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以陇东南 Q 村为个案,在分析农村人口流动动因的基础上,系统梳理了人口流动导引的一系列家庭代价。 家庭功能遭致消解性代价方面,表现为儿童青少年的教育抚养和老年人养老照料功能弱化;家庭风险多发频发性代价方面,表现为婚姻和家庭稳定性下降、青少年越轨行为突出和家庭成员安全风险增大;家庭分化或衰落性代价方面,表现为空巢家庭、隔代家庭和独身家庭大量出现,家庭的空壳化和复杂分化成为部分家庭走向衰落的前兆。 代价视角的分析表明,需要将家庭置于相关制度设置和公共政策讨论的核心,明确家庭建设在中国农村社会具有的特殊的文化价值和现实意义。 发展和守护家庭,调动家庭自我保障、自我调节和服务的功能及积极性,是政府相关政策制定中必须予以重视的关键议题。  相似文献   
新生代乡村教师是乡村教育的新生力量和未来的中流砥柱,他们能否安心留在乡村学校从教,关系着乡村教育的可持续发展。为解决乡村教师"留不住"的问题,国务院办公厅于2015年6月发布《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》,从经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展等方面着手,提出了具体措施。但是通过实证研究发现:当前新生代乡村教师的离职意向仍然普遍存在,尤其是其中的男教师和工作在乡村小学的教师;新时代乡村教师的离职意向,受经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展、个人偏好、乡村文化适应性、家庭和学校支持度、教师教育满意度等多方面因素的影响,其中个人偏好和乡村文化适应性是最主要的影响因素。因此,为了更好地留住新生代乡村教师,仍需在"乡村教师支持计划"现有政策支持的基础上,进一步补充和完善相关的政策措施:(1)重视乡村教师招聘和管理过程中对个人偏好的考察与培育;(2)积极帮助新生代乡村教师适应乡村文化;(3)关心新生代乡村教师的家庭问题,提供帮助和支持;(4)重视乡村学校建设,给予新生代乡村教师更多的组织关怀;(5)出台针对乡村教师的教师教育标准。  相似文献   
农村义务教育在我国义务教育体系中占有重要地位,特别是对于拥有9亿多农村人口的我国来说,农村义务教育关系到每一个农村家庭子女的成长和成才,关系到农村经济振兴战略,更关系到国家和民族的未来。对农村义务教育阶段培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的必要性以及在这一过程中存在的困境进行深入研究,并据此提出相关的应对策略,能够使农村义务教育在社会主义核心价值观的指引下持续、快速、全面、健康地发展。  相似文献   
Addressing the lack of physical activity (PA) in rural adults is vital because of the role it plays in the risk for many chronic diseases. The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility of conducting a 12-week intervention utilizing a Fitbit to increase PA behavior in inactive rural adults recruited from a primary care clinic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with study participants (n=10) and a focus group was held with nurses (n=7) from the primary care clinic. Data were analyzed using the process of immersion/crystallization. Participants and nurses both felt the program had a positive impact on PA and that the program was needed in the community. Study participants most often reported their favorite part of the study was being able to track their activity as well as the goal setting. However, study participants reported barriers to continued participation in PA related to a lack of time and ability to be active in cold weather. Further, nursing staff reported barriers in regard to a lack of resources (staffing and money) These barriers need to be examined further and addressed in order to implement a sustainable PA program that can be maintained through a primary care clinic.  相似文献   
改革开放 40 年来,我国农村法治建设取得了前所未有的成就,具有中国特色的农业农村法律体系基本成型,涉农法律实施机制日益完善,农村社会守法共荣的法治观念明显增强。 以促进农业产业发展、农村建设和农民权益保护为主要目标的农业农村法律体系,和以权利调整、农业补贴、农业市场准入为主要手段的农业农村法律调控机制,成为推进我国农村改革和农业产业调整的重要力量。 面向新时代,需充分发挥农村法治在乡村振兴中的保障作用,并从立法、执法、司法、守法各个环节全方位推进我国农业农村现代化建设。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to examine whether and how rural residents’ educational attainment is associated with their self-rated health in China. Taking advantage of the National Exercise Facility Survey that was collected between December 2015 and March 2016, we find that educational attainment has a significant and positive correlation with self-rated health, net of the effects of age, gender, and geographical region. This correlation is mediated by factors such as perceived importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle. Relatively, people’s cognitive knowledge about health-related information and material resource access fail to play a significant mediating role. The findings highlight the non-material and non-cognitive attributes of educational attainment in shaping the gradient of health in the rural setting of China. Interventions that expand formal education to the mass and optimize teaching contents may offer an effective means to balance the health gradient.  相似文献   
Evaluators often neglect to question whether a program has been appropriately designed for a new context prior to a feasibility study’s commencement. In this paper, we document the results of a case study that closely examined context when determining the feasibility of implementing a FoodShare outreach program in rural northern Wisconsin. Using community-based participatory mixed methods, we examine how stakeholder engagement led to both study refinement and a more comprehensive understanding of community food security based on contextual factors and systems thinking. Lessons learned when conducting feasibility studies from this perspective are provided to improve evaluation practice.  相似文献   
Chinese society is entering a ‘period of chronic sickness’, especially hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, resulting from a more easily available diet rich in animal fat and protein. The damage is greatest in rural areas where medical and welfare facilities are limited and patients present late, which they justify as needing to continue farming despite sickness. Thus, contrary to Parsons’s observation regarding Western medical treatment, a patient’s sick role is neither ‘deviant’ nor separated from their everyday social role and lifestyle. Villagers might however be officially encouraged to regard biomedical, religious and traditional folk therapies as neither old-fashioned nor in conflict, but as a spectrum providing emotional/psychological and sometimes physical benefit, reinforced by returning to the greater community and family care existing before village social fragmentation. This recreation of a holistic perspective could enhance the quality of rural life, especially of chronic sickness sufferers.  相似文献   
为从全球性现代化的视野观察中国现代化道路,通过在湖北西部(鄂西南、鄂西北)、渝东南、贵州(六盘水、遵义、黔东北等)等地烟草行业综合体建设进行调查,对城乡融合发展中的产业融合进行综合考察和研究。研究认为,中国的乡村振兴从“战略”提升为“道路”,表明中国式“两条腿走路”的三农现代化道路认知正式成形,乡村振兴道路在本质上讲是“农村就地现代化道路”,以农业为基础的农村就地现代化道路的关键是农村产业的融合发展;走乡村振兴道路,必须坚持政府是“主导”、乡村是“主场”、就地现代化是“主道”、产业融合发展是“主业”、内生发展是“主流”、三农工作队伍是“主体”、城乡等值发展是“主向”,再从土地流转关系、政策法规、主导产业培育、共享经济平台建设等方面,培育和推进乡村振兴中的产业融合工程。  相似文献   
在乡村地区治理导向不断强化和发展自主权相对弱化的普遍趋势下,乡村振兴战略的提出凸显了治理和发展之间关系的不协调性。事实上,治理与发展关系的不协调并非现阶段独有的特征,而是具有理论意义和实践意义上的普遍性。另外,治理与发展关系的不协调程度不仅与基层组织体制的变动息息相关,从而呈现出不协调程度演变的阶段性;还与区域差异、地方差异以及村庄的类型有关,从而呈现出不协调程度的地方性。因此,要协调好乡村振兴过程中治理与发展的关系,就需要在认识到治理与发展不协调关系的普遍性、阶段性和地方性的基础上,按照权责利一致的原则理清乡村振兴中治理和发展关系再协调的基本思路。  相似文献   
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