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Scholars have highlighted the use of punishment as a tool to defend laws and norms, deter deviance, and restore justice in the aftermath of organizational misconduct. However, current theory and research primarily draw on a micro-oriented lens to understand how punishment occurs in response to deviant actors within organizations, neglecting macro-oriented questions of whether and how organizations are punished for their misconduct. We review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties. We then develop a mezzo-lens framework motivated at the intersection of micro- and macro-perspectives on organizational misconduct to shed light on opportunities for theoretical expansion by crossing levels of analysis.  相似文献   
宋蒙战争是一场关乎南宋最终命运走向的战争,宋末诗家心系时局,以诗为史,反映战事进展。局部战争时期,李曾伯、魏了翁等人在诗中表达对川蜀局势的关切。蒙古分三路正式进攻南宋后,王同祖在金陵幕中以诗专记战时应对之策与襄樊、江淮战事,补充了正史之外的细节。钓鱼城大捷后,刘克庄等人除以诗相庆外,还对战局的走向充满忧思。至襄樊战败,诗家对贾似道误国一事进行了激烈谴责,并痛心宋廷无人堪用、无计可施的可悲现实。至全面决战、临安陷落前后,宋人面对家国遽变,其诗作又有多重心态的呈现。  相似文献   
BackgroundHaving a positive childbirth experience is an increasingly valued outcome. Few studies evaluated the women’s satisfaction with childbirth through face-to-face interviews out of the health service environment. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience among Brazilian women.MethodsThis cross-sectional study involved 287 women giving birth in two hospitals in southern Brazil. Women who gave birth to healthy newborns at term were randomly selected. Face-to-face interviews were conducted 31–37 days after delivery, at the mothers’ homes, using a structured questionnaire. Satisfaction with the childbirth experience was measured using a Likert-type scale ranging from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression with robust variance.ResultsFollowing hierarchical multivariate analysis, the following factors remained associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience: being satisfied with antenatal care (PR = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.06−1.59), understanding the information provided by health professionals during labor and delivery (PR = 1.40; 95%CI = 1.01−1.95), not having reported disrespect and abuse (PR = 1.53; 95%CI = 1.01−2.31), and having had the baby put to the breast within the first hour of life (PR = 1.63; 95%CI = 1.26−2.11). No association was observed with type of delivery or hospital status (public or private).ConclusionsA higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience is related to satisfactory antenatal care, a non-abusive, respectful, and informative environment during childbirth, and to the opportunity to breastfeed the baby within the first hour of life. In clinical practice, greater attention to these basic principles of care during pregnancy and delivery could provide more positive experiences during birth.  相似文献   
本文通过《辽史》的记载,并结合考古出土的文物,对辽代骆驼的来源和用途进行了剖析和论证,认为辽代骆驼的来源主要有战争掠夺和属国、属族进贡两种方式,而辽代骆驼的用途主要有驼运、骑车、驼载、驾车、纺织、捐官等,以此最终说明骆驼在辽代社会中占有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
从章公祖师佛像跨国追索诉讼主体资格问题切入,分析佛像的法律性质,探讨涉案物权准据法的确定及适用问题。该案原告应由阳春村全体村民担任。涉案佛像属于文物,建议村民在荷兰法院提起原物返还之诉。受案法院应当适用物权冲突法确定准据法,即可能适用中国内地、中国香港或荷兰法律。被告在购买时应当对涉案佛像来源产生合理怀疑,因此不构成“善意”;原告应尽可能搜集证据证明《荷兰民法典》规定的20年消灭时效因起诉而中断。依据《香港货品售卖条例》和中国内地物权法理论与实践,被告均不能取得系争佛像的所有权。  相似文献   
当前基因编辑技术发展迅速,引起各国政府、学术界和企业界的广泛关注。但从近期“基因编辑婴儿”事件来看,基因编辑技术的伦理问题仍须厘清,我国现行法律尚不完善。通过保护基因编辑婴儿隐私、切实发挥伦理委员会作用、加快相关立法工作,我们或可更好地解决基因编辑技术背后的伦理和人权问题。  相似文献   
孤山智圆是北宋天台宗山外派的著名学僧,也是宋代倡导儒佛互融的代表性人物。智圆一生致力于天台三观,同时又“刻心净土”,力求以天台宗圆教的“心性”论统摄净土法门的“唯心净土”,又以“心性”为诸法之体来消解净秽二土之别。智圆不仅是“唯心净土”论者,也是“实在净土”的坚定信仰者,其净土思想具有鲜明的“唯心净土”和“实在净土”两重性。  相似文献   
宋代共设有三等閤职,最初供职于閤门,后閤职官员出外任职情况变得普遍,直接推动了外任武官兼带閤职制度的发展,此后閤职作为武官兼带的一种职名,成为奖励军功以及控制武官的一种有效手段。而閤职制度的发展也使閤职作为武臣清选的地位逐渐确立,表现之一就是在磨勘叙迁上较一般武官而言具有一定的优越性。同时,内外不同的閤职在磨勘制度上也有一定的差异,这些差异的产生也加深了閤职作为武臣清选的内涵。  相似文献   
目前有许多研究将两阶段DEA模型应用到科技创新活动当中,一般将创新活动分为研发和转化两个阶段,为了进一步探讨不同转移转化方式下科技成果的转化效率以获得更多的详细信息,本文拓展了传统的两阶段DEA模型,考虑了嵌套并联结构的两阶段网络DEA模型,将科技创新活动分为科技成果研发阶段和科技成果转化阶段,并将科技成果转化阶段分为内部转化和外部转化两个并联子系统。本文选取14家中科院院属单位作为被评价对象,应用加权加法分解方法计算整体效率和各阶段子效率。通过将本文模型与传统两阶段模型进行对比发现,传统模型会低估科技成果转化效率。结果表明:整体科技创新效率均值偏低,科技成果研发效率均值高于科技成果转化效率均值,科技成果转化效率仍有很大的提升空间。科技成果转化阶段中内部转化效率普遍较高但是外部转化效率普遍较低,较低的外部转化效率是导致科技成果转化效率低下的主要原因。最后,本文将所有被评价单位分为四类机构,分析提高科技创新效率的实现路径,可以通过重点突破模式和渐进突破模式来实现整体效率的提高。  相似文献   
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