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贸易摩擦、新冠疫情使我国经济贸易面临严峻挑战,人民币汇率波动及贸易壁垒将常态化地影响我国出口贸易.在加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局背景下,文章基于HS分类原则,选取WTO等机构的贸易数据,通过构建BEER模型测算了人民币汇率失衡程度;通过建立固定效应面板模型研究了人民币汇率失衡及贸易壁垒双因素对我国出口行业影响的异质性.研究表明:人民币汇率失衡对我国出口贸易整体上具有显著负向影响,非关税壁垒对我国出口贸易整体上具有显著正向影响;关税和非关税构成的贸易壁垒与人民币汇率失衡双因素对我国出口贸易具有显著抑制作用,并对不同出口行业的影响存在异质性;人民币汇率失衡与非关税壁垒双因素对大多行业均具有显著负向影响,人民币汇率失衡与关税壁垒双因素对不同行业影响的正负效应及程度大小有异质性.因此,建议通过运行逆周期因子等完善人民币汇率自我修正机制;通过引导出口企业了解使用外汇衍生品等促进外汇衍生品市场运行机制的健全;通过加强"海外仓"建设及深耕RCEP框架下的东盟十国市场等实施出口行业差异化贸易策略;通过提升自主科技创新能力等加快出口行业产业转型升级,推动双循环,实现我国出口贸易高质量发展.  相似文献   
当前,以FTA为代表的区域贸易协定正逐渐成为各国开展经济战略合作与竞争的重要手段,但是现实中我国企业对FTA的利用率并不高。为了探寻其中的原因,首先从FTA使用成本和收益的角度建立了一个分析影响企业FTA利用率的理论模型,探讨了企业FTA策略选择背后的作用机制。其次,基于2017年中国—东盟FTA的问卷调查数据,利用有序probit模型进行了实证研究,发现企业获取FTA信息的难易程度、申请原产地证书的时间等FTA使用成本是影响中国企业FTA利用率的重要因素;利用FTA出口则有助于企业增加出口量,使其出口产品更具价格优势,并有助于企业加入全球/区域生产网络和产品供应链。最后,异质性检验结果表明,相对于生产型企业,获取FTA信息困难程度的降低、企业申请原产地证书时间的缩短等更有利于提高外贸型企业的FTA利用率;大规模企业对FTA的利用率受FTA使用所得收益的影响较大,而小规模企业对FTA的利用率则对FTA使用成本更为敏感。为了提高企业对FTA的利用率,政府应当扩大对FTA相关政策的宣传,提高企业的认知水平,同时简化各种审批手续,努力缩短原产地证书申请所需时间。  相似文献   
本文采用深度门控循环单元(GRU)神经网络探讨三种汇率货币模型(弹性价格、前瞻性和实际利率差模型)的非线性协整关系。GRU技术在深度学习中具有智能记忆、自主学习和强逼近能力等优点。为此,本文运用该技术对6组典型浮动汇率制国别数据进行了非线性Johansen协整检验。结果表明,汇率与宏观经济基本面之间存在非线性协整关系,从而说明了货币模型在非线性条件下的有效性,以及先进的深度学习工具在检验经济理论中的优势。  相似文献   
全民覆盖是基本医疗保险降低国民医疗费用负担的前提条件。中国基本医疗保险是否实现了全民覆盖仍存在争议。本文利用多源调查数据,分析了我国基本医疗保险实际参保率及其分布特征。不同来源的数据基本证实,2015-2016年,中国仍有超过10%的国民没有参加任何一项基本医疗保险制度。其中,城镇居民、非农户口和没有户口的居民、东北地区、年轻人、儿童、未就业人群、低收入人群、在校学生以及流动人口基本医疗保险实际参保率更低。城乡居民实行自愿参保,因管理部门分割、信息系统不统一导致的重复参保以及因财政补贴制度导致的户籍地参保等制度设计,是导致基本医疗保险未能实现全民覆盖的根源。要实现基本医疗保险全民覆盖,解决国民医疗后顾之忧,未来我国基本医疗保险应实行强制参保、以家庭为单元参保、常住地参保,建立全国统一的基本医疗保险信息系统,并鼓励发展补充性医疗保障制度。  相似文献   
This study analyzed the time–frequency relationship between oil price and exchange rate for Pakistan by using measures of continuous wavelet such as wavelet power, cross-wavelet power, and cross-wavelet coherency (WTC). The results of cross-wavelet analysis indicated that covariance between oil price and exchange rate is unable to give clear-cut results, but both variables have been in phase and out phase (i.e. they are anti-cyclical and cyclical in nature) in some or other durations. However, results of squared wavelet coherence disclose that both variables are out of phase and real exchange rate was leading during the entire period studied, corresponding to the 10–15 months’ scale. These results are the unique contribution of the present study, which would have not been drawn if one would have utilized any other time series or frequency domain-based approach. This finding provides evidence of anti-cyclical relationship between oil price and real effective exchange rate; however, in most of the period studied, real exchange rate was leading and passing anti-cycle effects on oil price shocks which is the major contribution of the study.  相似文献   
