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检察机关提起环境行政公益诉讼,是促进行政机关履行环境保护职责的重要方式.环境行政公益诉讼涉及检察机关、法院和行政机关三个机关,需要处理好司法权与行政权之间的关系.一方面,环境司法具有能动性,容易导致司法权与行政权之间的冲突;另一方面,基于司法有限性与环境法行政实施的特征,需要重视司法谦抑性问题.而如何认识环境行政公益诉讼的谦抑性,需要从理论和实践的维度进行分析.在检察机关提出环境行政诉讼时,应当尊重行政机关的首次管辖权、重视行政公益诉讼的诉前程序、尊重行政自由裁量权、重视行政不能问题.当然,这种谦抑并不是绝对的,为有效发挥行政公益诉讼的功能,应当把握好这种谦抑性的限度,通过明确强制诉讼范围、确定实体性裁判的要件、尊重诉讼和解等方式来处理好司法谦抑与司法监督的关系.  相似文献   
我国检察公益诉讼制度全面实施两年后呈现出新的发展态势。亟需理论深入研判。本文以2017—2019年间的司法数据为基础,运用实证方法分析了《行政诉讼法》《民事诉讼法》修改后检察公益诉讼在办案数量、办案规则、办案能力、办案力量、办案重心等方面的发展态势:审判机关和检察机关的办案数量增长迅速,并积极推动诉讼规则完善;各地办案数量差异明显,案件分布不均衡;基层人民检察院是办案主力军;行政公益诉讼案件数量锐减,办案重心转向刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件;立案数量快速增长,但履行诉前程序、提起诉讼的比率呈下降趋势。这些发展态势的内因是检察机关组织机构改革带来的办案能力的提升;外因是党委和人大增强了对检察公益诉讼的支持力度,化解了制度运行中的部分障碍。未来还需从内、外、广、深四个维度推动检察公益诉讼制度完善:促进公益诉讼检察与三大检察内部融合;建立公益诉讼检察与法治政府的耦合;探索拓展受案范围;建构符合需要的诉讼机制。  相似文献   
中国宪法第41条中的“控告权”不等同于、但包含了“行政诉权”的内涵。宪法中的行政诉权具有两种属性:一是作为公权利的“监督权”,二是作为私权利的侵权后的“救济权”。前者是政治性权利,也是实体性权利,后者是非政治性权利,是典型的程序性权利。这意味着人们长期把行政诉权仅仅作为一种救济权或程序性权利有失偏颇。为了规范行政诉权行使的秩序,行政诉讼法对宪法中的行政诉权在内容上进行了缩限,并在权利的外在形式上体现出程序性特征,但这不意味着行政诉讼法中的行政诉权所继受的权力属性有所改变。  相似文献   
In general, systemic imbalance in pay between men and women is well established, but the literature on pay imbalance is mixed for nonprofit executives. Difference in organizational size could be a relevant factor in explaining pay imbalance, as previous research suggests average female nonprofit executives lead smaller organizations. The present study examines the role of governance accreditation on the gender gap in chief executive pay, using a 2 × 2 analysis of covariance to control for organizational size (as measured by annual revenue) when comparing samples of accredited and nonaccredited organizations in South Florida. We found a wage gap for gender, with female executives averaging 12% less compensation than male executives, after controlling for organizational size. No significant effect was found for accreditation; although the only significant difference between genders was in the nonaccredited sample, the findings hint that any trend towards pay equity would be due to a pattern of the male executives in the accredited sample being paid less than their counterparts in nonaccredited organizations.  相似文献   
Whether participation in active labour market programmes (ALMPs) pushes individuals back into employment depends on the programme's characteristics. On the basis of encompassing registry data that allow us to control for usually unobserved employability, we find evidence of a systematic access bias whereby jobcentre caseworkers in Switzerland assign unemployed persons to activation measures based on a competition logic that is mainly driven by an economic rationale and the jobcentre's performance evaluation. This practice seems problematic because it results in an overrepresentation of immigrants in measures with little efficacy rather than in measures that could compensate for employability disadvantages. Conversely, Swiss citizens are more likely to enter beneficial human-capital-intensive measures. It is plausible that this discrepancy in programme participation amplifies the general labour market disadvantages of immigrants.  相似文献   
