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中外儿童文学充满了“动物”色彩,动物文学因其独特的内涵和异质的美学魅力成为了对少年儿童大自然教育和生命教育的特殊题材。通过论述动物文学与儿童文学交错重叠的关系,回顾了儿童动物文学的兴起,并从政治、社会、科技发展等方面分析其发展动力,综述我国儿童动物文学及其翻译研究较为匮乏的现状,挖掘其研究意义,肯定其对儿童成长的积极作用与影响,旨在为我国儿童文学翻译和儿童文学事业发展提供借鉴与新动力。  相似文献   
对初始情境中受难者“陷困”功能的探讨,是“动物叙事”叙事语法研究中不容忽视的一环,其中贯穿了一个最为基础的叙事功能指向——“抉择之痛”。强调“动物与人”两类受难者角色在身体、心理抑或情感维度陷入某种矛盾与纠结的状态,并且彼此间时常呈现出一定的矛盾悖反性。这一角色身份由动物形象与人类形象分别或共同承担,均指向一种叙事伦理层面的现代境遇的表达。在题材范畴方面,这一功能指涉涵盖了家养类与野生类“动物叙事”各自的叙事范畴。其效力边际已不仅仅局限在单纯生态视域与人性指涉的层面,而是凸显现代语境下人类所面临的共通性的伦理困境:一种挥之不去的矛盾、困惑与不安的情感和心境的写照。  相似文献   
Aggressive behavior in pet dogs is a serious problem for dog owners across the globe, with bite injuries representing a serious risk to both people and other dogs. The effective management of aggressive behavior in dogs represents a challenging and controversial issue. Although positive reinforcement training methods are now considered to be the most effective and humane technique to manage the risk of aggression, punishment‐based methods continue to be used. Unfortunately, there has been little scientific study into the various factors influencing whether dog owners choose to use positive reinforcement techniques to manage aggression in their dogs. As such, current understanding of how best to encourage and support dog owners to use these methods remains extremely limited. This article uses a survey methodology based on protection motivation theory (PMT) to investigate the factors that influence owner use of positive reinforcement methods to manage aggressive behavior, in an attempt to understand potential barriers and drivers of use. In addition, the article provides an initial exploration of the potential role of wider psychological factors, including owner emotional state, social influence, and cognitive bias. Findings show that the perceived efficacy of positive reinforcement methods and the perceived ability of owners to effectively implement the technique are both key factors predicting future intentions and current reported use. Future interventions should focus on enhancing owner confidence in the effective use of positive reinforcement techniques across multiple scenarios, as well as helping owners manage their own emotional responses when they encounter challenging situations and setbacks.  相似文献   
Due to changes in lifestyle and work patterns, education and values associated with wellbeing, non‐human animals are now incorporated into a range of human experiences and environments. This research specifically focuses on human–equine relations, examining blurred boundaries between therapeutic and recreational interspecies encounters. It is acknowledged that human–equine relations are often gendered and this research focuses mainly on women's narratives. Viewed through the post‐humanist lens, horses now form kinship and companionship roles, particularly for women, where relations have become mutually emotionally dependent as a result of interspecies communication and embodied encounters. Research utilizes feminist post‐humanist and cultural politics of emotion frameworks associate with the co‐agency on the co‐agency of animals. Embedded in the concept of equiscapes, or post‐humanist leisure spaces, research methods employ qualitative approaches, including in‐depth interviews, participant diaries and multispecies ethnography. Findings reveal how women make considerable investments in equine activities, which develops mutual welfare and wellbeing. Yet, despite these benefits, emotional and other expenditures are justified in work discourses to legitimize them as valuable to themselves, their families and their communities.  相似文献   
In the last few years, the popularity of veganism has surged. Current literature on the cultural practice, which situates it within a social movements framework, cannot adequately explain this meteoric rise. A better approach is to view veganism as an emerging lifestyle movement based on individual consumption rather than political protest. After situating veganism within the literature on animal rights, this review then explains why a lifestyle movement perspective yields a more compelling account of its growing mainstream appeal. Drawing on both cultural and organizational sociology, this review provides insights into the cultural origins of veganism, its evolving relationship to other food movements, and highlights the key role played by cultural entrepreneurs, the key changemakers who are bringing veganism from the margins to the mainstream.  相似文献   
在近代英国,针对过多犬类对于公共健康、财产安全、狩猎法维护与济贫等造成的问题,民众与政府在犬类管理上经历一个由屠杀到征税的过程。对犬类征税旨在限制其数量,但是也引发了持续整个18世纪的争论。在国家权力限度、狩猎法改革、公共道德改革等方面的争论反映出养犬长期成为英国社会问题的归因指向。直到18世纪下半期,动物主体权利的主张开始出现,犬类地位上升,养犬才由多余成为必需。1796年《犬类税法》的通过以立法的形式肯定了这种变化,从而保障了英国普通民众养犬的权利。  相似文献   
作为伦理学命题出现的动物权利论,在西方及我国法学界得到了部分学者的支持,他们提出了动物应当成为法律主体,享有法律权利的主张。从法学或者法律的角度主张动物权利,不得不面临动物权利法定化的困境:动物主体如何确定,权利内容为何,如何实现权利?这些问题在目前的法律架构中是无法解决的。事实上,动物权利的初衷也是为了保护动物,但它却无法法定化,在社会现状及立法技术条件下,真正能行之有效的动物保护立法策略仍然是动物福利。  相似文献   
在中国当代动物叙事创作中,以动物所处的自然生态环境为叙事基点进而揭示动物物种所面临的举步维艰的生存绝境,从而表达一种强烈的末世"挽歌"情结,这几乎可以看做是最为常见也最具代表性意义的一类主述模式表达。文章正是立足于从具体的叙事语法、艺术规范、主述框架等艺术形式层面的考察,以及根基于伦理指向、情感范畴与价值旨归等思想内容层面的深入探讨,以求从更为全面与科学化的意义上去审视这一特殊的"挽歌"类叙事类型。  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of how volunteerism can neutralize impulses for mobilization. An ethnographic case study of shelter animal advocates, or individuals promoting shelter reform to ensure that companion animals impounded at animal shelters receive proper medical and behavioral care and are given opportunity for adoption, illuminates a specific set of mechanisms that explain why they have not engaged in collective action such as protest. The findings speak to the complex debate about the relationship between volunteerism, political engagement, and social change by identifying five processes that undercut shelter animal advocates’ capacity to act collectively in protest of how the shelter is run: (1) periods of grievance interruption; (2) exposure to the target’s institutional narratives; (3) relational ties to the target; (4) conflict avoidance; and (5) maintenance of identity as volunteers.  相似文献   
This exploratory paper deals with human–animal role identity pairings such as parent–child or sibling–sibling and the necessity of support from other actors both for the formation of these idiosyncratic identities, as well as for their situational placement in social environments not limited to the nonhuman animal. Taken from a qualitative study examining identity formation counter to the nonhuman animal, I use in‐depth interviews of both people with and without human children to demonstrate how human‐to‐human relationships are formed by categorizing the companion animal as a “child” of sorts within the family structure. These relationships prove integral to the continued development and enactment of identities such as the animal “parent” or the animal “sibling” via three different groups: their own parents, partners, and, in one case, adult siblings. This creates positive affect and commitment to the identity across other social situations. Implications of these findings for identity theory and family research are discussed.  相似文献   
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