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人工智能技术的发展对传统著作权制度带来了显著的冲击。以人工智能生成物著作权第一案为例,通过审视作品构成要件判断标准发现,独创性始终贯彻以人类作者为中心的评价标准,同时,智力成果要件则是认定人工智能生成物构成著作权法意义上作品与否的重要标准。从人类是否实际参与作品的创作过程来看,多数人工智能生成物不构成作品,而保护人工智能生成物的价值追求与邻接权制度的基本理念相适应,且邻接权制度的扩张趋势也为把人工智能生成物纳入其保护范畴创造了机会。建议立法通过扩张邻接权制度的权利内容与客体类型以对人工智能生成物提供必要保护。而在当前阶段,反不正当竞争法可以为人工智能生成物相关利益主体提供一定限度的过渡保护。  相似文献   
As flood risks grow worldwide, a well‐designed insurance program engaging various stakeholders becomes a vital instrument in flood risk management. The main challenge concerns the applicability of standard approaches for calculating insurance premiums of rare catastrophic losses. This article focuses on the design of a flood‐loss‐sharing program involving private insurance based on location‐specific exposures. The analysis is guided by a developed integrated catastrophe risk management (ICRM) model consisting of a GIS‐based flood model and a stochastic optimization procedure with respect to location‐specific risk exposures. To achieve the stability and robustness of the program towards floods with various recurrences, the ICRM uses stochastic optimization procedure, which relies on quantile‐related risk functions of a systemic insolvency involving overpayments and underpayments of the stakeholders. Two alternative ways of calculating insurance premiums are compared: the robust derived with the ICRM and the traditional average annual loss approach. The applicability of the proposed model is illustrated in a case study of a Rotterdam area outside the main flood protection system in the Netherlands. Our numerical experiments demonstrate essential advantages of the robust premiums, namely, that they: (1) guarantee the program's solvency under all relevant flood scenarios rather than one average event; (2) establish a tradeoff between the security of the program and the welfare of locations; and (3) decrease the need for other risk transfer and risk reduction measures.  相似文献   

There are substantial gaps in research on Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in students aged 18 and above in West Virginia. The purpose of this study is to explore the associations between mindful self-care, perceived stress, and the HRQoL in this population. We conducted a cross-sectional study between March and April 2017. We included participants who were students, aged 18 years and above, living in West Virginia and were able to answer online questions in English. Data was obtained from an online survey using a structured questionnaire, including the SF12v2®, mindful self-care scale- SHORT, and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)-10. We applied linear regressions to determine the predictors of HRQoL (physical health and mental health) using SF12v2®. 194 participants met the inclusion criteria of the study. Mindful self-care was negatively associated with perceived stress. Better mindful self-care mediated the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being, controlling for gender, age, race, marital status, education level, annual household income, and chronic disease status. Perceived stress and mindful self-care were not related to the physical well-being. Better mindful self-care may safeguard against perceived stress among students aged 18 years and above. Our findings in this study recommend more mindfulness-based interventions targeted to this subpopulation to improve psychological well-being.  相似文献   
汉语“配价”语法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂鸿英 《延边大学学报》2011,(2):39-42,F0003
吕叔湘先生早在20世纪40年代就提出类似"配价"的概念,可惜一直未引起语法学界的注意,直到20世纪80年代,朱德熙先生第一次运用配价概念,从那时起,配价语法逐渐成为中国语法学界研究、讨论的热点之一,并取得了显著的成就。它主要表现在三个方面:一是汉语"配价"语法研究理论对国外理论的借鉴;二是汉语"配价"语法研究20世纪80年代后全面展开及取得的相关成就;三是汉语"配价"语法研究相关的理论分歧。  相似文献   
《纽约时报》从19世纪中后期开始的有关中国的报道,全面呈现了晚清中国社会的情况,并为读者建构了一个"落后"、"觉醒"的晚清中国形象。"落后"中国体现在政治腐败、经济凋敝、军事衰败和文化落后等方面;"觉醒"中国体现历史悠久及现代化改革方面取得初步进展等方面。《纽约时报》的晚清中国形象建构信守了新闻真实性原则,坚持客观公正的报道立场,充满理性、人道的新闻精神,深刻影响了西方主流社会"中国观"的形成。  相似文献   
环境传播并非仅是环境议题的扩散,更是各种主体的话语呈现。土壤污染报道可以作为探讨环境传播中话语表征的典型案例。分析2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日期间的746篇报纸媒体土壤污染报道样本,发现:土壤污染报道中政府、专家、企业、NGO以及公众各方的话语权并不平等,其中政府占据议题的主要话语权,专家学者积极介入议题报道,企业则表现为回避突发土壤污染事件。相较于前三者的强势话语权地位,环保NGO和公众的话语权较为弱势。  相似文献   
船舶碰撞引起的海损事故纠纷是船舶在海上民事纠纷中最重要的类型.涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权立法具有复杂性、国家主权性和差异性的特点,加强涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权立法研究具有重要意义.我国涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权立法存在船舶碰撞概念不清、连接点建立不当、《民事诉讼法》关于涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权的立法不健全等问题.完善我国涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权立法应当在“主权维护与风险共担平衡”的总体思路之下,统一船舶碰撞概念、优化连接点建立、重视涉外民事管辖立法、健全我国涉外船舶碰撞民事司法管辖权的立法体系.  相似文献   
为了研究双趋与双避冲突情景所诱发的脑电成分的差异,本研究分别记录了16名健康大学生被试在双趋、双避、无冲突三种不同情景下完成决策任务的反应时数据与脑电成分.结果表明:(1)被试在冲突情景下的决策反应时均长于无冲突情景,其中双趋冲突下反应时长于双避冲突;(2)双趋冲突情景诱发的P2的波峰值更高,潜伏期也更短,无冲突情景所引发的P2波峰值最小,潜伏期最长;(3)冲突情景与无冲突情景在300 ~ 400 ms之间出现了LPC的分离,动机冲突比无冲突情景诱发的LPC更正.本研究中脑电数据与行为数据得出一致性结果,双趋比双避情景诱发更深程度的负性情绪与注意唤醒,即较高的动机冲突.  相似文献   
随着<刑法修正案(七)>的正式通过,"关系人"受贿问题再次成为讨论的热点.相比以前的规定,"关系人"的范围进一步扩大,并确定了关系人可以单独构成利用影响力受贿罪.关系人作为受贿罪的共犯有一定的理论基础,而对共犯构成要件的分析,也为共犯的认定提供了便利.结合修正案的规定分析关系人参与受贿的诸多情形,可以看出对"关系人"受贿的共犯认定仍然比较复杂并存在一些争议,还有待于理论和实践中进一步完善.  相似文献   
In this paper we set out what we consider to be a set of best practices for statisticians in the reporting of pharmaceutical industry‐sponsored clinical trials. We make eight recommendations covering: author responsibilities and recognition; publication timing; conflicts of interest; freedom to act; full author access to data; trial registration and independent review. These recommendations are made in the context of the prominent role played by statisticians in the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of pharmaceutical sponsored trials and the perception of the reporting of these trials in the wider community. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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