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诺曼·安吉尔作为国际关系研究领域自由主义的重要代表人物,其政治思想体系主要包含欧洲工业化国家间的相互依赖致使战争不可获益,科学引导公众观念和集体安全思想三大部分。本文首先分析安吉尔国际政治思想产生的时代背景,进而系统解析其思想体系的主要构成,最后考察其思想的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
The first serious problem faced by the Korean economy in recent years is the stagflation caused by the increasing energy cost of imported oil. How much does the oil crisis contribute to Korean inflation and unemployment? To answer the question, a variable input-output model is introduced. It differs from conventional models in one important respect: it allows the industrial structure to change in response to changing input costs. Under the model, the technical coefficient becomes an endogenous variable, a property that conventional input-output models fail to share.  相似文献   
In longitudinal survey research, certain questions can be rescinded illogically. For instance, respondents who at Time 1 report having had sexual intercourse may at Time 2 report never having done so. This paper reports measurement techniques and analyses of these types of inconsistencies from an ongoing longitudinal adolescent sexuality project. Inconsistencies in intercourse, masturbation, and other sexual behaviors are reported and compared to rates from other studies and other less sensitive behaviors within the same study. Three conclusions are presented: (1) inconsistencies should be considered a natural part of any longitudinal survey process and should be incorporated into the response model; (2) inconsistency rates in these particular data support the contention that adolescent sexuality data of appropriate quality for analytical purposes can be obtained; and (3) inconsistency rates in fact contain substantive information concerning the processes under consideration.  相似文献   
This article examines the liminal space of the desert borderlands as a scene of routinized sexualized and gendered violence against migrant women border crossers. We explore the human consequences of a philosophy of attrition that is the cornerstone of the US immigration system. Using border sexual conquest and the coloniality of power as lenses, we examine how global neoliberalism represents a form of contemporary conquest that normalizes sexual and gendered violence at transnational locations.  相似文献   
Recent research has examined the role of organizations in the stratification system and the functioning of stratification systems in organizations. In this analysis, we examine the implications of organizational boundaries for upward job changes within and across organizations. To perform our analysis, we utilize a nonstationary, modified Markov model that allows consideration of individual and job heterogeneity. The data are life histories of a sample of U.S. males between the ages of 30 and 39. Our results indicate that organizational boundaries create two kinds of resources: (1) general resources, and (2) organization-specific resources. General resources have a positive effect on upward movement within and across organizational boundaries. Organization-specific resources have a positive effect on upward movement within organizational boundaries, and a negative effect on upward movement across organizational boundaries—a situation of great benefit to organizations.  相似文献   
在《裸者与死者》中,梅勒描绘了一幅生态严重失衡的图景,遭受一次次战争洗礼满目疮痍的自然环境,人和自然之间疏离以及在非常态的环境下,人对金钱权力等的追逐所暴露出的人类世界种种深层不道德现象,这一切都深刻揭示当今社会人与自然之间的异化,印证了生态马克思主义关于资本主义反生态的种种趋势。从生态马克思主义视角解读这部小说,不仅可以更深刻地理解作家的创作意图和作品的内涵,而且可以给读者提供一个全新的视角去审视造成人类的悲惨境遇的成因。  相似文献   
马克思的市民社会理论越来越受到中外思想家的关注。传统的看法是,马克思对市民社会的批判和对资本主义的批判是同一的。然而,当代英美马克思主义的代表人物诺曼.莱文提出,国家消亡后的替代物,在马克思那里应该被理解为市民社会。莱文的判断并没有获得马克思文本的支持。用黑格尔代替马克思是莱文学术移位的隐性逻辑。  相似文献   
成吉思汗领导的蒙古人的第一次西征,在人类历史上意义非凡。西征的最后胜利,证明了成吉思汗这一战略抉择的正确性。成吉思汗对西征的抉择,与当时东西战略形势和战略价值的变化息息相关。  相似文献   
在传统翻译研究转向更为广阔的"文化转向"视角的翻译研究背景下,安德鲁.勒菲弗尔论述了意识形态、赞助人和诗学形态三个要素对翻译的操纵。中国著名翻译家傅雷先生所译的《幸福之路》从出版至今一直深受读者喜爱,在中国拥有广泛的读者群。在细读译作的过程中,读者可以寻到译文为意识形态所操纵的痕迹。在译者对原文进行"改写"的过程中,意识形态的操纵就像一只看不见的手,能够影响甚至左右译者的翻译过程。  相似文献   
英国现代作家D·H·劳伦斯在其小说创作中书写了诸如“阳萎男人”、“情感怨妇”、“精神困惑”、“灵肉分离”等几种精神生态失衡的人物形象。他们都是因征服、控制和占有欲望的膨胀而导致生命活力的衰竭和精神价值的消解。劳伦斯通过对这些人物形象的真实书写反映了其对人类前途与命运的深切忧虑与反思,从中彰显了其精神生态思想,同时也为当下重构和谐精神生态提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
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