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《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(9):1158-1173
Comparisons of a popular lesbian lifestyle magazine to a popular heterosexual women's magazine show that lesbian-controlled media do indeed expand representation when it comes to weight, age, and degree of femininity/masculinity, but not in terms of racial representation. An examination of the textual material and visual images also shows that the lesbian publication gives women a more active role, while the heterosexual magazine depicts females as more passive. However, the evidence also shows that the lesbian and heterosexual magazines have similar rates of objectification, but substantively, the lesbian magazine is less severe in degree of objectification.  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(3):429-440
In light of evidence suggesting that violence between lesbian couples is oftentimes dismissed as “mutually combative,” expectations that support this perception were examined. Participants (N = 287) evaluated a domestic violence situation within the context of a lesbian partnership. As physical appearance may be used to support gender- and heterosexist-based stereotypes relating to lesbians, participants evaluated a domestic violence incident wherein the physical appearance of both the victim and perpetrator were systematically varied. Overall, women perceived the situation as more dangerous than did men. However, among women, the plausibility of the victim's claim, and blame assigned to the perpetrator and victim, varied as a function of the physical appearance of the couple. Implications of this research as well as future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
文章以苹果笔记本电脑(MacBook Pro)的产品设计为案例,分别从感官体验、情感体验和行为体验三个角度研究了以用户体验为核心的产品设计方法,阐述了以用户体验为核心在产品设计中的重要性以及对设计师的要求。  相似文献   
陈晋 《太平洋学报》2010,18(9):77-82
国家法治的发展必然要求更完善、完备的司法诉讼制度,规范警察出庭作证制度、强化警察出庭作证的规范化,对于我国法制化进程有着不可低估的作用。本文拟从刑事诉讼价值的角度来论述警察作证制度的必要性和可行性,试讨论如何将我国刑事警察作证制度进行推广。  相似文献   
由于毒品犯罪案件有其特殊性,其证据的取得、认定、运用等多方面存在诸多困难。新颁布的《刑事诉讼法修正案》增加了电子证据种类,肯定了"控制下交付"的侦查措施,明确了证人出庭保护等制度,为今后查办和认定毒品犯罪案件提供新的保障,当然也提出了新问题。  相似文献   
《老子》中的自然是一个发展变化的概念,主要体现在:自然在其历史的起点上是名词性概念,是对人类早期文明所形成的无为的生活状态的描绘,在此基础上抽象出来的"道",成为万物的本源以及万物按照无为的原则生存与运行的规律。如果把"道"作为真理的话,自然则是指引"道"生成、运行、发展的绝对真理。作为绝对真理的自然在其外化和现"象"的过程中又变成了一个动词性概念。其含义是:在伦理阶段,自然保持着道的素朴的真理本性;在教化阶段,自然之"道"异化为"德"与"无德";在道德阶段,自然之道回复其至善的本性,最终达到"道""德"与自然的和谐。  相似文献   
通过研究汽车外观造型的演变历史,从人机工程学角度探讨其对汽车外观设计的影响,并归纳其在设计中的具体应用,主要表现在如何满足人体尺寸要求和视野要求上。为设计师在创意的时候既符合人机工程学的要求又兼顾美学标准的设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
对我国服装面料外观再设计现状的思考与构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,人们对服装的需求呈现多元化趋向,服装设计已不再局限于款式和色彩上的变化,面料在服装设计中的应用与处理显得越来越突出。服装面料外观再设计以视觉创新和工艺特殊为设计师们提供了一个全新的创作空间。  相似文献   
刑事证人出庭作证的主要意义在于保障被告人的对质权。因此,刑事证人出庭问题基本上可替换为以被告人对质权为核心的必要证人出庭问题。由于中国的刑事诉讼法及其司法解释并未赋予被告人对质权,实践中必要证人出庭率仅为25%左右。这种无对质权语境下的刑事审判,通常表现为积极的实体真实主义、定罪量刑的非精细化操作和裁判正当性来源的单一化。为改变这一局面,有必要确立对质权制度及相应的保障机制。  相似文献   
刑事证人出庭作证的主要意义在于保障被告人的对质权。因此,刑事证人出庭问 题基本上可替换为以被告人对质权为核心的必要证人出庭问题。由于中国的刑事诉讼 法及其司法解释并未赋予被告人对质权,实践中必要证人出庭率仅为25%左右。这种 无对质权语境下的刑事审判,通常表现为积极的实体真实主义、定罪量刑的非精细化 操作和裁判正当性来源的单一化。为改变这一局面,有必要确立对质权制度及相应的 保障机制。

关键词: 证人出庭?必要证人出庭率?对质权?裁判正当性

The main significance of witnesses’ appearing in court to testify in criminal trials is that this practice guarantees the defendant's right to confrontation. The issue can thus be framed in another way, as the issue of the appearance in court of the necessary witnesses. Here, the defendant's right to confront is the key point. Since neither China's criminal procedural law nor corresponding judicial interpretations have granted the defendant the right to confront, the rate of appearance of the necessary witnesses amounts in practice to only about twenty‐ five percent. Criminal trials conducted in the absence of the right to confrontation usually conform to the doctrine of positive substantive truth and manifest a lack of care in conviction and sentencing as well as reliance on a single source of legitimacy in reaching judgments. To correct this state of affairs, it is necessary to institute the right to confront and corresponding safeguards.  相似文献   
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