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新时期高校学生的利益诉求与表达机制逐步呈现多元化趋势,这就要求高校学生思想工作走向更进一步的精细化管理,将高校学生利益诉求与表达机制列入精细化管理内容。但是,近年来高校学生的利益诉求与表达机制构建缺失,导致校园群体纠纷事件屡见不鲜,严重影响和谐校园环境的构建。通过调查高校学生常见的利益诉求方式及其存在障碍,分析学校学生利益诉求类型及其现状,建立学生利益诉求机制的对策,做到以生为本、服务学生。  相似文献   

This paper reviews and critically analyzes the Canadian Association for Social Work Education—Association Canadienne Pour La Formation En Travail Social’s (CASWE-ACFTS’) Accreditation Standards and Procedures from a Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIESC) lens to examine how such are addressed in relevant documents. The CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus undertook a lead role in examining ‘diversity’ in the documents as it serves as an umbrella term for SOGIESC and other intersecting positionalities. This paper iterates an initial response in the CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus’ ongoing consultation with the CASWE-ACFTS’s Education Policy Committee’s work on Education Policy and Accreditation Standards 2019 (EPAS2019). The content analysis of the documents reveals that SOGIESC issues are not adequately addressed and this has implications for undergraduate and graduate social work curricula in Canada. The authors provide recommendations that address the integration of SOGIESC in CASWE-ACFTS’s Accreditation Standards and Procedures documents.  相似文献   
We address ethical consumption using a natural field experiment on the actual purchase of Fair Trade (FT) coffee in three supermarkets in Germany. Based on a quasi-experimental before-and-after design the effects of three different treatments – information, 20% price reduction, and a moral appeal – are analyzed. Sales data cover actual ethical purchase behavior and avoid problems of social desirability. But they offer only limited insights into the motivations of individual consumers. We therefore complemented the field experiment with a customer survey that allows us to contrast observed (ethical) buying behavior with self-reported FT consumption. Results from the experiment suggest that only the price reduction had the expected positive and statistically significant effect on FT consumption.  相似文献   
投资者是否可以利用“软”信息来识别公司的真实价值?社会心理学理论认为人在提供虚假信息(如撒谎)的时候会流露出负面情绪,进而反映到面部表情上。论文以2009年至2014年在创业板上市的公司为样本,分析公司上市后的业绩变脸幅度与其董事长在IPO路演讲话时的负面情绪水平之间的关系。为了提高结论的可靠性,本研究首先基于实验室实验方法设计欺骗行为实验,检验了Facereader软件测量面部表情给出的负面情绪值与欺骗行为之间的相关性。本研究指出可以利用董事长在IPO路演讲话的面部表情来识别公司的真实价值,该结论为保护投资者利益提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   
空间的伦理性为发现和理解文学中的伦理问题提供了新视角。从文学伦理学批评来看,阿瑟·米勒的戏剧《桥头瞭望》通过语言、动作和舞台布景等方式建构戏剧的社会空间、家庭空间和心理空间,反映了居于美国中下层的意大利移民所面临的伦理两难、伦理身份的混乱和内心无意识的禁忌情感,打破了戏剧的“第四面墙”,在演员与观众构成的交往空间中直接进行伦理教诲,启发人们关注现实社会中伦理准则之间的冲突以及禁忌情感的潜在力量。  相似文献   
凉山彝族毕摩宗教仪式除了独特的宗教和文化特性外,还具有其他传统教育类型无可替代的教育内涵和功 能。凉山彝族人正是通过这种集体性的参与,深受演绎场域的熏陶,保存和丰富着村落的集体记忆,增强了社会成员之间的凝 聚力,同时也承继了彝族的传统文化。  相似文献   
2014年湖南散文创作成绩斐然,个性化表达成为其鲜明标志,其中包含了两个重要方面:在思想情感方面,以个性化的情感体验和对现实人生的个性化思考为亮点;在文体方面,则表现为独特的历史文化品位以及叙述手法的革新。  相似文献   
在全面加强社会主义民主政治制度建设的背景下,人民享有更多的利益表达权是必然趋势,公共政策制定中健全完善的利益表达机制不仅是现实利益分配的需要,更是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的要求。在公共政策制定的利益表达机制中,主体、客体、渠道、方式“四位一体”的协调贯通是主题;目前尚存在主体不平衡、客体不作为、渠道不畅通、方式较激进等问题;妥善解决弱势群体的非制度化利益表达是我们面临的一大难题;通过四大措施健全和完善公共政策制定中的利益表达治理机制是破题之道。  相似文献   
This discussion paper will examine the lessons from the Munro Review relevant for looked after children. Although the Munro Review focuses on child protection, we will argue that some of its key principles have relevance for understanding looked after childhoods. The Munro Review provides an analysis of the current state of the child protection system, challenging bureaucratised practice and arguing for a reclaiming of professional social work identity, knowledge and understanding. There are three key principles of the Munro Review that this paper will focus upon. The first two are the recognition that risk cannot be eradicated and the bureaucratisation of practice is an inadequate response to the demand for public accountability. The third principle is that ethical integrity lies at the heart of services for children in public care. The key message of this paper is that a Munro approach can transform looked after childhoods. However, the current ‘child protection’ model of social work in England may prevent this shift in social work practice.  相似文献   
桂林龙脊梯田的农耕文明和乡土文化是自然景观与乡愁旅游资源的综合体,承载着景区的历史记忆,是延续和传承龙脊梯田景区乡愁文化的重要表征。留住乡愁文化对于传承当地的历史文化、重塑乡愁记忆和树立乡土文化自信具有重要作用。村民作为龙脊梯田景区乡愁旅游感知的内部视野,与作为外部视角的政府、游客和媒体有着不一样的建构策略,在深描各行动者如何"留住"与"重塑"乡愁的基础上,提出活化社会记忆、激发集体记忆、凝聚情感记忆和赋能媒介记忆的乡愁旅游发展路径,旨在强化乡愁旅游主体地位、增强乡愁文化认同、搭建乡愁情感纽带和创新乡愁文化感知。  相似文献   
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