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This paper contributes to studies on dynamic capabilities (DCs) by showing that a neglected environmental contingency – i.e. the occurrence of a jolt – shapes the DCs–performance relationship. We focus on high-tech entrepreneurial ventures because these are the firms that jolts affect most; in so doing, we also advance the understanding of DCs in the entrepreneurship field. We argue that, in the aftermath of an environmental jolt, the high-tech entrepreneurial ventures that use internationalization and new product development capabilities to modify their resource configuration and regain environmental fit enjoy better performance. Econometric estimates on a sample of 340 Italian high-tech entrepreneurial ventures confronting the consequences of the global economic crisis that began in 2008 confirm that separately using these two DCs has a positive performance effect. This effect is stronger for relatively smaller ventures. Interestingly, despite synergies should arise from the combined use of the two DCs, we do not detect any superadditive effects.  相似文献   
网络新媒体具有不同于传统媒体的特点,在网络新媒体语境下,网络新媒体人的素养也应提高。要想培养出网络新媒体语境下的优秀人才,口语表达课程必须创新,加强语音的标准度和优美度训练,校企合作,为学生提供实践平台,还要对学生进行专项训练,提升学生的专业素养,应用立体化教材,使考试形式多样化。  相似文献   
We investigate firms' pre-IPO corporate activity. We find that firms involved in extraordinary – i.e., beyond momentum – amounts of acquisitions, JVs, and alliances in the year leading up to their IPOs (1) are more likely to engage in post-IPO corporate activity; and (2) enter into their first post-IPO transaction twice as fast as other firms. Our results indicate that signaling via extraordinary corporate activity can have a significant effect on entrepreneurial firms’ growth. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the consolidated findings of a four-year research project that evaluated policy inclusion between the New Zealand government and communities of difference – specifically, ethnic/migrant/refugee groups, women/gender and Māori. Policy inclusion builds on foundational principles of deliberative democracy that dialogue and relationship not only improve policy but also foster democratic transitions towards pluralism and diversity. Although associated with the social democratic agenda of the Fifth Labour government, collaborative policymaking with marginalised groups continued in the subsequent National government. Drawing on interviews with policy communities, this paper analyses (a) the processes of inclusionary policymaking, (b) policy impacts and (c) implications for politics of difference. The findings suggest that, overall, the greatest efforts in inclusive policy have been at the level of design, primarily by maximising the presence of members and promoting visibility for communities of difference. These processes have had less impact on sustained, deep political transformations or opportunities for advancing diversity. The findings suggest that inclusionary policymaking had benefits for recognition politics, but against the backdrop of recent neo-conservatism, the prospects for pluralistic politics have been compromised, paving instead a politics of regulation.  相似文献   

This article is the third in a series investigating media reporting of New Zealand elections. Based on content analysis of 510 articles published in the New Zealand Herald, and thematic analysis of a subset of news stories related to young people, the study examines media coverage of the 2017 elections by looking at the topics of news stories, presence of party policies, diversity of sources and references to social groups. Comparing the 2017 results with the results of the Herald’s coverage of 2014 elections, we register a shift towards a stronger presence of policy issues, more female voices in the reports and significantly higher reference to young people. We further investigated the high number of references to young people by conducting qualitative analysis on the subset of articles mentioning young people.  相似文献   
The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) chart is often designed assuming the process parameters are known. In practice, the parameters are rarely known and need to be estimated from Phase I samples. Different Phase I samples are used when practitioners construct their own control chart's limits, which leads to the “Phase I between-practitioners” variability in the in-control average run length (ARL) of control charts. The standard deviation of the ARL (SDARL) is a good alternative to quantify this variability in control charts. Based on the SDARL metric, the performance of the EWMA median chart with estimated parameters is investigated in this paper. Some recommendations are given based on the SDARL metric. The results show that the EWMA median chart requires a much larger amount of Phase I data in order to reduce the variation in the in-control ARL up to a reasonable level. Due to the limitation of the amount of the Phase I data, the suggested EWMA median chart is designed with the bootstrap method which provides a good balance between the in-control and out-of-control ARL values.  相似文献   
劳动教育肩负着培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要任务,因此,新时代推进大中小学劳动教育是青少年学生全面发展的客观需要。新时代推进大中小学劳动教育需要从时代性、规律性、创造性三重维度着手,把握新时代大中小学劳动教育的时代特征,遵循新时代大中小学劳动教育的内在规律,激发新时代大中小学劳动教育的内生动力。  相似文献   
历史照亮过去,历史启迪未来。以党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史为核心内容的“四史”教育,是以历史为基础的思想政治教育。从党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史中挖掘思想政治理论课教育资源,对高校传承红色基因、落实立德树人根本任务具有重要的指导意义。以庆祝中国共产党成立100周年为契机,将“四史”教育融入高校思想政治理论课教学,必须遵循相应的逻辑理路:树立正确党史观、坚定理想信念的价值追求是融入的逻辑立场;强化大历史观、理解党的伟大贡献是融入的逻辑方法;坚持内在统一性、把握“四史”教育的整体性逻辑是融入的基本前提;抓住侧重点、精准对接各门大学生思想政治理论课程是融入的逻辑核心;坚持实践逻辑、引导大学生从“四史”中汲取智慧和力量是融入的根本遵循。  相似文献   
空间生产是新马克思主义城镇化的理论轴心,以空间生产审视新中国70年来的城镇化发展道路有助于全面认识和理解社会主义城镇化的本质特征。中国城镇化先后经历了工业塑城和资本塑城两个风格迥异的发展时期,前一阶段的空间强调使用价值的生产限制了城镇化的发展速度,后一阶段的空间生产引发了一系列社会发展问题。校正空间生产回归社会主义本质是城镇化发展的历史和现实吁求,也正是在过往城镇化发展的经验教训基础上,中国提出了以空间共享为核心价值旨归的新型城镇化道路,并以此为指导不断推进新时代城镇化发展。  相似文献   
随着高校毕业生人数逐年增加,毕业生就业工作压力日益增大,当前就业工作也面临诸多问题。本文分析了新媒体(以微信为例)在高校就业工作中的独特优势,提出基于新媒体(微信)平台促进高校毕业生就业工作的新思路、新途径、新举措。  相似文献   
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