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This article examines three novels by Ukrainian realist Ivan Franko (1856–1916): Dlia domashn'oho ohnyshcha (For the Home Hearth, 1892), Osnovy suspil'nosti (Pillars of Society, 1894), and Perekhresni stezhky (Fateful Crossroads, 1900). Previous scholars saw elements of crime fiction in these works, but the actual relationship between the two genres of crime fiction and realism has not been fully developed. By studying the conventions of crime fiction, along with its antecedent, the Gothic, and their influence on Franko, the author shows the make-up of the early Ukrainian crime fiction genre and points to its importance in understanding Franko’s vacillation between realist and modernist tendencies. As she argues, the scales of his vacillation are tipped toward modernism in its decadent form, an existential void that characterized fin de siècle Europe. Hence, Franko’s “ideal” or programmatic realism (defined by Franko as a literary style with a didactic tendency aimed at educating society), which he introduced under the appealing cover of crime and Gothic motifs, ultimately failed him. The author proposes that it is the creative modes (Gothic and crime fiction) that Franko chose for voicing his ideas about social reforms that led him, unsuspectingly, away from his programmatic goal and toward the decadent aspects of modernism.  相似文献   
在爱情小说杰作《中暑》中,布宁试图透过个体爱情的浪漫与现实、欢乐与痛苦、短暂与永恒三种冲突对立的情感体验,折射出爱情的永恒意义,以此揭示人生命情感的悖谬本相,从而传达作者矛盾的爱情观——爱情是上帝赐予人类无上珍贵的馈赠,是人本性世界中最神圣的情感;爱情是交融着人类情感的两极——至高幸福与痛苦的矛盾体,它既能激荡人心,给人带来无比愉悦的感受,又能将人抛人痛苦的深渊;在情感跌宕起落而引发的精神升华和情感洗礼中人会实现对生存真谛的醒悟。  相似文献   
There is a substantial corpus of criticism on the epistemology of walking in recent writing by Ivan Vladislavic. This article expands upon the literature through a focus on the ways in which The Exploded View and Portrait with Keys engage with and pressurise the socio-spatial dominance of car driving in Johannesburg. It maintains that while car-use radically organises space and place in the city, this hegemony is tested by alternate forms of mobility. As Vladislavic’s work suggests, disorderly and apparently liminal urban modalities and movements disrupt orderly expressions of urban capital aligned with car-driving.  相似文献   
The Balkan entanglements of the Great Powers have long interested historians of war, diplomacy, and nation-building in South-Eastern Europe. Although tsarist officers played a central role in Russian policies in the region, historians have rarely treated their writings as expressions of specifically military concerns and preoccupations. The present article seeks to fill this gap by reconstructing the Balkan career of Ivan Liprandi, a Russian officer, partisan leader, and self-styled expert on the European part of the Ottoman Empire during the middle decades of the nineteenth century. The article traces Liprandi’s effort to turn his direct experience of partisan warfare into knowledge and place that knowledge at the disposal of the Russian military command. Liprandi’s remarkable Balkan career testifies to the growing interest of the Imperial Russian military in the ethno-confessional profile and political attitudes of the local population as factors contributing to victory or defeat. Liprandi’s statistical and ethnographic writings on the Balkans are also indicative of the nexus between the military and civilian forms of knowledge that emerged in the middle decades of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   
Compassion Fatigue is a state that includes the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This text reviews events following the Hurricane Ivan and Katrina disasters and how Compassion Fatigue education helped to identify and ameliorate symptoms of the problem. I worked in a community center in the Pensacola area for one week following Ivan and in a shelter in my residential area of Houma, Louisiana for two months following Katrina. Examples of traumatic stories and coping with my own secondary stress are given. Implications include education regarding CF for all mental health professionals, especially during and following work in disasters or with populations of the traumatized.  相似文献   
伊凡·蒲宁是第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的俄罗斯作家,同时也是一位著名的乡土作家,以其创作与文本分析为基础,并从自然植物、自然动物、农民和童年等方面入手具体分析其作品中所蕴含的乡土深情。  相似文献   
《轻盈的气息》是俄罗斯第一位诺贝尔文学奖得主伊.阿.蒲宁的代表作之一。自问世起,即以其高超的叙事艺术成就、清晰展现的体裁修辞特征、情节发展不落社会理性小说窠臼以及阅读引发的独特审美体验等因素为研究者对其文本进行多元解读提供了充分的可能性。本文从叙事时间理论、行动元模型、符号矩阵方法等结构主义叙事学角度对其进行解读与阐释,具体分析和展现了小说中轻盈与沉重、生命与死亡、灵魂与肉身之对立这一基本思想主题。  相似文献   
本文从文学发展史的宏观视角对屠格涅夫长篇小说作了概述,并以其本人对长篇小说内容和形式的实践和探索为切入口,探讨了其长篇小说的形式问题。同时运用比较的方法,论述其长篇小说的人物塑造与结构特点,认为居格涅夫的长篇小说综合了多种文学形式的艺术表现特点,在俄罗斯乃至欧洲长篇小说发展史上占有特殊位置。  相似文献   
屠格涅夫是俄国19世纪伟大的现实主义作家。本文从以下几方面,展现我国近十年来在屠格涅夫研究上的新进展;(1)全面多角度研究,及新观点的提出;(2)新理论,新研究方法的重视及运用;(3)出现有影响的学术专著;(4)比较研究将成为新的趋向。  相似文献   
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