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Compared to racist and ethnicist discourses, literature on sexist discourses – both off and on-line – as hate speech is relatively underinvestigated. This is partly due to the tendency to minimise accusations of sexism and to reframe misogyny as ‘acceptable’ by constructing it as a form of humour. We decided to focus on slut-shaming, one of the most virulent forms of hate speech, which has always existed but was boosted by social media, becoming a stable low-cost ingredient of today’s rape culture. We propose to consider online slut-shaming as a form of ‘technology-facilitated sexual violence’, where digital technologies are used to facilitate both virtual and face-to-face sexually based harms. According to feminist analysis of sexual violence, this would be a matter of power rather than sex: sex would be the weapon, not the motive. We have tested this research hypothesis by focusing on the Italian reception of the MeToo campaign, triggered by Asia Argento’s denunciation. More specifically, two Different Twitter corpora produced within the same five months period were examined by means of a quantitative and a qualitative methodology.  相似文献   
毛利霞 《北方论丛》2015,(4):101-107
约瑟芬。巴特勒是维多利亚时代的女权运动先驱。为了废除针对社会下层女性的《传染病法》,她成立全国妇女协会并出任领导人,通过到处演讲、报刊发文、组织请愿等方式反对国家规范卖淫;她谴责《传染病法》违背道德、法律、歧视社会下层女性,主张提升女性的社会地位,为女性积极参与社会事务、争取男女平等提供了基础。  相似文献   
Social crises are a huge challenge to the performance of the media. The norms and routines of news making with which journalists comply can become problematic in the context of intensive public sentiment and empathy. News values, including the sacred belief in objective reporting, are questioned in the light of controversies over editorial judgment within and outside the newsroom. I examine the contested news values that manifested in the Umbrella Movement of Hong Kong in 2014. In particular, I focus on the arguments and deliberations regarding news objectivity, which involved several parameters of the performance of the media during this social crisis.  相似文献   
This article discusses the effects of the televised images of the use of tear gas on people participating in the Umbrella Movement. Although the role of the Internet and social media in political mobilization has been widely discussed, the importance of television cannot be overlooked. This article argues that the widely transmitted broadcasts of live images of the police firing tear gas into the protesting crowd generated “mediated instant grievances” in a substantial sector of the viewing public, thus contributing to the size and scale of the Umbrella Movement. The study reported here provides evidence for this argument by analyzing the results of a survey of protesters that were on site during the early stage of the movement (N = 969). The study sought to determine whether and how the television images were related to the participants’ political attitudes, reasons for participation, and views of self-mobilized actions. The findings showed that, in particular, mediated instant grievances motivated the participation of the “amateur protesters” in the movement.  相似文献   
中国早期的侦探小说翻译由英国作家柯南·道尔侦探小说被引入开始。最早翻译柯南·道尔侦探小说的张坤德长期为研究界所忽视。文章从张坤德与《时务报》的关系,以及张坤德翻译柯南·道尔侦探小说的特点等方面,对张坤德的翻译活动和成就进行了梳理,认为张坤德是我国早期侦探小说的开先河者,应在侦探小说史上确立其相应的地位。  相似文献   
五四时期是李大钊民族复兴思想形成的重要阶段。李大钊曾对新生的民国寄予厚望,然而实际情况是战争频仍、民不聊生、列强咄咄逼人。内忧外患之际,同为亚洲“病夫”的土耳其又奇迹般实现复兴,刺激李大钊发出创造“青春中华”、实现“民族复活”的呐喊。李大钊敏锐地意识到十月革命的时代意义,认识到马克思主义的科学性,毅然选择了马克思主义,主张走俄国道路。基于唯物史观,李大钊开始改变仅仅依靠青年、走资产阶级道路实现复兴的主张,转而提出要依靠广大劳工群众,走社会主义道路,从而实现中华民族之复兴的主张。  相似文献   
尽管韦勒克说现实主义的理论是极为拙劣的美学,但是针对现实主义/写实主义以及文学史出现过的其他流派,我们应该以历史主义的标准来评价,而不是用后来发展起来的审美趣味来评价其价值。五四时期的写实主义理论是在一种开放的语境中形成的,不同观点之间的差异构成了它的开放形态,它打破了旧文学模式的封闭樊篱,使文学可以直接面对现实生活;它直接参与社会变革而不是在审美王国中自我陶醉;它应合社会思潮、参与思想论争,使文学产生震撼人心的社会效应,而不是在形式技巧的游戏中自生自灭。因此,从历史的视角看,五四时期的写实主义并不像韦勒克所说的那么拙劣,而是具有推动历史变革的力量的。  相似文献   
本文对里克纳《美式家庭:品质教育家长对策》一书阐述的理论及其启示加以论述。  相似文献   
大学生正处于世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,迫切需要先进典型的感召与引领、崇高精神的激励与熏陶。高校应结合当前学雷锋活动情况,创新学习教育内容,加强开展学雷锋活动意义、雷锋先进事迹和雷锋精神内涵的教育:采取丰富多彩的形式,在学习教育活动、校园文化建设和志愿者服务实践中,大力弘扬和积极践行雷锋精神;完善科学高效机制,构建和完善常态化组织领导、政策制度和科学评价机制,推动学雷锋活动常态化,使高校在学雷锋活动中始终走在全社会的前列。  相似文献   
动词复制句(Verb-Copying Construction,VCC)是一种在汉语口语中经常使用的结构,用符号可以简单地表示为S+VP1+VP2,动词V2是动词V1的拷贝。这种结构本身具有独特的句法语义特征,也具有不同的句法变体。在其进行句法运算时,两个动词性结构首先独立运算,VP1作为附加语,VP2作为主句成分进入句法推导。通过附加语侧向移位、附加合并以及主题化特征核查等句法操作形成语言表达式。其句法变体的不同构型是因为不同的控制类型造成的。  相似文献   
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