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历史照亮过去,历史启迪未来。以党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史为核心内容的“四史”教育,是以历史为基础的思想政治教育。从党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史中挖掘思想政治理论课教育资源,对高校传承红色基因、落实立德树人根本任务具有重要的指导意义。以庆祝中国共产党成立100周年为契机,将“四史”教育融入高校思想政治理论课教学,必须遵循相应的逻辑理路:树立正确党史观、坚定理想信念的价值追求是融入的逻辑立场;强化大历史观、理解党的伟大贡献是融入的逻辑方法;坚持内在统一性、把握“四史”教育的整体性逻辑是融入的基本前提;抓住侧重点、精准对接各门大学生思想政治理论课程是融入的逻辑核心;坚持实践逻辑、引导大学生从“四史”中汲取智慧和力量是融入的根本遵循。  相似文献   
The European Union’s (EU) Youth Guarantee aims to improve the labour market situation of young people. Rather than prescribing a uniform policy model, it acknowledges that supportive measures need to align with national, regional and local circumstances. It thus seeks to promote mutual policy learning through the open method of coordination. As an innovative measure, the EU has deployed funding programmes to support the domestic measures related to the Youth Guarantee. We therefore examined in this study whether this mix of recommendations and financial incentives has entailed a convergence of member state policies. Our analysis of policy outputs for the period 2007?2014 yields a mixed empirical picture. There is catching‐up convergence regarding policies’ sectoral coverage but increasing divergence concerning the number of adopted policy instruments. The first two years of financial incentives did not produce any effect on enhancing policy experimentation among less active member states. We offer an optimistic and a pessimistic interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   
构式与其组构成分间的互动关系一直是构式语法关注的核心问题之一。Goldberg在构式语法理论框架中提出了动词与构式的双向互动观,但在实际论述中却过于强调构式对动词的单向压制,降低了动词义对构式生成的贡献,忽略了对构式组构成分的系统研究。以构式与其组构成分间的互动关系为视点,从构式压制与承继的辩证关系出发,进一步阐释图示构式生成是构式与组构成分在互动压制和多重承继合力作用下的结果。同时,基于封闭语料库穷尽分析汉语羡余否定构式"好不X"的特征,结果表明:构式压制与词汇压制是双向互动的;图示构式特征的形成取决于构式对其组构成分的多重动态承继;图示构式基于互动压制承继合力机制的形成。  相似文献   
科技术语在不同语言之间的翻译是一个复杂的语义匹配过程,如何在考虑相关术语使用现状的基础上将新产生的科技术语准确翻译为其它语言是科技工作者和术语研究者关注的重要问题。以语义场理论为分析框架,通过分析以"水资源管理"及其相关术语为代表的英汉互译,结果发现:不同科技术语在同一语义场所涵盖的语义范围将会随着相关研究深化带来的术语界定细化而发生相应的动态变化;新兴科技术语的翻译要充分考虑其所在语义场其它相关科技术语的翻译先例和使用现状所带来的影响,在翻译准确性和解读便利性之间做出适当的平衡。这是造成"水资源管理"及相关术语英汉互译处理极为复杂的重要原因之一,需要科技翻译者在工作实践中多加注意。  相似文献   

The presentation and visual design of the “don’t know” category in rating scales on respondents’ behavior may have ambivalent effects. The hypothesis is that attitude strength toward the topic influences the respondents’ sensitivity to the graphical design of the scale. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire conducted among 307 German university students contained an experimental variation of the presentation of a “don’t know” category and its visual design. A multinomial logistic regression shows that presenting a “don’t know” category drives respondents toward extreme categories. The visual design of the “don’t know” category influences the distribution of responses, all the more that the respondents’ attitudes toward the item topic are weak.  相似文献   
