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本文基于第一、二次对"无锡、保定农村调查"的资料,分析说明了无锡农村经营式农业的日渐式微,并从出租农地与雇工经营的收益方程、较高工商业发展水平导致的机会成本增加,以及家庭小农场的竞争三个方面分析了经营式农业不发展的原因.我们认为,主要是当地较高但又不足够高的工商业发展水平导致了经营式农业难以发展.较高的工商业发展水平意味着发展经营式农业的高运营成本和高机会成本.不足够高又使得非农产业的需求与人数众多的农业过剩劳动力不相匹配,从而造成了家庭小农场和经营式农场之间的激烈对抗.我们也认为,中国未来的农业农村现代化道路可能会依然呈现出复杂性和特殊性,家庭小农场扮演的角色可能仍然不容忽视.  相似文献   
This article solves an operational performance measurement problem of a global logistics firm through an internal benchmarking tool. The intended impact is to enable logistics firms to form a deeper understanding of their own internal processes and metrics. The methodology of this in-depth action research involves a sequential approach with a series of interviews, questionnaire-based surveys, operations data collated through observations and process mapping yielding real-world data. A series of statistical tests are conducted to analyse the collated data. Strategic priorities of the firm are integrated with the firm’s operational performance to ascertain the effective performance by considering both the tangible and intangible measures. The outcomes inform both practitioners and academics how the firm could improve its freight forwarding business’s profitability by ensuring that its operations meet the prioritised criteria. The ‘best practice’ derived from internal benchmarking forms an intermediate step towards external benchmarking. The outcomes facilitate investigating the current business strategy, the standard operating procedures and the scope of improving those.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1962-1971
Given the recent increase in dust‐induced lung disease among U.S. coal miners and the respiratory hazards encountered across the U.S. mining industry, it is important to enhance an understanding of lung disease trends and the organizational contexts that precede these events. In addition to exploring overall trends reported to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the current study uses MSHA's enforcement database to examine whether or not compliance with health regulations resulted in fewer mine‐level counts of these diseases over time. The findings suggest that interstitial lung diseases were more prevalent in coal mines compared to other mining commodities, in Appalachian coal mines compared to the rest of the United States, and in underground compared to surface coal mines. Mines that followed a relevant subset of MSHA's health regulations were less likely to report a lung disease over time. The findings are discussed from a lung disease prevention strategy perspective.  相似文献   
