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借鉴已有相关研究成果,将劳动力转移、农业技术水平与城乡居民收入差距联系起来思考,可以具体地考察劳动力转移对城乡居民收入差距的影响.文章以农业技术水平作为门槛变量,选取2009—2019年中国31个省份的面板数据,利用泰尔指数测定城乡收入差距,以劳动力转移作为核心解释变量构建面板门槛模型,实证得出劳动力转移对城乡居民收入差距的非线性影响.研究发现:劳动力转移可以缩小城乡居民收入差距,且该影响具有单一门槛效应.在农业技术水平较低时,劳动力转移对城乡居民收入差距收敛效应较小;当农业技术水平越过门槛值达到较高水平后,劳动力转移对缩小城乡居民收入差距的效果几乎增加了一倍.此后,通过替换解释变量泰尔指数为城乡人均可支配收入比、替换核心解释变量农业技术水平为农业生产效率重新建立面板门槛模型,发现上述结论仍然成立,其检验结果具有较强的稳健性.文章将农业技术进步、劳动力转移、城乡居民收入差距这三个重要变量纳入同一模型框架中,在加深劳动力流动影响城乡居民收入差距这一视角的研究的同时,对缩小城乡居民收入差距政策的制定提供了重要的参考意义.  相似文献   
以陇东南 Q 村为个案,在分析农村人口流动动因的基础上,系统梳理了人口流动导引的一系列家庭代价。 家庭功能遭致消解性代价方面,表现为儿童青少年的教育抚养和老年人养老照料功能弱化;家庭风险多发频发性代价方面,表现为婚姻和家庭稳定性下降、青少年越轨行为突出和家庭成员安全风险增大;家庭分化或衰落性代价方面,表现为空巢家庭、隔代家庭和独身家庭大量出现,家庭的空壳化和复杂分化成为部分家庭走向衰落的前兆。 代价视角的分析表明,需要将家庭置于相关制度设置和公共政策讨论的核心,明确家庭建设在中国农村社会具有的特殊的文化价值和现实意义。 发展和守护家庭,调动家庭自我保障、自我调节和服务的功能及积极性,是政府相关政策制定中必须予以重视的关键议题。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of cognitive abilities on financial behavior among older adults. Using the U.S. Health and Retirement Study, I find that cognitive abilities significantly affect financial behavior through two channels: ability and self-efficacy. People with higher cognition scores achieve better financial outcomes. This positive association is especially strong in tasks having high demand of cognitive abilities, which confirms the ability channel of the cognitive ability effect. In addition, there is evidence for the self-efficacy channel as a secondary source of cognitive influence. Lower cognitive abilities decrease people’s sense of self-efficacy, which, in turn, significantly decreases financial management efficiency. The findings have important policy implications, specifically that more effort is needed to assist the growing older population through the cognitive aging process and that noncognitive skills, as a secondary source of influence, also warrant attention.  相似文献   
农村互助型社会养老是具有中国特色的社会养老的发展形式,是对农村传统家庭养老的重要补充。它扎根于农村传统的亲邻互助网络,其本质在于经济互助,表现为有组织地发动邻里、志愿等社会力量,充分利用以老年人为主的各类人力资源的闲置时间、资源低成本地相互帮助和服务。社会各界应将其作为重要实施方略,纳入积极应对人口老龄化战略和乡村振兴战略之中。其发展路径可以概括为:以资金互助为基础,以组织动员为抓手,以服务互助为重点,以社区居家养老为主要阵地,创新各类互助养老模式,着力形成稳定多元的资金来源,培育互助队伍,增加互助内容,从无偿到无偿、低偿相结合,探索建立标准规范的服务管理评估制度,机构养老与社区居家养老互联互通,最终尝试建立圈层化、整合化、网络化、制度化的农村互助型社会养老体系。  相似文献   
The evidence‐based policymaking relies on the use and robustness of the available data. Many conceptual and operational difficulties restrict this process, not least in making use of evidence to identify policy priorities. The Active Ageing Index (AAI), developed originally for the 28 European Union countries, offers a strong motivation in this respect. This paper reports on the development of the AAI for Korea, a country where speed and level of population aging is among the highest in the world. Drawing on the comparative analysis of the AAI results for Korea, China, and European countries, we find that Korea's AAI (35.3) is higher than the average of the AAI for all EU countries (33.9) but lower than China (37.3). Fitting Korea into the overall ranking with the EU countries and China (ranked 7), Korea is ranked 11, just behind Germany (10). The AAI results in Korea show that the employment domain performs extremely well compared with the EU countries, but other domains, especially “Social participation” and “Independent, healthy and secure living,” are achieving less favorable outcomes. High employment among the current cohorts of older workers in Korea can be attributed largely to the constraints of low pension income status.  相似文献   
