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Soldiers operate under conditions of extreme uncertainty and danger, in which sensemaking is both crucial and challenging. A grounded theory analysis of four epic war novels by veterans (Tolstoy, Remarque, Heller, O’Brien) provides insights into soldiers' sensemaking in combat. The findings are of theoretical and methodological relevance. Theoretically, this article contributes to sensemaking theory by identifying alternative sensemaking pathways besides the traditional enactment-selection-retention model. Additionally, while existing literature suggests that sensemaking failures result in organizational breakdown, this study shows that personnel may continue to do their work in the (fictional) belief that other organizational members can still make sense of the situation. Finally, methodologically, this article introduces grounded theory as a systematic approach to analyzing novels in contrast to current heterogeneous uses of literary fiction in organization and management studies.  相似文献   

Scholarly textbooks often follow a logic where suitable empirical cases are selected to illustrate the theoretical and analytical points that we as scholars want to make. But what would happen if we would do the opposite: build a textbook on a novel written by a novelist for such purpose and let the theories explain the actions and emotions of fictional characters? In this article, we share and reflect upon our experiences of co-authoring a textbook in organization theory together with a professional novelist. We argue that the novel can function as an eye-opener in organizational analysis, forcing us to look beyond more static and rationalistic perspectives on organizations as well as the stereotypes of such. We build and relate our experiences to the growing literature about using fiction in scholarly work and discuss the potential of such genre-bending work when we bring in flesh and blood into the analyses.  相似文献   
中国当代女性小说不仅在定义上,而且在“写什么”、“怎么写”和“用什么语言”这些根本性问题上都陷入了困境;与此同时,它们又在挣扎着突围并且取得了不俗的成绩。这个“陷入”和“突破”过程还在反复进行,将来无疑还会继续下去。对之进行系统的学术梳理,对将来的女性小说创作与批评具有重要意义。  相似文献   
东君小说中有着明显的"冲谈"痕迹,在他的作品中具有浓浓的带有宗教倾向的出世味道。他非常注重对冲谈的艺术境界的营造,具体表现在情节编排、场景展示和语言运用中。东君的创作强化了作品的现实关注度,加入了神秘美因子。  相似文献   
新小说的双性气质成就了它的繁荣,其中的女性话语气质,是近代文学被边缘化后,文学的游戏观念得到发展的结果.新小说中期开始的非政治化转向,呈现为一种女性化的文学特征,最终以鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学的盛行为标志.它不但是对文学中性别资源的调动,还发展出文学现代化的另一种走向,形成了现代文学的一个非主流传统.  相似文献   
有“香港文坛教父”之称的作家刘以鬯毕生致力于“求新求异”,其“实验小说”创作借鉴西方现代派文学理论,充满了探索性和先锋性。笔者结合他的一系列“反小说”创作,分析了刘以鬯对法国“新小说派”的新锐创作观及主要创新技巧如“客体写作”、“跳跃”、“环合”、“复现”和“开放性创作”等手法的吸收与借鉴,并指出其“求新求异”的叙事背后立足香港本土,着力表现香港社会现实以及小人物命运的深刻创作主旨。  相似文献   
实证精神即实证主义者的治学精神,其实质就是拿出证据,追求真实。鲁迅先生研究中国小说史的实证精神,是他受西方实证主义与清代浙东学派治学精神影响的结果。鲁迅先生治中国小说史的实证精神主要表现在三个方面,即重视小说史料的真实、重视实证方法的运用、重视论断之"言必有据"。探讨鲁迅先生研究小说史的实证精神,学习先贤审慎务实的治学态度,对当下中国学术界的功利主义风气,或许会有警醒的作用。  相似文献   
新月派文人向往着西方的民主自由,讲求的是绅士的风度和做派;但同时其思想内核又摆脱不了传统儒家思想的影响。思想的复杂性折射在他们看待现实的眼光和态度中。从新月派文人的小说创作,可以看到新月派文人对现实矛盾解析的有失肤浅和力不从心。  相似文献   
“十七年”时期与“文革”中的浙江小说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了“十七年”时期与“文革”时期浙江小说创作的基本轨迹.“十七年”时期,浙江小说的作家队伍结构、题材类型、作品质量都有可取之处,并有一些不俗的成绩.“文革”期间,某种集体意志取代了作家的主体个性,创作趋于平庸.  相似文献   
布斯的《小说修辞学》的贡献体现在 :指出了作者在小说中修辞性介入的必然性和必要性 ,解决了讲述和展示的关系问题 ;对传统小说和现代小说的修辞技巧作了细致的研究 ;强调道德和伦理的意义 ,把小说修辞道德化和伦理化 ;强调了作者与读者进行交流和沟通的意义。布斯的小说理论还有助于人们认识和克服 2 0世纪现代主义文学理论和创作中存在的种种反修辞的消极因素  相似文献   
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