This paper examines the implications for European music culture of the European Union’s (EU) Digital Single Market strategy. It focuses on the regulatory framework being created for the management of copyright policy, and in particular the role played by collective management organisations (CMOs or collecting societies). One of the many new opportunities created by digitalisation has been the music streaming services. These depend on consumers being able to access music wherever they are, but such a system runs counter to the management of rights on a national basis and through collecting organisations which act as monopolies within their own territories. The result has been ‘geo-blocking’. The EU has attempted to resolve this problem in a variety of ways, most recently in a Directive designed to reform the CMOs. In this paper, we document these various efforts, showing them to be motivated by a deep-seated and persisting belief in the capacity of ‘competition’ to resolve problems that, we argue, actually lie elsewhere – in copyright policy itself. The result is that the EU’s intervention fails to address its core concern and threatens the diversity of European music culture by rewarding those who are already commercially successful.  相似文献   
生产性服务业的改造提升和优化升级,是中国经济高质量发展的内在要求。当前,研发设计服务业“量质齐增”,已成为中国经济高质量发展的重要引擎;物流服务业发展迅猛,在企业生产和居民生活中的重要性日益凸显;金融服务业通过提供融资支持,有力促进了经济社会的良性发展;信息技术服务和电子商务飞速发展,“数字+”成为产业升级的重要实现渠道;租赁和商务服务业业态更加丰富,是促进产业转型升级的重要力量;服务外包规模持续攀升,业务覆盖范围不断扩展;职业教育方兴未艾,提升了中国人力资源的整体水平。但是,中国生产性服务业依然存在着国际竞争力羸弱、对外开放水平较低、与其他产业的融合力度不强、在全球价值链中的地位不高等问题。对此,提出了应进一步夯实生产性服务业发展的基础,对标国际标准推进服务业供给侧结构性改革,把生产性服务与制造业融合发展作为主攻方向,把提升服务贸易国际竞争力作为关键抓手,抓住机会提升生产性服务业全方位对外开放水平等政策建议。  相似文献   
纺织业是我国重要的经济支柱产业之一,在国民经济发展、促进社会安定与繁荣中起着重要的作用。融资活动会影响上市公司产、供、销各个环节,对于企业持续经营和长远发展起着战略指导作用。契合纺织业“十三五”规划、“一带一路”倡议及“中国制造2025”对纺织业上市公司持续经营和长远发展的更高要求,以我国纺织业上市公司为研究对象,选取2012—2016年的财务数据,通过构建SBM-Malmquist指数模型从静态及动态两个角度对融资效率进行测算,构建指标体系,提出五个假设,构建受限面板Tobit回归模型对影响融资效率的因素进行验证,得出针对提升纺织业上市公司融资效率的实证结论。  相似文献   
产业学院是应用型高校为服务地方社会经济的发展而与企业深度合作形成的新型办学机构,由高校和企业共同投资,实行理事会领导、院长负责的管理体制,校企协同育人,重视实践教学,组织特征鲜明,办学优势突出。但是,产业学院在发展过程中面临诸多不足:独立法人地位尚未确立,进一步发展缺乏法律保障和依据;现代治理方式和结构尚未建立,具体工作受高校干扰较多,行政化色彩浓厚;运行成本大,缺乏市场化运行机制。为了促进产业学院发展,国家应确立其独立的法律地位,营造发展的政策环境和建立现代化的治理方式与结构;产业学院应建立市场化运行机制,激发面对市场的应变能力,最大限度地发挥自身优势,化解发展过程中的短板。  相似文献   
上市公司家族控制程度的差异是否会引起投资者对其股票估值的不确定性的变化,这一问题在现有家族企业研究文献中鲜有涉及。基于我国A股家族上市公司样本的2009—2017年度数据,从股票超额收益率对投资者情绪敏感度的角度,分析了家族控制程度对股价情绪效应的影响。研究发现,家族控制程度的增加会加剧上市公司股价的情绪效应,股票超额收益率对投资者情绪的波动更为敏感,而且公司规模越小,账面市值比越低,则其股价情绪效应越明显。股权制衡程度更高的公司,家族控制程度对其股价情绪效应的影响会降低,说明有效的治理结构会减缓股价情绪效应。公司主动性信息披露、代际传承进展,以及公司所处行业的市场竞争程度,均显著地负向调节家族控制程度对股价情绪效应的影响,减缓了收益率对情绪的敏感程度。通过改善这些变量的监管状况,可以有效缓解投资者情绪对家族控制公司股价的冲击,促进股票市场的平稳运行。  相似文献   
乳制品质量安全是关系消费者健康的重大问题,乳制品质量管控是一项涵盖多环节、多主体的复杂系统工程;而要把质量管控措施落到实处,乳制品产业链的核心企业是关键。针对我国乳制品产业质量管控现状,构建了基于质量价值流动的乳制品全产业链质量管控GERT网络模型,并对"产业链主体未加强质量管控"、"各主体独立加强质量管控"以及"核心企业主导下全产业链质量管控"三种情境进行对比分析。研究表明,核心企业主导下全产业链质量管控具有明显优势;强化乳制品行业质量管控,须从政府层面、企业层面以及消费者层面采取对策,尤其要突出核心企业在此过程中的主导地位。  相似文献   
现代服务业的高质量发展在一定程度上决定着当前阶段我国社会主义现代化水平,这是未来一定时期内实现经济发展和产业转型升级的关键引擎。通过择取1996—2017年全国层面的平衡面板数据,基于双重差分法和合成控制法对现代服务业综合政策在重庆市产生的经济增长效应做出合理化评价。实证结果表明:整体而言,现代服务业综合政策对重庆市产生明显经济增收效应。随着时间的推移,这种增收效应具有显著促进作用,但其通过政策红利动力驱动而产生的边际效应却趋于弱化。为解决内生性问题,通过进行一系列安慰剂检验,确保结论的稳健可靠。  相似文献   
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