The article proposes a Gender Politics of Aging approach to the study of aging societies. The approach recognizes the feminization of old age, ageism’s roots in sexist discourse, and the need to recognize the role of politics in driving demographic debates. Drawing together arguments from feminist gerontology and political demography, the article argues that the intersection of politics and gender must be considered if appropriate responses to an older, feminized demography are to be produced. I conclude that the work of aging feminists provides a rich vein of research and praxis from which a gender politics of aging approach can draw.  相似文献   
新生代乡村教师是乡村教育的新生力量和未来的中流砥柱,他们能否安心留在乡村学校从教,关系着乡村教育的可持续发展。为解决乡村教师"留不住"的问题,国务院办公厅于2015年6月发布《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》,从经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展等方面着手,提出了具体措施。但是通过实证研究发现:当前新生代乡村教师的离职意向仍然普遍存在,尤其是其中的男教师和工作在乡村小学的教师;新时代乡村教师的离职意向,受经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展、个人偏好、乡村文化适应性、家庭和学校支持度、教师教育满意度等多方面因素的影响,其中个人偏好和乡村文化适应性是最主要的影响因素。因此,为了更好地留住新生代乡村教师,仍需在"乡村教师支持计划"现有政策支持的基础上,进一步补充和完善相关的政策措施:(1)重视乡村教师招聘和管理过程中对个人偏好的考察与培育;(2)积极帮助新生代乡村教师适应乡村文化;(3)关心新生代乡村教师的家庭问题,提供帮助和支持;(4)重视乡村学校建设,给予新生代乡村教师更多的组织关怀;(5)出台针对乡村教师的教师教育标准。  相似文献   
农村义务教育在我国义务教育体系中占有重要地位,特别是对于拥有9亿多农村人口的我国来说,农村义务教育关系到每一个农村家庭子女的成长和成才,关系到农村经济振兴战略,更关系到国家和民族的未来。对农村义务教育阶段培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的必要性以及在这一过程中存在的困境进行深入研究,并据此提出相关的应对策略,能够使农村义务教育在社会主义核心价值观的指引下持续、快速、全面、健康地发展。  相似文献   
Addressing the lack of physical activity (PA) in rural adults is vital because of the role it plays in the risk for many chronic diseases. The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility of conducting a 12-week intervention utilizing a Fitbit to increase PA behavior in inactive rural adults recruited from a primary care clinic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with study participants (n=10) and a focus group was held with nurses (n=7) from the primary care clinic. Data were analyzed using the process of immersion/crystallization. Participants and nurses both felt the program had a positive impact on PA and that the program was needed in the community. Study participants most often reported their favorite part of the study was being able to track their activity as well as the goal setting. However, study participants reported barriers to continued participation in PA related to a lack of time and ability to be active in cold weather. Further, nursing staff reported barriers in regard to a lack of resources (staffing and money) These barriers need to be examined further and addressed in order to implement a sustainable PA program that can be maintained through a primary care clinic.  相似文献   
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