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以中国知网(CNKI)为数据源,借助CiteSpace软件对国内体裁视域的有关学术期刊摘要进行关键词聚类分析。分析发现,现有研究主要基于ESP学派体裁理论,以语料库为研究工具,体裁教学法为研究热点。此外,针对当前研究不足提出建议:未来研究者在收集研究对象时,应该着眼于更加细致的学科区分,并在充分利用现代研究工具的基础上,扩大研究样本容量,深化研究内容,创新研究理论,并尝试从不同视角对现象进行深入的原因剖析。  相似文献   
运用体裁分析理论,基于115万形符的自建医学实证论文英文摘要语料库,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,从宏观层面分析医学实证论文摘要的体裁,从微观层面归纳每个语步和语阶的语言体现方式。结果表明,医学实证论文的摘要由4个语步构成,每个语步通过不同的必要和可选语阶构建其交际功能,其中语步1、语步2和语步4的层级结构明显,各语阶的语言实现方式与所在语步和语阶的交际功能密切相关。  相似文献   
9月12日,省委、省政府在长阳召开现场办公会,研究部署进一步加大对口支援力度,支持长阳加快科学发展、跨越式发展。省委书记李鸿忠、省长王国生向长阳土家族自治县成立30周年表示祝贺,对长阳县经济社会发展取得的成绩、城乡面貌发生的巨大变化和干部群众良好的精神状态给予充分肯定,并对长阳今后的发展提出了殷切希望。  相似文献   
The Role of Social Forces Playing in the Home-Based Care Services for the Aged CHEN Jingliang (Department of History and Sociology Abstract:In the political social structure overly dependent on the government, which , Minnan Normal University, ZhangZhou 363000, China) of "strong government" and "weak society", social forces are is not conducive to the development of home-based care serv- ices for the aged. Decentralization legitimately locates the role of social forces in home-based care services The decentralized home-based care services undertaken by social forces not only effectively reduce the gov ernment's responsibility for ensuring home-based care services, but also guarantee the supply of high quali ty home-based care services.  相似文献   
Exploration and Enlightenment on Chinization of Humanism Thought of China's Bourgeoisie
Tan Peiwen
Abstract: As a proposition with special connotation, the Chinization of Marxist humanism thought was gradually formed in the 1990s. However, this does not mean there was no Chinization of humanism thought during China's bourgeois revolution before the time. The humanism thought of China's bourgeois revolution, with Sun Yat-sen as a representative, is the combination of western humanitarianism thought and bourgeois-democratic revolution in China. The Chinization process of bourgeois humanism thought can be classified as the early publicity, communication, critic, filter and reform of western humanitarian thought. Sun Yat-sen emphasized on people's livelihood and proposed democratic politics, rejected selfishness and regarded the whole world as one community, which enrich the people-oriented connotation and provide important reference for China during its construction of a socialist and harmonious society.  相似文献   
On Schiller's Aesthetics of Drama --His Theory of Comedy
ZHA NG Yu-neng (College of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079) Abstract: Throughout his life Schiller never wrote a comedy or an essay specifically on comedy. His limited discussion of comedy, however, formed the most unique theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics in the history of Western Aesthetics and literary theory. Schiller thinks tragedy ranks higher than comedy in terms of dramatic subject and objectives, but seen from the freedom of representation comedy should be superior to tragedy. Comedy represents the beautiful mind, and helps maintain the freedom of soul, but the comedian pursues an even higher purpose, which, once achieved, will make all tragedies become redundant. Schiller's theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics ended the classical comedy theory which degrades comedy and comedy art, and returned comedy to its due position, sublime purpose and great function. Key words: aesthetics of drama;drama ;comedy ;theory of comedy; aesthetics of comedy  相似文献   
写作国际标准(ISO)214-1976(E)和国家标准GB6447-86为准绳,以我校英语专业2010级毕业论文的摘要完成情况为抓手,对摘要结构要素、语言表达等注意事项进行系统分析,加强学生和指导教师对摘要完整结构的科学认识,并在表达上达到科研论文的语言规范要求。使英语专业学生的论文摘要写作能力得到加强,科研能力得到培养,从而有助于我校英语专业教学质量的稳步提高。  相似文献   
基于语料库,针对我国及本族语英语专业硕士学位论文摘要的词汇复杂度及句法复杂度,展开对比及分析。研究发现,我国硕士作者在撰写学位论文时,词汇和句法输出能力较为薄弱,展现出了中介语发展的阶段性和系统性特征。在词汇复杂度层面,词汇分布不够多样化,且使用实词较少,语言不够简练。在句法复杂度层面,使用的T单位平均长度较短,使用从属句、动词短语以及复杂名词较少。本研究一方面揭示了我国英语专业硕士作者笔语的规律性特征,另一方面也为学术论文写作的教学实践提供了实证依据和启示意义。  相似文献   
1稿件基本要求1)篇名应简明、具体、确切,能概括文章的特定内容,字数不宜超过20个字(必要时可加副篇名),不应含有非公知公认的字符。2)作者应真实可信,并提供每位作者的单位、所在省市及邮编。  相似文献   
《西南科技大学学报:哲学社会科学版》是由西南科技大学主办的哲学社会科学综合性中文学术期刊。本刊被中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中文科技期刊数据库,中国学术期刊综合评价来数据库、中国学术期刊(光盘版)、万方数字化期刊全文数据库等收录。一、稿要求1、具有创新性(包括真实性和原创性)、学术性、科学性、准确性和规范性。2、格式规范、内容完整。内容撰写顺序为:(1)中文标题,作者姓名,作者二级单位及单位所在  相似文献   
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