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蒋继瑞 《北方论丛》2022,(2):126-134
中世纪至近代早期,海煤逐渐发展成为英格兰重要的贸易商品。贸易交换的增加,带动了英格兰的海煤消费。因此有学者认为,英格兰近代早期的城市污染与海煤的贸易和使用有密切关系。通过梳理英格兰海煤的贸易轨迹,得知近代早期英格兰海煤的贸易特点:以纽卡斯尔和布里斯托尔为典型的出口港口,以伦敦为典型的进口港口。近代早期英格兰的城市污染,尽管有消费海煤带来的影响,但二者之间并不存在明显的直接相关。海煤在英格兰近代化的历程中发挥重要的积极作用。  相似文献   
80年代 ,人类学曾经出现了一个引人注目的“写文化”大论争 ,其代表就是《写文化 :民族志的诗学和政治学》与《作为文化批评的人类学 :一个人文学科的实验时代》。其核心问题就是民族志写作中的修辞、叙事的政治和策略等 ,对传统民族志提出反思和挑战。之后 ,一些人类学家鉴于“写文化”基本只是提出问题 ,却没有提供答案 ,于 1998年结集出版了《写文化之后 :当代人类学的认识论和实践》 ,试图提出一些可能的方案。反观“写文化”和“写文化之后” ,我们可以看到一些对人类学理论和实践发展具有深刻意义的方面。  相似文献   
Satya Savitzky 《Mobilities》2018,13(5):662-684
This article examines a 3-day blackout, triggered by a ‘1-in-100-year’ rainfall event. Storms and floods account for almost three-quarters of weather-related disasters, and are typically accompanied by cascading infrastructure failures, which pattern and amplify their effects in highly significant ways. Such disruptions reveal aspects of everyday life that ordinarily remain obscure, including capacities for resilience embodied in people, cities and infrastructure. The article proposes that disruption events be understood in terms of ‘scrambles’, as they involve abrupt demobilisation and remobilisation of a range of people and materials. The article firstly examines the astonishing capacity for failure latent in ‘pervasively powered’ arrangements, as well as the many ways in which people and things were ‘scrambled’ in response. The article then proceeds to explore the ways in which vulnerabilities result in part from mobilisation in response to previous disruption events, before examining the ‘circuits’ that link far-flung places in mobile disaster geographies, global patterns of electricity dependence, the rise of data overload in the ‘cloud’ to carbon overload in the atmosphere. The article concludes by presenting further evidence in support of the thesis that disruptions and disasters are part of a ‘new normal’, and what this means for prevailing sociotechnical arrangements reliant on ‘sunk’ infrastructure.  相似文献   
《清洁能源与安全法案》是美国最具革命性和影响力的气候变化法案。该法案共分为五大部分:清洁能源、能源效率、减缓全球变暖污染、转向清洁能源经济以及农业和森林所涉及的抵销。该法案遵循"命令——控制"模式和市场调控模式相结合的立法思路,以气候衍生品作为调节影响气候变化行为的主导工具。我国应当制定《气候变化应对法》,构建碳排放交易体系,以市场机制促进国内碳减排和增加碳汇。我国的气候立法应当减缓与适应并重,分领域有重点地进行气候治理。  相似文献   
Renewable energy, such as wave energy, plays a significant role in sustainable energy development. Wave energy represents a large untapped source of energy worldwide and potentially offers a vast source of sustainable energy. We present models and a heuristic algorithm for choosing optimal locations of wave energy conversion (WEC) devices within an array, or wave farm. The location problem can have a significant impact on the total power of the farm due to the interactions among the incident ocean waves and the scattered and radiated waves produced by the WECs. Depending on the nature of the interference (constructive or destructive) among these waves, the wave energy entering multiple devices, and thus the power output of the farm, may be significantly larger or smaller than the energy that would be seen if the devices were operating in isolation. Our algorithm chooses WEC locations to maximize the performance of a wave farm as measured by a well known performance measure called the q-factor, which is the ratio of the power from an array of N WECs to the power from N WECs operating independently, under the point absorber approximation. We prove an analytical optimal solution for the 2-WEC problem and, based on the properties of the 2-WEC solution, we propose an iterative heuristic optimization algorithm for the general problem.  相似文献   
 能源定价体制的改革是我国未来经济体制改革中一项非常重要、又极其紧迫的一项重大理论和实践课题,这一改革不但直接关系到我国经济增长和能源效率的提高效果,更是关乎我国经济发展转型的成败和我国未来能源安全的保障状况。通过建立CGE模型,本文研究了能源价格上涨情景下我国能源消费与经济增长的综合波动特征。主要发现如下:能源价格上涨虽然使得除进口外GDP、出口、就业等变量下降,物价水平上涨,但却能够在一定程度上降低能源强度并优化产业结构。就影响的大小而言,电力价格上涨的影响最大,石油和天然气次之,煤炭价格上涨的影响最小。从行业产出的变动来看,能源行业自身受能源价格上涨的负面冲击最大,其次是重工业,而农业、轻工业等所受的负面冲击最小。基于上述结论,我们认为,未来继续努力推进能源定价的市场化改革,是推进我国的节能降耗工作、提高经济增长效率的有效途径。  相似文献   
在榆林能源开发过程中,社会经济的快速发展凸现出地区经济发展不平衡,城乡收入差距过大等社会问题,为邪教的滋生和蔓延提供了现实条件。榆林市现有"门徒会"、"实际神"、"法轮功"三种邪教组织并曾出现过"香功"、"中功"、"元极功"三种有害气功组织;邪教组织的传播路径、手段、组织管理有独特性。要依据邪教组织产生与蔓延的不同原因,从区域、年龄、文化等方面对大众进行反邪教宣传、教育。  相似文献   
能源是国家的硬实力,能否科学实施能源战略关系到国家兴衰成败。建立、完善能源法律制度和节约能源法律制度是促进我国经济繁荣发展的重要组成部分。分析节能法制建设情况及存在的问题,通过完善政府、企业、市场等节能机制,使节能工作纳入到法制化的轨道,改变节能落后的局面,更加有效地促进节能工作。  相似文献   
美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)的国家标准LEED认证是目前国际上最具影响力的绿色建筑评估体系之一。本研究以成都万国数据中心的景观设计为例,结合地域文化提炼的设计理念,与建筑设计充分的融合并延续风格,在LEED认证下的景观设计遵循场地可持续发展理念,在设计与建设过程运用新材料、新方法以及新的管理和许可规程;设计以植被为主,防止热岛效应。雨洪利用借鉴北京奥林匹克公园"下渗为主,适当回收;先下渗净化,再回收利用"设计,合理拦蓄雨水资源,并科学利用绿色电力和可再生能源。  相似文献   
聂鑫森的《大师》堪称小小说中的精品。《大师》里的人物形象表现出自觉追求高尚的精神境界和执着追求技艺精湛的职业操守。每个人都要自觉关注现实社会,主动关心世俗人生,真诚关爱所有的人,是充溢在《大师》里的人文情怀;文史知识渊博、情节安排巧妙、语言精练考究是《大师》突出的艺术特点。  相似文献   
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