大数据在重大行政决策领域的应用,属于技术理性与决策规则的有机融合。凭借信息来源与技术革新,大数据可赋予传统决策向数字化转型的新动能。大数据的应用贯穿于重大行政决策始终,在市场监管、环境保护等多类事项中所发挥的实践优势较为明显,能够推动决策的高效化、提升决策的精准度、增强决策机关之间的联动。然而,大数据应用可能会引发决策安全的隐忧、个人数据存在的空间被挤压以及决策失误的责任承担等难题。对前述问题提出对策的过程,实乃数据治理向治理数据的转变,此阶段不能欠缺法律法规的引导,应尝试从决策数据安全体系的法治保障、个人数据的法律保护、决策责任追究机制的科学建构等层面去推动大数据应用的法治化。  相似文献   
李晏  李鑫 《山东工会论坛》2020,26(1):67-71,77
劳务派遣作为一种灵活的用工形式,受到我国各类用人单位的青睐和广泛运用。2013年《劳动合同法》修订弥补了我国劳务派遣制度上的不足,但由于起步时间较晚,加上制度的复杂性,存在工伤赔偿制度的责任划分不清晰、工伤保险待遇先行支付具体操作存在困难、异地劳务派遣工伤保险制度执行不明确等方面的问题。我国需要从确立《劳动合同法》中派遣单位与用工单位的具体责任分担制度、完善劳务派遣工伤待遇先行支付规定、明确异地保险制度相关规定等方面入手,进一步完善工伤保险制度在劳务派遣用工中的适用,有效保护被派遣劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   
在现行司法实践中,我国对生态环境损害之救济采取的是生态环境损害赔偿诉讼与环境公益诉讼并行的"双轨制"模式.通过分析典型案件可以发现,现行立法未能为化解生态环境损害赔偿诉讼与环境公益诉讼之间的制度"碰撞"提供明确的规范指南,导致"两诉"之间时常会陷入管辖冲突与衔接困境.生态环境损害赔偿诉讼的模糊属性以及相关立法规定的缺失,是导致"两诉"衔接陷入困境之根由.为此,应当在准确识别生态环境损害赔偿诉讼性质之前提下,通过立法对"两诉"之间的顺位规则、索赔主体机制等核心规范予以明确.具体而言,未来我国应当明确生态环境损害赔偿诉讼优于环境公益诉讼的顺位规则,并建立"行政机关—环保组织—检察机关"三位一体且逐层递进的索赔主体结构,最大程度发挥"两诉"之制度合力.  相似文献   
Privatizing the administration of American prisons represents a popular tool of correctional governance. In turn, policy and public administration researchers are routinely studying the consequences of prison privatization on criminal justice outcomes such as recidivism rates and prisoner complaints. However, much less attention has been paid to the antecedents of privatization decisions occurring across states, in particular how racial determinants might be influencing privatization outcomes. Building upon existing policy research with theories of social construction and negative racial classification, we argue that privatization debates over corrections management become more racialized when Black prisoners comprise a larger share of the state prison population, predicting higher overall levels of privatization usage. We further argue that this Black prisoner presence-privatization relationship is context-specific and conditioned by two additional variables: (1) levels of mass racial stereotyping and (2) partisan composition of state government. The statistical analysis demonstrates that racial determinants do significantly influence state prison privatization decisions and in complex ways as theorized. In states where Blacks make up a larger share of the prison population, privatization usage is found to be higher. Additionally, in line with theoretical expectations, Black prisoner presence is associated with increased privatization levels most strongly in states where citizenries hold heightened levels of racial fear and Republicans have increased legislative presence. This research is of keen interest to scholars of public policy and management, who could pay more heed to the ways in which race influences decisions around administrative structuring and outcomes for taxpayers and clients.  相似文献   
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