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Scholarly textbooks often follow a logic where suitable empirical cases are selected to illustrate the theoretical and analytical points that we as scholars want to make. But what would happen if we would do the opposite: build a textbook on a novel written by a novelist for such purpose and let the theories explain the actions and emotions of fictional characters? In this article, we share and reflect upon our experiences of co-authoring a textbook in organization theory together with a professional novelist. We argue that the novel can function as an eye-opener in organizational analysis, forcing us to look beyond more static and rationalistic perspectives on organizations as well as the stereotypes of such. We build and relate our experiences to the growing literature about using fiction in scholarly work and discuss the potential of such genre-bending work when we bring in flesh and blood into the analyses.  相似文献   
La gouvernance privée telle qu'elle découle des différentes initiatives prises par les multinationales pour promouvoir le respect de normes sociales et l'égalité hommes‐femmes a eu peu d'effet sur les discriminations fondées sur le genre dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales. Les auteures soulignent l'intérêt des Principes directeurs des Nations Unies relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l'homme en la matière, estimant qu'il est indispensable de recourir à une gouvernance «stratifiée» associant public, privé et acteurs sociaux pour lutter contre cette discrimination et intégrer le souci de l'égalité des sexes dans l'exercice de la diligence raisonnable exigée en matière de droits de l'homme.  相似文献   
李春梅  铃木博之 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):102-109, 154-156
本文针对分布在四川甘孜州康定市吉居乡的藏族语言进行分析。吉居话的语言所属在以往研究里没有共识,有属于扎巴语的意见和属于康巴藏语的意见。通过与藏文的对比,可见该语言为一个属于康巴藏语崩波岗方言群的土话,并非木雅语或扎巴语。基于与吉居话周边土话的比较,我们提出吉居话属于崩波岗方言群雅砻江组的假设性结论。本文的分析方法亦能作为识别康巴藏语中方言所属的参考。  相似文献   
刘勰《文心雕龙》无论是对理论体系的设置,还是对具体问题的论述,或是对总纲五篇的排序,抑或是用“文心”来为全书命名,均体现出一种由内及外的思维方式。而归根结底,这种思维方式源于南朝礼学,所以《文心雕龙》与礼学在思维方式层面具有鲜明的异质同构性。刘勰的思想精神与立身行事体现出其积极入世的儒家情怀,彰显出对礼学的热衷推崇,可以说进行礼学批评是其撰写《文心雕龙》的一个动机,以此敷赞圣旨,进而谋求仕进。因此,《文心雕龙》彰显出浓厚的礼学思想特色,具有深厚的礼学蕴涵,由内及外的思维方式正是其礼学蕴涵的表现之一。  相似文献   
晚清广西著名学者型的文人龙启瑞,其诗、词、文皆工。他的文学创作与所受的教育密切相关。学校教育、家族教育、社会教育等教育,分别从不同层面塑造了龙启瑞的文学创作观念与文学审美理想,最终影响到他作品的内容与形式,催生了具有“龙氏特色”的一系列文学作品。  相似文献   
A provocation?…?the minds of my generation of organizational theorists are haunted by the spectre of scientific discourse, shoehorned into dry genres, bullied by audit regimes that try to wring the passion out of thought. Without gaiety, the science that calls us has no exuberance, it cannot dance. What are the possibilities for writing about organizations that allows the heart's instincts to be followed, the vast possibilities of expression to be explored and enjoyed? I explore this through a form of writing known as fictocriticism – a writing engaged in genre-bending as a literary and theoretical engagement with existence and selfhood. Why import this term into organization studies? Might fictocriticism have some value to ‘us’ who locate ourselves here? I am engaging in a form of romance; a courtship of ideas from elsewhere. What might result from this union is not clear, but it offers hope, excitement and promise.  相似文献   
汉代作家是具有不同社会身份、 知识结构及审美取向的个体, 身份、 知识背景对作家创作有直接的影响和规约. 不同阶层、 不同社会身份的文学主体, 日常所关注的事务不同, 所思所想有异, 因此, 诉诸文学创作即形成了言说内容及主题话语的明显差异. 与身份相应, 不同的学术背景及知识结构,也会直接带来文学主体审美取向及话语方式的差别. 身份、 知识结构、 审美取向之异是汉代文学生成及发展的重要内驱力.  相似文献   
Although usually conceived of and studied as individual types, genres are frequently combined in practice. This research examines how genres are combined in popular American films, and how the popularity of particular combinations changed between 1946 and 2013. Distinguishing between “contextual genres” (which identify a film's subject matter) and “affective genres” (which identify a film's intent), we find marked differences between the postwar and blockbuster eras of the Hollywood film industry. The blockbuster era exhibits less generic diversity than the earlier postwar era. Furthermore, the popular postwar‐era films dealt with serious subjects and were set in realistic settings. The blockbuster era replaced these with intense, nonrealistic films. We also find that the relationship between contextual and affective genres changes within industry eras, with affective genres dominating at the beginning of new periods and the popularity of contextual genres growing as the period progresses.  相似文献   
曹丕《典论·论文》的写作时间有建安十六年、太子时期、黄初初年前后三说。分析文献及史实,可以发现它的写作时间应该在太子时期,因其创作与《与吴质书》、《与杨德祖书》关系密切,而《隋书·经籍志》对当时书籍存世的记载对确定该文的创作时间下限也有着不可忽视的作用。经过史实研究,可以精确地将《典记·论文》创作时间定位于建安二十二年(217)年十月至建安二十三(218)年二月三日之间。  相似文献   
伍德罗·威尔逊秉承基督教长老派思想,站在超验主义的立场反思科学主义,他批判结构主义造成的新迷信,坚持传统的文本解读策略。威尔逊的文学经典三原则维护文学的人文属性,体现出世纪之交的美国新保守主义思想,其文学观的时代意义在于用新古典主义重建社会价值体系。  相似文献   
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