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In the last two decades, the Portuguese Government has responded to the decline of centres of commerce. In this paper, we analyse the three different experiences of town centre management (TCM) schemes developed in Portugal since the turn of the millennium. The first two stages were developed using public sector initiatives and their impacts were limited. The third stage is still under way and is composed of private projects created by local business owners. Taking Lisbon as a case study for this third stage we conclude that these projects have become a pro-active means of intervention in Portuguese town centres.  相似文献   
李白《峨眉山月歌》誉满千秋,其解释则迄今聚讼纷纭,莫衷一是。本文依据《毛诗正义》等文献,第一次提出诗中“半轮”指上弦月,上弦月是农历每月初七、八中午月出,月相呈为半圆,入夜月在中天,午夜月落,诗言“峨眉山月半轮秋”,又言“夜(后半夜)发清溪”、“思君(月)不见”,是上半夜见半圆月而后半夜不见,正是上弦月,并依据宋黄鹤《补注仕诗》等文献,在前人研究基础上,进一步确定青溪驿在犍为县。全诗言舟行经平羌江到嘉州宿,已经入夜,一路上上弦月伴随人行,次日拂晓前从嘉州出发,到清溪宿,再次日拂晓前从清溪出发,出发时上弦月早已月落,虽不见月而念念不忘月。由李白此诗可见,飘逸、神韵、浪漫与写实,在诗歌中可以融为一体.  相似文献   
从《诗经》到现在的《中国民歌集成》都真实地反映了许多历史故事、人物及人民的生活。每一个历史时期都有其不同的表现形式、不同的风格及丰富的内容,了解和学习民歌的意义不仅在于它的形式和风格,更重要的是深含在其中的民族文化的精华,体现出一种不屈、乐观和奋发自信的民族精神,了解和学习民歌是陶冶情操,加深修养,提高文化素质的重要内容。也是加强爱国主义教育,促进精神文明建设的有效途径。  相似文献   
锡伯族族源、族称 ,历来为各民族学者与史家所重视 ,观点也不相异同。本文从地名信息的活化石角度探讨了锡伯族名称的语源。认为锡伯族称其语源即蒙古语之“锡窝尔” ,其语义亦即“森林”  相似文献   
多弥史钩沉   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
多弥 ,为隋唐时期汉文文献史籍记载的西北民族之一。《新唐书·西域传下》记其为西羌 ,滨犁牛河 (今青海通天河 ) ,“役属吐蕃 ,号难磨 (Nam mo)”。本文据此 ,认为“难磨”即藏文文献中所记之“南”(Nam)国或南部族 ,源于汉代以来西羌中的“卑”等羌 (以上前人均有论述 )。南部族在古藏文文献中往往与吐蕃原始六族中的“董”(sDong)族联系在一起 ,故多弥可还原为“董弥”(sDongmi,即董人之意 )。此名可能为其他族人对其的称呼 ,“南”为吐蕃人对其的称呼。另外 ,吐蕃征服“南国” ,约在唐贞观六年至显庆元年 ( 63 2— 65 6)之间。后为吐蕃“四方面王”之一 (《贤者喜宴》)、与吐蕃赞普通婚和结盟的大家族那囊氏 (sNa nam)应为南部族首领或大家族之一。唐安史之乱后 ,吐蕃曾征调南部至西域一带防戍 ,故 2 0世纪以来新疆出土的藏文简牍中有“南茹”、“南茹巴”的记载。唐末至五代 ,汉藏文书所记之“南山”、“南波”等 ,其中杂有“南”部族 ,故其所以得名 ,除因其居地在“南山”(今祁连山 )外 ,还有其民族构成中有“南”部族的缘故。  相似文献   
本文论述了黑龙江省地名学与古代民族的历史关系。  相似文献   
以历史文化名镇三河古镇为研究对象,以历史资料与现场调研为依据,从自然历史形成因素出发,对三河古镇空间肌理进行分析,探讨古镇选址与布局、街巷格局、建筑风貌以及人文情态的基本特征,并针对三河古镇当前存在的空间氛围破坏、传统意境流失等问题提出若干对策,为恢复古镇昔日活力,更好地建设和营造现代人居环境提供一定的启发与借鉴。  相似文献   
While combing through the threads of the history of the Zhang Zhung kingdom,one of the first things that we cannot avoid is its position in historical time. As we know,from the perspec-tive of literary...  相似文献   
The integration of dance into K–12 curriculum can help students to learn better, encouraging deeper exploration and active engagement with content knowledge. The purpose of this intervention study was to determine how the integration of dance and social studies with an anthropological framework affects student learning of content knowledge in social studies, as well as student attitude toward the topic. An anthropological framework was implemented to foster respectful investigation of culture. As a supplement to a sixth-grade unit on Ancient Egypt, the experimental group received four intervention lessons, incorporating creative dance. Results show that at posttest the intervention group had significantly higher content knowledge than the control group, and qualitative student responses from the intervention group suggest extremely positive feelings toward experiences in the program. This suggests that incorporating dance into sixth-grade social studies with an anthropological framework can encourage student exploration and increase understanding of content.  相似文献   
杨秀敏 《河北学刊》2012,32(2):92-95
卜者对神的兆示的解释在东方和西方的古代社会都曾发挥过重要的作用,但古希腊文学中对卜释的不断质疑却构成了希腊文化独特的一面,并最终在一定程度上模塑了西方文化精神。从荷马史诗到《俄狄浦斯王》,其中的连续质疑之声中折射出西方认知史早期发展的独特轨迹。其中,《俄狄浦斯王》在西方认知发展史上具有一定的标示性意义。  相似文献   
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