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Despite policy efforts to increase adolescent happiness, their impact has been unsatisfactory. Their limited impact may be rooted from a discrepancy between values that adolescents pursued and those that the policies were based on. To provide policy implications, our study aims to identify prevailing values for South Korean, Japanese, and Chinese adolescents and to examine the relationship between the values and self-rated happiness (SRH). A cross-sectional study was conducted using survey data collected on approximately 2000 middle and high school students (7th to 12th school grade) from each country in 2008. Firstly, an explanatory factor analysis was conducted to identify salient adolescent values from each country. Subsequently, a multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted for each population group to examine the relationship between the identified values and adolescent SRH after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. We found that benevolence and altruism were positively associated with adolescent SRH in all three population groups. Patriarchy was associated with SRH positively in Chinese yet inversely in Japanese. Success pursuit was inversely associated with SRH in Korean. Policy efforts based on values of communities or social harmony may benefit adolescents’ SRH in these three countries.  相似文献   
Disasters often cause exogenous flow damage (i.e., the [hypothetical] difference in economic scale with and without a disaster in a certain period) to production (“supply constraint”). However, input-output (IO) analysis (IOA) cannot usually consider it, because the Leontief quantity model (LQM) assumes that production is endogenous; the Ghosh quantity model (GQM) is considered implausible; and the Leontief price model (LPM) and the Ghosh price model (GPM) assume that quantity is fixed. This study proposes to consider a supply constraint in the LPM, introducing the price elasticity of demand. This study uses the loss of social surplus (SS) as a damage estimation because production (sales) is less informative as a damage index than profit (margin); that is, production can be any amount if without considering profit, and it does not tell exactly how much profit is lost for each supplier (upstream sector) and buyer (downstream sector). As a model application, this study examines Japan's largest five earthquakes from 1995 to 2017 and the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) in March 2011. The worst earthquake at the peak tends to increase price by 10–20% and decrease SS by 20–30%, when compared with the initial month's prices/production. The worst damage tends to last eight months at most, accumulating 0.5-month-production damage (i.e., the sum of [hypothetical] differences in SS with and without an earthquake [for eight months] is 50% of the initial month production). Meanwhile, the GEJE in the five prefectures had cumulatively, a 25-month-production damage until the temporal recovery at the 37th month.  相似文献   
日本国立民族学博物馆是一所兼具博物馆功能、培养博士研究生教育功能、大学共同利用机构功能为一体的世界一流民族学(文化人类学)研究中心。国立民族学博物馆对涉藏资料的收集整理工作前后分为三个时期:初期主要是20世纪初由青木文教从西藏带回日本的民族志资料;其次是20世纪50年代日本学者川喜田二郎等人组织的社会调查队在尼泊尔等喜玛拉雅藏系社会的调查资料;第三个时期是中日建交后通过“中国民族文化宫”收购的一批民族文化资料中的涉藏部分。这些资料对今后的藏学研究具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
日据台湾时期,大批台湾学生竞相赴日留学,至抗战胜利之际,其总数达六七万人之多,形成一个人数不菲的留日学生群体。台湾光复后,国民政府接管台湾留日学生,并召回大批台湾学生,将其分送至台湾或大陆相应学校续学;对于尚未返台者,给予一定补助,然此补助直至国民党败退台湾后才实施,且附有强烈的政治色彩。新中国成立伊始,党和政府感召包括台籍学生在内的留日学生回国,并无条件发放救济金资助其完成学业。部分台湾留日学生在民族大义和统一大业面前做出理性选择,成为抗日运动先锋或祖国统一的拥护者。  相似文献   
本文提出了地缘政治学的三种研究路径:地理要素、权力政治、战略分析。针对1868年明治维新至1941年的太平洋战争这段时期,日本的海权崛起为何逐渐走向失控这个议题,提出的自变量解释是体系变革,它涵盖权力结构、地理因素与攻防平衡交互影响等;国家的战略塑造能力是中介变量,包括:战略对手的塑造、国内共识的形成、地缘学说的吸收和运用、联盟战略构成等。结合海军与陆军部门的竞争关系、国内政治与外部战略环境的交互影响、地理与历史的基础性作用、对马汉、豪斯浩弗等地缘学者的历史影响考察,以及近代日本先后针对中国、俄国(苏联)和美国进行的战略调整优劣进行评估。最后得出结论:国家的海权发展应有大战略思维,片面追求军国主义和穷兵黩武不利于国家的长远利益。  相似文献   

Despite a symbolic shift toward ‘emotional taint’ in dirty work literature, the role of the workplace has not been studied in relation to socially admired professions, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) work. This article carries out an in-depth, critical examination of CSR as an emotionally tainted occupation in Japan. Its findings, substantiated by an analysis of 34 CSR workers’ rhetoric, help conceptualise ‘internal uselessness’. This emerges when workers feel their organisations publicly foster an image of their work that is decoupled from its internal reality, assigning them chief tasks they consider irrelevant. This leads to negative consequences that damage their workplace social relationships, professional aspirations and emotional well-being. The findings ultimately show that these CSR workers in Japan attempt to counterbalance internal uselessness through a social quest with peers outside their workplace, but also manage their emotions by rationalising their job status as inescapable, influenced by situated commitment norms.  相似文献   
2018年3月,日本发布新的《高等学校学习指导要领》。这是日本自第二次世界大战后70多年来,对高中课程最大规模的一次修订,体现了日本高中教育发展的新趋势,标志着日本从此告别“宽松教育”而走向“生存能力”教育。由“历史综合”“日本史探究”“世界史探究”组成的新高中历史课程,立足“人”的发展,构建了“必修+选修、通史+专题”的课程体系,课程内容更加突出本国史与世界史的联系,课程学习倡导“主题+探究”的学习方式。日本高中历史课程的内容设置及特点启示我们,高中历史课程编制应加强中国史与世界史的横向关联,课程内容应体现探究性学习要求。  相似文献   
This paper, which is authored by members of the Japanese Association of Family Therapy (JAFT), describes the COVID‐19 pandemic in Japan from a family systems perspective. The authors are active members of JAFT and include current and past presidents and officers. We describe the course of the pandemic and the ways in which government policies to mitigate the pandemic have affected Japanese families. Challenges that affect Japanese families include the inability to participate in family and social rituals, prescribed gender roles that specifically affect women, high suicide rates, and prejudice against those who are at risk of spreading the infection. The need to shelter in place has also forced family homes to function as a workplace for parents, classrooms for children, and day care services for frail elders, which has resulted in psychological distress among individuals and conflicts among families. We discuss ways that therapists have worked with Japanese families using online therapy.  相似文献   
本文以东亚三国现代化的早期阶段为切入点,探究中日朝三国现代化运动产生的契机和条件,三国现代化的推动与领导集团的形成、演变以及三国现代化进程的异同,进而发掘出在现代化进程中的历史经验和教训,并以资为当代中国现代化之鉴.  相似文献   
中日音乐文化交流的历史渊源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文追溯了中日音乐文化交流的历史渊源,认为两国历史上音乐文化的交流是相互的,友好的,促进了两国音乐文化的发展。  相似文献   
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