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休达与梅利利亚地处非洲北端地中海南岸,是孤立在非洲大陆上的两个西班牙飞地。这两座城市的陆上边界活动与经济要素的流动,反映出摩洛哥与西班牙、欧盟与非欧盟国家之间的冲突与交流。其建构与治理不仅影响着两国的政治稳定、经济发展、外交关系,也影响着欧盟的移民政策和欧洲—非洲关系,同时建构了独特且动态的边民认同。2020年受到新冠肺炎疫情的影响,休达与梅利利亚的边境空间有了新的变化。本文通过梳理该边境问题的产生与流变,分析其“双重性”“交织性”“波动性”等特点,进而指出,休达与梅利利亚的边境空间具有屏障功能、桥梁作用、认同建构、边境建构及其重构等作用,其对研究飞地边民认同、欧盟政策与欧洲—地中海关系意义重大。  相似文献   
随着城镇化进程不断加快,城镇功能和城市文明向农村地区的扩散已成为一种必然。对于传统农业地区,城镇化的关键在于立足自身资源禀赋,对城镇化的路径和推进机制做出切合实际的选择。在这方面,山东省平阴县孝直镇借助新型农村社区建设和农业现代化推进新型城镇化的模式为研究分析此类问题提供了一个可资借鉴的案例。  相似文献   
共青团是党领导的先进青年的群众组织,是党的助手和后备军。高校团组织承担着围绕学校党政工作大局,促进青年学生健康成长发展的任务。加强基层团组织规范化建设是从严治团最关键的一个环节,本文在充分调研的基础上,总结目前高校基层团组织规范建设实施过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,为全面贯彻落实从严治团提供参考依据。  相似文献   
广西防城峒中口岸曾经是被称为"三不要地"的断裂地带,现在已开始建设国家一类口岸,这一过程并非国家单向权力主导,而是边民互市意志形塑的结果。这种互市传统看似背离了历代王朝主观的治边策略,却暗含着与世界的长久联系,呈现出边疆特有的自反性特征,从而揭示了边疆发展的内在决定性作用,在一定程度上始终遵循以边民利益最优化为原则。  相似文献   
转喻机制具有普遍性,也存在于翻译过程中。在回顾前人研究的基础上,对翻译转喻现象进行了基本的分类,并从范畴化和认知语法角度分别对存在于词汇和句子层面的翻译转喻现象进行了分析。翻译转喻涉及音、形、意三个方面,研究发现:1)其主要实现途径包括整体代部分、部分代整体以及部分代部分;2)翻译转喻依托范畴化结构,尤其是当两种文化存在通用图式的情况下,翻译转喻就是对原语范畴之外其他级别范畴或同一级别其他范畴成员的凸显及在译语中的映射;3)增译、减译、转换等技巧是翻译转喻思维的具体方法论,其使用会导致译语概念结构出现不同程度的调整。研究成果对认知语言学、翻译学研究具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
十二五期间,国家要求大力加强信息化建设,作为后起之秀,高职院校借此发展东风,迅速兴起信息化建设热潮。但在信息化建设中认识不到位、重复建设、效率低下、资源浪费严重等问题层出不穷。本文结合高职院校信息化实际,从四个方面分析了目前高职院校信息化建设中存在的问题,并提出切实改进意见,以期促进高职院校信息化建设高效、扎实稳步推进。  相似文献   
网络游戏已经成为青少年的一种普遍娱乐方式,而网络新闻在公众对网游青少年玩家的认识过程中起着重要作用,它们经常从不同角度来报道并放大具有典型意义的网游青少年玩家个案,以此建构网游青少年玩家的形象并引导人们对该群体的印象存储。通过对11年来人民网与新浪网中相关报道的内容分析,发现网络新闻对网游青少年玩家媒介形象构建时出现偏差,形成对网游青少年玩家污名化形象建构的影响。  相似文献   
网络信任是随着网络时代的来临而出现的新的信任类型,是网络社交发展到一定阶段的后天产物。其发生主体是切实的社会个体在网络空间形塑的虚拟角色,发生情境是个体互动所处的具体网络空间,其建构过程大致经历了初建、维系与深化、破裂、走向现实几个阶段。网络信任的建构过程不断涉及个人的认知与判断,信任决定的修正依据是个体在网络社交过程中逐渐暴露出的信息。网络信任的发生概率非常低,仅极少数的信任获得了稳定发展,甚至转变为现实信任。  相似文献   
By building on a genetic‐inspired attribute‐based conceptual framework for safety risk analysis, we propose a novel approach to define, model, and simulate univariate and bivariate construction safety risk at the situational level. Our fully data‐driven techniques provide construction practitioners and academicians with an easy and automated way of getting valuable empirical insights from attribute‐based data extracted from unstructured textual injury reports. By applying our methodology on a data set of 814 injury reports, we first show the frequency‐magnitude distribution of construction safety risk to be very similar to that of many natural phenomena such as precipitation or earthquakes. Motivated by this observation, and drawing on state‐of‐the‐art techniques in hydroclimatology and insurance, we then introduce univariate and bivariate nonparametric stochastic safety risk generators based on kernel density estimators and copulas. These generators enable the user to produce large numbers of synthetic safety risk values faithful to the original data, allowing safety‐related decision making under uncertainty to be grounded on extensive empirical evidence. One of the implications of our study is that like natural phenomena, construction safety may benefit from being studied quantitatively by leveraging empirical data rather than strictly being approached through a managerial perspective using subjective data, which is the current industry standard. Finally, a side but interesting finding is that in our data set, attributes related to high energy levels (e.g., machinery, hazardous substance) and to human error (e.g., improper security of tools) emerge as strong risk shapers.  相似文献   
This study highlights the symbiotic relationship that may arise between political and business actors in conspiracies organized around public construction bids. Based on a core-periphery social network analysis, the study tracks the emergence of such a conspiracy in the city of Laval (Canada) by illustrating the evolution of bid-rigging networks revolving around suspected and persistent acts of corruption, bid-rigging, and bribery. To assess this process, the study monitors irregular bidding indicators across a data set compiled from more than 7000 public construction tenders that were processed by the city from 1966 to 2013. Findings reveal that firms suspected of bid-rigging activities were perennial core participants largely as a result of a state-corporate crime system that served as the guiding force for agreements between the main construction entrepreneurs.  相似文献   
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