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威廉·坦普尔爵士园林思想的研究,一直是学术界研究的薄弱之处。实际上,坦普尔在《论伊壁鸠鲁的园林,或论园艺》中系统地探讨了园林的起源、伦理意义和审美形态等问题。他从病原学的角度出发,把园林作为治疗人们过剩欲望的理想之地。他虽然赞同伊壁鸠鲁主义的退隐思想,却从政治德性、顺从自然、自由选择3个方面阐述了园林的退隐伦理。在园林之美上,他认为美在于形式,但是这种形式既包括欧洲的规则式之美,也包括中国的不规则之美。坦普尔的园林理论对我国当下的疗养院园林、私家园林的建设等有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
This article examines the fictional characterization of the real-life sex researchers and scientists William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson in the Showtime television program Masters of Sex (2013–2016). The historical Johnson had a complicated relationship with second-wave feminism: she disdained the movement and was interested primarily in improving heterosexual marriages and the sex lives of married couples. The Johnson character speaks in a language of postfeminism with minimal interest in collective action and broader social change. However, second-wave feminists later used her and Masters’ research in order to support their own beliefs about sexual autonomy and freedom, within and beyond marriage and heterosexuality. The television program demonstrates Johnson’s importance to both phases of her and Masters’ research—in the first phase, when they are based in a hospital and university environment, and in the second, when they establish their own research institute and raise funds directly from the clients that they serve. Johnson exemplifies postfeminist depictions of ambitious women in prestige television, her aim to have a successful career and marriage conflict, and while she is willing to compromise scientific values to serve her own goals, her male colleagues temper that ambition in service of “objective” science.  相似文献   
In sociology, the self has been conceptualized as either self‐concept or the process of self‐reflectivity. Both notions of the self have been traced to the early thinkers—William James, Charles H. Cooley, and George H. Mead—who laid the foundation for the scientific study of the self phenomenon. In this article, I propose a revised conception of the self based on a re‐reading of the classics. I argue that the self is related to but not the same as self‐concept or the process of self‐reflectivity. The self is an emic object, that is, the entity that one takes oneself to be. More specifically, the self is the empirical existence of an individual perceived by the individual to be his or her own. As the identity the individual finds in his or her existence in a world shared with others, the self is a product of both self‐reflection and self‐enactment. Implications of this reconceptualization for some broad issues related to the self phenomenon are also discussed.  相似文献   
威廉·戈尔丁笔下的《蝇王》为读者展示了一个主人公之间如何从开始建立一个文明组织到最后变得一片混乱的故事。在小说中,作者展示人类所具有的两种不同的个性,一个是文明的、另一个是野蛮的。威廉·戈尔丁在《蝇王》中利用背景、人物个性、和象征,详细地给读者描述了这些双面人。威廉·戈尔丁用《蝇王》告诉读者最危险的敌人是藏匿在每个人心中的邪恶,人们必须正视人性中的恶,不可忽视它。  相似文献   
威廉·戈尔丁坚持不懈地探索"人性恶",从而使人们误认为他是一个悲观主义者,其实他只是惯于以悲剧眼光看待人本身、思考历史和现实,是一个具有强烈悲剧意识的作家。分析《蝇王》可见,他的悲剧意识是受到西方传统文化、他的个人经历以及二战后严峻的社会现实等方面的影响而形成的。  相似文献   
福克纳虽然常常被认为是著名的小说家,但他原本是个诗人。他在舍伍德·安德森的劝说下,放弃了诗歌写作,转向小说创作,然而他从未放弃运用诗歌的创作革新方法进行写作实验。依照语言学家里奇的诗歌变异理论,福克纳在《喧哗与骚动》里主要运用了词汇变异、语音变异、语法变异、书写变异和方言变异等手段来刻画人物形象、揭示人物内心、挖掘主题。福克纳针对处于精神混乱状态的康普生一家巧妙娴熟地把变异的语言加注在他们头上。让他们分别运用适合自己精神状况、身份和命运的语言从不同侧面来言说这个家族(南方的代表)的分崩离析,契合了美国旧南方必然走向没落的主题。  相似文献   
试图剖析华兹华斯与柯尔律治诗学理念格格不入的原因,提出浪漫派诗歌内部在图征和象征上的巨大差别,以及考察这两种古老的艺术手段对浪漫派诗歌在内容和形式上的创新和贡献。  相似文献   
1812年,东印度公司布萨地区种马厂总监兼兽医穆尔克罗夫特装扮成朝圣者,对中亚地区进行了探察,私自越境进入中国西藏,非法查勘玛旁雍错的水文状况,调查该地区的羊绒贸易和俄国的商品渗透情况。通过对这一地区市场潜力的评估和搜集到的社会经济、政治情报,穆尔克罗夫特提出了英国的中亚战略,并预测了未来英俄在中亚的大角逐。  相似文献   
威廉·福克纳作品中表现的多种罪恶,已成为他创作的重要特征,也使其常常遭到误解。将悲剧理论与叙事学方法相结合,把作家对罪恶的表现视为其现代悲剧叙事的重要组成部分。他既借此与悠久的文学传统相衔接,又赋予其鲜明的现代特征。"罪恶"在多部作品的文本构成中被赋予多种艺术功能和复杂的意义指向,并借此为作家完成现代悲剧的创造奠定了基础。  相似文献   
《喧哗与骚动》是美国作家威廉·福克纳的代表作。书中打破了传统以钟表时间为顺序的情节构思。通过对时间的巧妙处理展示人物形象和故事情节。本文从小说的叙述时间、心理时间以及叙述者对时钟时间的情感倾向三个方面展现了福克纳对时间的非凡的驾驭能力和艺术才华。福克纳对时间的处理成为其表现内容、展示主题的主要手段。它使作品具有更深刻的内涵和强烈的艺术效果  相似文献   
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