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Using latent class analysis, this study examined the overall patterns of multifaceted intergenerational relationships of 604 parent-child dyads in 292 transnational families in Beijing, China. Three family relation types emerged: local obligatory (27%, with reciprocal support and ambivalent feelings), distant discordant (27%, with weak associations and high conflict), and distant intimate (46%, with highest filial ratings and emotional quality). Parents’ health and children’s marital status, socioeconomic status, childcare responsibilities, and sibling numbers were associated with different relation types. The findings are helpful for social workers to identify subgroups of older adults in transnational families who are at risk of having inadequate support.  相似文献   
孝道作为以人为发生对象的社会价值,其本质解读离不开人的自身属性。以人之自然属性和社会属性作为孝道本质解读的基点,孝道本质的理解就产生了层次性。基于人之自然属性,孝道一般本质可以理解为贯穿于一切人类文明的"爱";基于人之社会属性,孝道的特殊本质可解读为专属于儒家思想的"和"与"忠"。孝道本质适用类别和范围的差异是孝道本质层次性的根源,孝道"爱"之一般本质普适于当前社会,而特殊本质之"和"与"忠"则会消失或转变。因此,新时代实现孝道本质理论创造性转化的突破点在于探求孝道一般本质在新环境下衍生出何种新的特殊本质。  相似文献   
习近平总书记高度重视道德建设,多次强调儒家思想在政府建设新型社会主义价值观过程中的重要地位。以孝道文化为核心的崇德向善理念的理论建构,可从三个方面进行分析论证:其研究视角是重视孝道文化在儒家思想中的核心地位,领会儒家思想占据政府建设新型价值观重要地位的明显趋势,从当代社会主义公民价值观的内涵定义来界定这一理论;其理论建构是以崇德向善为理念、以孝道文化为核心、以家庭教育为平台的结构框架;其对策和措施包括坚持“顶层设计、政府主导”的原则,采取“家庭为主、学校为辅”的教育方式,倡导“民俗为媒、繁荣节庆”的教育形式,强化“市场搭台、文化立国”运行机制。  相似文献   
This qualitative study aimed to examine the contemporary interpretation of filial piety by middle-aged and older Chinese adults in Hong Kong, and to explore its relationship with well-being in later life through focus groups. Data analysis revealed that all participants subscribed to the traditional value of filial piety, but had willingly reduced their filial expectations of their younger generation. Importantly, well-being in later life was found to be affected by both the younger generation’s filial commitments and older parents’ continued support of their younger generation so that the latter could lead a better life.  相似文献   
Cognitive liberation is often treated in the social movements literature as a mediating factor through which political opportunities and mobilizing structures generate protest. This paper unpacks multiple dimensions of cognitive liberation and finds that they may operate in tension with one another. Building on scholarship that focuses on subjective factors in social movements, the paper examines the case of the Korku, an oppressed indigenous community in central India, who choose not to protest despite the presence of several dimensions of cognitive liberation. Rather than engage in collective political action, the Korku’s grievances are deflected toward depoliticized religious goals. The Korku seek communal improvement through Hindu piety in a context of the Hindutva cultural-nationalist ideology, rather than protest against the encroachment of this ideology on their community.  相似文献   
两千多年以来,儒家文化影响深远,而其中孝道思想则是最深入人心的儒学思想之一,孝道以其深厚的伦理根基和强大的政治机制推行而广布天下。民俗美术中大量艺术形式对儒家孝道思想的表现,则进一步巩固和强化了这一思想。儒学孝道思想的生命力,在一定意义上便体现在民俗美术所表现出的生命力上;民俗美术所具有的生命力,实质上亦即儒学思想仍具有的生命力的表现。  相似文献   
家庭养老是长期农耕文明条件下亲代与子代的互惠行为,孝是家庭养老实现的制度保证。现代工业社会家庭养老的互惠性急剧下降,孝道的影响力逐渐衰微,家庭养老逐渐被个人养老为主、社会养老为辅的现代养老模式替代。发挥家庭养老的补充作用离不开政府的政策激励,如增加养老的收益或者增加不养老的成本,孝的教化作为长远的治本之策并非振兴家庭养老的当前出路。  相似文献   
论文对以往学界以训诂方法考察《论语》中“仁”的意义提出了质疑。仁字应该是人与人关系,后来才有价值倾向。在此基础上,作者按逻辑层次,从《论语》文本出发,逐一解析“仁”的意义。论文认为孔子对“仁”的意义更强调外在对他者的影响,为达到“仁”的目的,孔子设计了很多规范。与时人观念不同,孔子认为“仁”不等同于才干,与职守不一致,它是一种大爱,事功成就施诸外界社会。孔子仁学体系可以概括为:孝—忠—仁—圣发展模式。  相似文献   
日本传本《古文孝经》回传中国考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《古文孝经孔传》当是汉魏以后长期流传的《孝经》注本之一 ,未必是孔安国所作 ,其书在梁末亡逸。隋朝开皇十四年以后 ,经刘炫之手又出现了所谓的《孔传》本 ,对于其真伪问题当时即有争议。此本在隋唐时期传入日本 ,而五代以后在中国却已佚失。《古文孝经》在日本的传授源流是清楚的 ,祖本当是隋唐旧本 ,非日本人伪造。日本江户时代学者太宰纯校刻的《古文孝经孔氏传》正是以日本足利学所藏刘炫《孝经直解》本为底本 ,参校众本 ,旁及他书所引 ,更加音注而成。此书回传中国 ,在清朝学界产生了较大影响 ,也引起不少争议。  相似文献   
"孝"是源于人类的自然本性即父母子女之间纵向的"亲亲之情",这种自然之情发乎于外,成为协调父子关系和谐的行为规范。这种发乎自然人伦的文明形式,与传统礼乐文化在"伦理和谐"的价值旨趣上是完全一致的。孝与礼相结合而为孝礼,是礼乐文化的逻辑起点。由礼乐文化中所确立的孝之为孝礼的规定性,首先体现在周人对祖先祭祀的宗教礼仪之中,进而逐步推展到丧葬、婚冠、生育以及对在世尊长的敬爱与服事之中。  相似文献   
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