This article considers the cases for and against ‘open access’ regulation of rail and port logistics infrastructure used by ‘bulk’ mining operations, arguing that host governments should proactively impose and then enforce such regulation in almost all cases. The logistics infrastructure needed for this type of mining activity is of critical importance. The costs and potential inefficiencies involved in duplicating such infrastructure confer a significant competitive advantage on its owner in the absence of effective access regulation. In particular, where a first mover develops an ‘integrated’ project incorporating a mine and associated infrastructure, a failure to impose access regulation discourages third‐party investment in mineral exploration and development in the region serviced by the infrastructure, due to the risk of hold‐up by the first mover. An unregulated first mover can also use its infrastructure advantage to capture the state's share of resource rents from the mineral endowment of the region. Open access regulation further benefits host countries by enabling broad‐based economic development through the shared‐use of mining infrastructure with other sectors (e.g., agribusiness). The article highlights contrasting experience with access regulation in Australia: the Pilbara iron ore region has seen protracted disputes involving mining firms and policy‐makers and very few examples of third‐party access, while in the coal region of central Queensland an extensive multi‐user, multi‐purpose railway network operates independently of mining firms. The authors urge governments in sub‐Saharan Africa (in particular) not to underestimate the internal capacity and other challenges associated with developing and enforcing open access regulation of mining infrastructure in a manner that protects their national interests.  相似文献   
自1965年起,美国联邦政府逐渐建立起“三重奏”大学生帮扶项目体系,可视为是对以家庭第一代大学生为代表的低社会经济地位青年文化资本和社会资本储备不足问题的回应。作为该项目体系的三个初始子项目,“攀登极限”“人才发掘”“学生支持服务”主要通过提供学业辅导,帮助准备入学考试,提供各类资助信息并协助学生完成申请程序,提供参与文化活动机会等方式发挥作用。研究表明,“三重奏”体系有效提升了参与学生的录取率、保留率和毕业率。为进一步推进中国高等教育公平,借鉴美国经验,我们应重视对家庭第一代大学生的非经济支持,前置其介入时间并保持连续性,并注意发挥高等学校的主导性作用。  相似文献   
张士引 《北方论丛》2015,(5):141-147
贫困表现为人的基本需要得不到满足,“富裕社会”中的贫困表现为私人生产、物质生产的过剩和公共生产、精神生产的不足。加尔布雷思认为,美国“富裕社会”中贫困的原因是不平衡的“二元经济体系”,只要实行“新社会主义”,实现“计划体系”和“市场体系”的平衡,就能解决“富裕”背后的贫困问题。由于这一设想是以不改变资本主义的经济基础为前提的,所以,只能是一种治标不治本的改良。只有扬弃经济学的“传统智慧”,建构以促进“每个人的自由发展”为目标的“全面生产”经济学,才能从根本上消除“富裕社会”中的贫困问题。  相似文献   
民国学者胡怀琛著有《中国小说研究》、《中国小说概论》、《中国小说的起源与演变》等普及型文学史著作,其研究理念与著述体例有别于鲁迅的《中国小说史略》。胡怀琛的中国小说史学以小说类型为经,以时代为纬,讲求小说学与小说史学的融合互渗,注重把握小说文体演变的内在逻辑与宏大结构。胡怀琛以现代意义的小说观为参照,重新整合经史子集中具有"小说"意味的文本,藉此重新发现中国的"小说",并重建各种历史文本与文类的关联性和有序性。胡怀琛将"长时段"的历史思维与解释方法运用于中国小说史研究,从"形"与"质"两方面勾勒出中国小说历史演化的基本轮廓。  相似文献   
梁永佳 《社会》2020,40(1):164-186
本文从迈克尔·曼“抑制演化”这一人类学命题入手,借用《老子》的某些思想与概念来解读人类学经典案例库拉。作者认为,曼由于材料不足而未能直接使用权力的四个来源解释新石器时代的“抑制演化”问题,而库拉民族志为探讨这一人类学命题提供了机会。《老子》的思想有助于我们较好地解释为何库拉宝物和名望都是“不积”的,为何库拉社会可以保持在“小邦寡民”的非文明状态。“不积”与“小邦寡民”使整个社会限制了四种社会权力的积累,有意保持在“抑制演化”的状态。以《老子》解读库拉,有可能为“抑制演化”这样的人类学经典理论提供一个独特的视角。  相似文献   
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