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An evaluation index system for eco ̄nomic and social development is guiding the trends and actions of economic development in different countries or regions. However,the evaluation index system should b...  相似文献   
一二八事变蒋介石实施了积极抵抗、预备交涉的战略方针,采取了有效的战略措施,如京沪防卫与军政部署;迁都洛阳;划分战区;调兵增援;加强沿海防御;构筑第二道防线;制定第二期抵抗作战方案,最终实现了其部分战略目的———在不签订割地条约的前提下与日本达成停战协定。该战略的制约因素包括政治、经济、军事等。总起来说,蒋介石的对日战略部分是有效的,但也存在着消极成分,表现在该战略受制于“攘外必先安内”的政治目标,只进行了有限度的抵抗。并且?淞沪停战协定?规定中国不得在上海至苏州、昆山一带驻军,令中国主权受到了侵犯,未能实现蒋介石的另一部分战略目标———在不签订丧权条约的前提下与日本达成停战协定。  相似文献   
Miyi county lies along the southeast edge of Qinghai - Tibetan plateau. It is in the southwest corner of Sichuan province,to the north ̄east of Panzhihua,and lies at the intersection of the Yalong River...  相似文献   
The Min River is a large tributary in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Its source is the south range of the Min Mountains in the area where Sichuan and Gansu share a bounda ̄ry. The area consists...  相似文献   
Since the end of the 1970s,French anthropologist Catherine Capdeville-Zeng has fo ̄cused her studies on China. Her research field in ̄cludes popular songs of China,rock music of Chi ̄na,Beijing Opera Amat...  相似文献   
中国茶道是在中国文化传统达到成熟阶段时产生的,因此,它包含了儒释道等多种属性元素。中国茶道的基本理念———闲、隐、乐———正是对中国文化传统的生活化解读。中国历史上的茶人提出的茶道四境在今天仍然具有现实意义,它可以为某些社会病纠偏,为普通中国人提供生活中的信仰依托。  相似文献   
The system for ethnic regional au ̄tonomy in ethnic regions has a significant meaning for solidifing and developing ethnic relations based upon equality, mutual assistance and harmony. In order to imple...  相似文献   
文章旨在比较中日韩对美国高技术产品出口竞争力,挖掘中日韩三国高技术产品出口的竞争优势,并提出高技术产品出口面临问题及解决方案。对中日韩三国在美国市场高技术产品出口现状进行分析,展开对中日韩在美国市场高技术产品出口竞争力的指数分析,利用面板数据变系数模型定量分析影响中日韩对美国高技术产品出口竞争力的因素,全面剖析中日韩对美国高技术产品出口竞争力比较并提出对策建议以提高中国对美国高技术产品出口的竞争力。  相似文献   
Ethnic regional autonomy with Chi ̄nese characteristics is a proper way to handle eth ̄nic issues, and is a fundamental national political system established in the Constitution. The legisla ̄tion in ethn...  相似文献   
钟洁 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):32-37,101-102
The ethnic regions of Western Chi ̄na are rich in ecological and cultural tourism re ̄sources. At the same time, the regions are also ec ̄ologically vulnerable areas with large populations of ethnic groups who have lived for a long time in poverty. Based on years’ investigation, it is obvi ̄ous that tourism development, even though it can promote local economic development, has had a significant negative impact on the ecology, envi ̄ronment and local communities. During the 18 th and 17 th National Congresses of the Communist Pary of China, a policy was announced to improve ecological compensation and accelerate the estab ̄lishment of an ecological compensation mecha ̄nism. So far, both government and academia have mainly focused on the effects and necessities of building a mechanism for ecological compensation. Of special concern, even if governments at all lev ̄els sequentially enacted a series of policie with cer ̄tain characteristics of ecological compensation, the public is still questioning the impartiality and legit ̄imacy of the charges of such policy of ecological compensation. Thus, the task of implementing the ecological compensation policy faces many obsta ̄cles. At present, the core research issue on eco ̄logical compensation is no longer just the question of why it should be charged. This question was al ̄ready clearly stated in official documents from cen ̄tral government. Up to now, the core issues that need clarification are:in practice, how the charge be made; what amount of money should be charged;how will the revenue from the charge be used;how will the revenue derived from the charge be audited; and whether or not this charge can help to achieve government objectives in such a way.
Based on the unique background of the ethnic regions of Western China, this paper deeply analy ̄ses issues of implementing policies such as ecologi ̄cal compensation for tourism, including the illegi ̄bility and legitimacy of who should pay, how much should be paid, and how to manage the funds im ̄partially; and providing scientific and reasonable countermeasures to solve these practical problems. Compared with other industries, the tourism indus ̄try became the pioneer for the practice of ecologi ̄cal compensation as well as the research objective of ecological compensation studies. Some research ̄ers defined ecological compensation for tourism as a system of regulating related ecological interests to protect the ecosystems of tourism destinations and promote sustainable development of the tourism in ̄dustry ( Zhang Yiqun, Yang Guihua, 2012 ) . Al ̄though such a definition is still fuzzy, at least it in ̄dicates that the research of ecological compensation for tourism involves interdisciplinary fields inclu ̄ding Economics, Sociology, Ecology and Tourism, etc. Currently, the research of ecological compen ̄sation for tourism has insufficient first hand empiri ̄cal research data. At the same time it has not yet had nationwide impact, either domestically or over ̄seas. The research on implementing policies for the ecological compensation of tourism is at an early stage in China.
Obviously, it is hard to find sufficient re ̄search results or research methods for reference, which brings certain limitations to this paper. To demonstrate the scope of this study, this paper de ̄fined tourism ecological compensation as exploring the feasibility of spending fiscal revenue ( paid by tourism enterprises, tourists or other stakeholders) on protecting natural ecological environment. Based on this definition, this paper generated three actual issues with regard to implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism, including the vagueness of the charge, the lack of unified, standard levies, and the non-tranparency of fund management. Combined with analyzing the current special background of implementing policies of ec ̄ological compensation for tourism in the ethnic re ̄gions of Western China, and by especially empha ̄sizing the local communities of the ethnic groups who should be compensated, this paper tries to provide scientific and reasonable countermeasures consisting of implementing corresponding national policy, formulating correlated policy in accordance with local conditions and standardizing and institu ̄tionalizing fund management. This paper not only attempts to support strongly implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism at the insti ̄tutional level, but also to coordinate the contradic ̄tions between tourism development and ecological protection, and local community self - develop ̄ment, hoping to achieve the win-win objectives of promoting an ecological compensation policy for tourism, tourism poverty alleviation and ecological civilization.  相似文献   
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