储层岩石矿物成分是酸压改造效果影响因素之一。研究认为,在储层岩石矿物成分中易溶物的含量及分布方式决定了酸蚀裂缝导流能力大小,易溶蚀物的含量越多,岩石溶蚀速率越快。室内测试了不同溶蚀速率下的灰岩和白云岩的酸蚀裂缝导流能力,研究了岩石溶蚀速率、易溶蚀物含量对酸蚀裂缝导流能力的影响,对酸压工艺设计方案提出了指导性建议。研究结果表明,储层岩石溶蚀速率与酸蚀裂缝导流能力增加倍比存在抛物线关系,易溶蚀物占30%40% 时酸蚀裂缝导流能力保持较好。  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the k-nearest neighbours (kNN) estimation of nonparametric regression model for strong mixing functional time series data. More precisely, we establish the uniform almost complete convergence rate of the kNN estimator under some mild conditions. Furthermore, a simulation study and an empirical application to the real data analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) are carried out to illustrate the finite sample performances and the usefulness of the kNN approach.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1634-1655
The work in the article presents the development of an application guide based on feedback and comments stemming from various railway actors on their practices of SIL allocation to railway safety‐related functions. The initial generic methodology for SIL allocation has been updated to be applied to railway rolling stock safety‐related functions in order to solve the SIL concept application issues. Various actors dealing with railway SIL allocation problems are the intended target of the methodology; its principles will be summarized in this article with a focus on modifications and precisions made in order to establish a practical guide for railway safety authorities. The methodology is based on the flowchart formalism used in CSM (common safety method) European regulation. It starts with the use of quantitative safety requirements, particularly tolerable hazard rates (THR). THR apportioning rules are applied. On the one hand, the rules are related to classical logical combinations of safety‐related functions preventing hazard occurrence. On the other hand, to take into account technical conditions (last safety weak link, functional dependencies, technological complexity, etc.), specific rules implicitly used in existing practices are defined for readjusting some THR values. SIL allocation process based on apportioned and validated THR values is finally illustrated through the example of “emergency brake” subsystems. Some specific SIL allocation rules are also defined and illustrated.  相似文献   
目前,学术界对选取何种风险调整贴现率期限结构还存在争议,导致对同类投资项目得 出不同的管理指引意见. 针对这一争议,本文通过划分资本产出方式, 寻找影响贴现率结构的 主要因素. 研究表明,不确定的宏观经济产出和项目非系统风险共同影响风险溢价系数, 同时 风险溢价系数决定贴现率期限结构. 其中,当风险溢价系数大于某确定阈值, 贴现率随时间递 增; 其余情况表现为递减.  相似文献   
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