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"奇"是清代实学代表人物王源评点《左传》的关键词,在内容、形式评点中皆有体现。借助《左传》具体文本的评点,通过同类相联、正反对举的反复申述,王源将"奇"之内涵赋予"变""活""正"等多重意义,将传统的奇文观念"美文化",以奇诡、辞达、自然为奇文,使"奇"具备了多重文学批评的功能。身处易代,酷爱兵法,好奇人奇事奇文,一生坎壈,皆为王源尚奇批评生成之根源。对明清八股时文取士的不屑,对清初文坛亦步亦趋效法唐宋八大家的不满,使其《左传》奇文评点具备了不同时俗的意义,浸润了明确的针砭时弊与经世致用的色彩。王源《左传》评点之重"奇",在一定程度上彰显出中国古代文论的典型性特征。对此进行考察,可望为揭橥评点的阐释范式、话语体系等提供可行性研究理路。  相似文献   
鸿是我国古诗词中经常使用的意象之一,它有着丰富的内涵和情感。苏轼在传统意象的基础上,在他的词作中把传统的鸿意象与自己的独特个性结合起来赋予了这个意象更为深广的感情生发空间。  相似文献   
道统,就是按照某种认定的“道”为原则而甄选出一系列具有代表性的历史人物,并依某种顺序编排成一个谱系。道统说并非古已有之,唐宋以后则颇为兴盛。但究竟何为道统之“道”,则各家的界定均有不同,或偏于外在的规则,或偏于内在的本心,或诉诸社会的道德实践,或究心于空灵玄妙的内圣工夫。由此建构起来的“统”,也不尽相同,有此家认定的人物,他家予以否认者,反之亦然。倡导儒家的道统说,有必要辨明所要弘扬者是何种道,所要传承者是谁之统。  相似文献   
The commander was mainlu in charge of the army in the local administration system during the Han Dynasty to the Sunwu Period. As the border prefectures were important in military defense, the armies of these prefectures were commonly divided into parts. Therefore, the army of Kuaiji Prefecture were divided into West Section Duwei, East Section Duwei and South Section Duwei. The West and East Section Duweis were founded for the purpose of suppressing the adherents of Yuyue as well as the Minyue and Ouyue people in the southeast coastline. In demand of securing the safety of the ship routes alongside the southeast coastline, the East Section Duwei migrated frequently within the area. In the meantime, the foundation of South Section Duwei was the result of the Sunwu government suppressing the local force and pillaging the labor resources in a partition background  相似文献   
张爱玲与施叔青分别在20世纪40年代与80年代创作了多篇以香港为题材的小说。她们以独特的女性视角指出了都市女性苍凉的生存困境,并揭示了女性原始而又恒久存在的“原罪意识”。在物欲和情欲的支配下,张爱玲笔下的女性成为男性的附庸,无法活出自我,逐渐沉沦下去。而施叔青小说中的女性虽然曾一度沦为物质的俘虏,但大多能走出来自省,从欲望中觉醒,获得新生。  相似文献   
相关历史文献、金石文字以及出土实物证明,“隃麋”是今陕西省千阳县在两汉时期的正确县名写法,《后汉书》等写作“渝麋”或“隃糜”均为传写之误。隃麋墨,产地为隃麋、材质为松烟、形制为丸状或锭状。关于隃麋墨的记载,最早出自东汉蔡质《汉官典职仪式选用》,而不是最常被引用的东汉应劭《汉官仪》。  相似文献   
汉朝伴随着儒家思想法律化进程的加快,司法官员常常通过引经决狱制作判例,规避法律,这种做法对两汉判例体系创建、司法官员自由裁量权的实现及儒家轻刑主张的具体实施意义重大,也为我们今天法官造法功能的实现提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
“传”作为一个文体概念包含解经与叙事两种不同形态。究其本义,“传”字原与邮驿相关,至春秋战国之交时,方引申出古书统称之义。此后直至西汉初,“传”进一步用来指解经之作。与此同时,司马迁将《史记》中专写各色人物的那一部分命名为“列传”,后班固《汉书》承之而为“传”,使得“传”这种文体概念的所指有了新的扩展。此后,这种叙事形态的“传”日渐兴盛并呈多样化趋势,而解经形态的“传”逐渐式微,并分解成了多种注书体例。  相似文献   
Starting from the idea that places are socially constructed, this essay explores how a place is established and lived in Xinjiang by the members of the area’s two largest ethnicities, the Uyghur and the Han. This article demonstrates that there are differences in the ways Han and Uyghur imagine and ‘live’ Xinjiang.11. Xinjiang is not a very fortunate toponym to use here because it is a Han-language term (meaning ‘New Frontier’) that was imposed during the colonization of the region by the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). However, since there is no other term that comprises both regions of Tarim Basin and Dzungaria and also eastern Xinjiang, I am compelled to use it. For a discussion of the complex question of toponym-usage in this region see Millward, Eurasian Crossroads.View all notes At the same time it asserts that Uyghur and Han do not establish distinct spatial relationships just because of their ethnicity, but also to enhance ethnic solidarity and boundaries vis-à-vis the other. This essay also demonstrates that places are historically contingent, and discusses the ways in which the influx of temporary Han migrants and settlers – and Han capital – has generated new layers of spatial meaning and new power differentials.  相似文献   
林罗山是日本江户时代初期的儒学、神道思想家和汉学家.历来的先行研究关于他的排佛思想有两种观点:一种认为他是对朱熹排佛思想的继承,一种认为他受到了韩愈排佛思想的影响.本文通过分析林罗山所编译的中国怪异小说集《怪谈全书》中的唐代傅奕反佛的故事,证实林罗山的反佛思想各方面均受到了傅奕的影响,并就他对傅奕和韩愈反佛思想的接受以及与朱熹反佛思想的差异性和差异产生的原因进行了探讨.  相似文献   
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