进行研究。应基于人工智能的发展阶段,明确现阶段人工智能体仍然属于弱人工智能,因此其无法成为犯罪人或被害人,也无法具备责任能力或承担刑事责任。但是人工智能体日益可能成为犯罪对象,与之相关的自然人和法人犯罪也应当受到重视。探讨人工智能相关的刑法问题应当立足于教义学的基本立场与理论范式。  相似文献   
新时代培育民族复兴大任的时代新人,必须提升大学生的担当精神,以建设一支有担当、敢担当的时代新人队伍,这是应对时代诉求与历史使命的必由之路。然而,大学生的担当精神培育既面对着认知新的历史方位、奋力托举中国梦与应对新“忧患”的时代诉求;又要面对围观的看客心态、非科学的失衡心理、认知偏颇的冲击。因此,把担当精神摆在育人的重要位置,从升级育人内容、优化育人环境等几个关键教育环节着手,营造崇德向善、力争担当的社会风尚,将担当精神培育生活化、长效化,进而不断增强大学生的担当意识与担当力。  相似文献   

Are female and male trainees similar or different in their reaction to training programmes, specifically regarding their subjective task value and motivation to transfer? According to the gender similarities hypothesis, women and men are alike on most psychological variables. However, according to research in organizational behaviour, female and male employees differ on certain aspects, such as their job satisfaction and work identity. To test these two views on gender similarities and differences in the context of human resource development and training evaluation, the present study examined the extent to which gender moderated reactions to training. Based on the expectancy-value theory of motivation and self-determination theory, a web-based questionnaire was used to measure six training reactions: intrinsic value, attainment value, utility value, perceived relative cost, autonomous motivation to transfer, and controlled motivation to transfer. The results indicated that women and men differed in their ratings of attainment value but were similar for the remaining five reaction measures. These outcomes support the gender similarities hypothesis. The findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications for modelling gender effects in HRD research and their practical significance for promoting training effectiveness and transfer of training.  相似文献   
如何将环境影响评价与排污许可等环境治理工具进行互动与衔接是未来环境治理制度改革的关键。两种制度在现时的环境下都存在各自的问题及相应的变革路径。两种不同的变革路径却有着共同的价值需求,即环境影响评价与排污许可的衔接与互动。在衔接的过程中存在的最大的争议就是维持或简化环境影响评价审批,这种衔接思路的差异制造了两种截然相反的制度逻辑:一种以维持环评审批为核心,另一种以简化环评审批为核心。就中国目前的环境影响评价制度改革方向而言,简化环评审批似乎已是不可阻挡之潮流。是否应当以简化环评审批、强调排污许可为目标进行两种制度的衔接。简化环评审批并不等同于弱化环评制度;在环境影响评价与排污许可的衔接构造上,应当遵循的思路:在宏观上,以效益最大化统领全局;在具体操作上,秉持“在简化环境影响评价的大环境中,寻找强化的契机;以排污许可为核心的进程中,夯实衔接的构造”的理念。  相似文献   
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