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洪仁接受了中西文化并皈依上帝 ,其文化观具有浓厚的宗教色彩。他既有对西方文化多方位接受和认同的趋新意识 ,又有对传统文化的恋旧情结 ,试图用附会中西的办法来规范中西文化。他的文化观极具开放性和前瞻性 ,但又有自相矛盾和不成熟的局限  相似文献   
“文化——语言”研究是一种立足于语言学而又导入了文化因素的语言研究方式,故称为文化链接下的语言研究。本文分析了这种语言研究方式的类型及主要研究方法,并且在对以往的“文化——语言”研究进行评价的基础上,提出对这项研究的深层思考。  相似文献   
经济全球化与湖南服务产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化大背景下服务业大发展是一个历史趋势 ,入世后加快我国服务业的发展具有特殊、重要的意义。湖南省服务业发展存在一定优势 ,发展湖南服务业要有正确的总体思路 ,并注重优化调整湖南服务产业结构。  相似文献   
广告修辞新奇巧妙 ,独出心裁 ,凝聚了广告作者的丰富而非凡的想像力 ;广告语篇中恰当而巧妙地运用修辞格不但使广告语言生动活泼 ,言简意赅 ,或节奏感强 ,很有力量 ,而且深刻地描绘或强调广告商品或服务的特征、特性与功能 ,有助于创造其美好形象 ,促进广告走向成功。  相似文献   
A test of congruence among distance matrices is described. It tests the hypothesis that several matrices, containing different types of variables about the same objects, are congruent with one another, so they can be used jointly in statistical analysis. Raw data tables are turned into similarity or distance matrices prior to testing; they can then be compared to data that naturally come in the form of distance matrices. The proposed test can be seen as a generalization of the Mantel test of matrix correspondence to any number of distance matrices. This paper shows that the new test has the correct rate of Type I error and good power. Power increases as the number of objects and the number of congruent data matrices increase; power is higher when the total number of matrices in the study is smaller. To illustrate the method, the proposed test is used to test the hypothesis that matrices representing different types of organoleptic variables (colour, nose, body, palate and finish) in single‐malt Scotch whiskies are congruent.  相似文献   
Two-treatment multi-center clinical trials are the most common type of clinical trials in practice. The aim of this paper is to discuss a curious property of certain standard nonparametric procedures used in the analysis of such clinical trials. Different analyses of a simulated data example are presented, which lead to contrasting and surprising results. The source of the potentially misleading outcome is then explored while relating the simulated data with the concept of Efron's paradox dice and the notion of nontransitivity. With the root of the problem established, an alternate nonparametric method from the literature is shown to address the problem. Finally, pointing out an interpretational concern of using the alternate procedure, a modification to this procedure is also suggested and corresponding theoretical results are presented.  相似文献   
因受五四新思潮激进反传统的刺激,吴宓等留美生于1922年春出版<学衡>杂志,发表了大量的反思、批判五四新文化运动的言论,充分展示了对现代性追求的独特禀性,形成中国现代文化保守主义重镇学衡派.学衡派既反对激进反传统的情绪化态度,又不赞成以西方晚近某家某派标举西方文化的文化观,而是主张新旧相对论,认为古今中西文化当明其源流,融会贯通,以建设真正的新文化.学衡派现代性源自传统的观点与新文化运动现代化即西化的立场构成对立互补的关系,代表着另一种文化启蒙,当给予正确的评价.  相似文献   
Using a gravity model of trade and the U.S. and Chinese panel data, I present evidence that supports the views that linguistic links have become more important in foreign trade than geographical proximity and that linguistic influence on trade is more significant in China than in the U.S. The estimated result based on a broad panel of economies shows little overall relation between religious similarity and foreign trade in both the U.S. and China. But there is an indication that the religious dissimilarity tends to retard foreign trade with poor countries and regions and to encourage foreign trade with richer places. I also found that, although religious retardation on foreign trade is more significant in China than in the U.S., religious dissimilarity tends to retard the US export more than that of China; by contrast, it tends to retard the Chinese import more than that of the U.S. At last, the socio-economic implications of the estimated results are discussed.  相似文献   
我国失独家庭数量甚为庞大,其特殊保障问题已为社会关注热点,尤其是最为突出的再生育问题。由于失独家庭大都丧失生育能力,代孕乃是其实现再生育的主要途径。基于失独家庭的特殊性,对其有限开放代孕并不违反伦理道德,在法理和情理上也均具有合理性,且失独家庭因遵守国家计划生育政策而承受了失独的不利后果,故其选择代孕方式实现再生育的行为应当获得国家保障。国家不仅应当通过代孕类型、代孕条件、代孕程序等方面的制度构建来保障代孕的有序运行,还应通过扶助模式、扶助资金、扶助标准等方面的制度构建来对失独家庭代孕予以必要救助。  相似文献   
高校校园文化是高校物质财富和精神财富的总称。高校校园文化具有强大的育人功能:它以物质为载体,以制度为保障,以实践活动为形式,以先进的教育理念引导师生,以丰富的校园文化内涵塑造师生;它能陶冶人们的情操,磨练人们的意志,丰富人们的智慧,增添人们的生活情趣。高校校园文化是高校教书育人、管理育人、服务育人和环境育人的集中体现。加强高校校园文化建设是加强和改进新时期高校思想政治教育的重要途径。  相似文献   
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