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Using fixed effects regressions, this study examined the transactional effects of different types of economic status on the physical and mental health of low‐income persons in Singapore. Among the economic variables considered, unemployment and arrears had the most significant effects. This signals the physical and psychological distress of being out of work and possessing arrears while income is low. The insignificant effects of poor health on household earnings suggest possible earnings supplementation by other household members. The findings imply the fruitfulness of dually improving employment prospects and health, work activation that takes into consideration mental health effects, increasing affordability of health services in liberal welfare systems, improving mental bandwidth through reducing arrears accounts, and short lag time from application to receipt of assistance. These implications point to a larger question on health and welfare systems in an increasingly uncertain economic environment for households in poverty. Key Practitioner Message: ? Employment and health are inter‐related: employment assistance incorporating physical and mental health interventions and vice versa can be more effective than either alone; ? Compared with decreasing arrears amounts, reducing the number of arrears can more effectively relieve mental distress; ? Effects between economic distress and health materialise quickly; minimising the lag time between application and receipt of assistance will provide great relief.  相似文献   
试析魏源在边疆历史地理沿革研究上的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏源是我国19世纪著名的思想家、史学家,他为救亡图存、抗敌御侮而致力于本国边疆地区的山川塞、地利情势、沿革掌故的考辨,以服务于现实的需要。魏源对于西北边疆地理沿革的考辨是与元史研究结合起来进行的,其《元史新编》在边疆史地的突出贡献莫过于对元代漠北、西域疆域版图的厘定。魏源也是中国近代第一位综合各书对中俄边界和俄罗斯问题详加考证、进行系统之研究的人。此外,魏源还对边疆地理沿革研究上应注意问题进行总结,提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
城市农民工工资拖欠问题浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缪自锋 《兰州学刊》2005,(3):237-239
随着我国城市化进程的加快和社会结构的急剧转型,大量的农村劳动力涌入了城市,由于各种原因,拖欠农民工工资成了我国社会久治不愈的"社会病".只有通过政府、社会、个人共同努力,健全法律保障制度,完善经济秩序,加强道德建设,才能解决农民工工资拖欠问题,切实保障城市农民工的合法权益.  相似文献   
本文分析了当前我国公立与民办高校高等教育实施成本分担、收费以及助学贷款机制中出现的学生"拖贷"和上学欠费等现象,提出以制度重新设计为主的解决问题的若干对策.  相似文献   
张会清  杨翠芬 《河北学刊》2007,27(2):250-252
随着进城务工的农民数量不断增加,拖欠农民工工资的问题日益突出甚至尖锐起来。每到年底,清理拖欠成了各级地方政府的重要工作,即使在平时,也常常有农民工为了向老板讨回工资,上演“跳楼”的消息见诸报端。本文通过调查研究,试图对农民工工资被拖欠的问题作一个全面的分析,从中找出问题的症结,并为这一问题的解决提供法律上的对策。  相似文献   
农民工问题的关键是收入问题,而解决农民工收入问题的首要任务便是解决工资拖欠问题。作为相关政策落实的试点地区与成功范例,重庆市江北区人民政府在农民工工资拖欠问题的治理中发挥了积极的作用,为全国其他地市提供了宝贵的善治经验。政府治理农民工工资问题,应落实责任制,切实加强对清理拖欠工作的组织领导;全面建立农民工工资保障制度;设立统一的劳务服务管理机构,完善政策法规维权机制。  相似文献   
在一定条件下阻止欠缴税款又未提供相应担保的纳税人出境,是《税收征管法》中确立的一项保障税款征收的措施,但对阻止出境构成要件的规定较为模糊,免责条件显得过于苛刻,行政裁量的标准也完全缺位,对纳税人权利可能造成不必要的损害。因此,除了考虑国家税收利益之外,有必要从纳税人的权利的角度,重新审视阻止出境措施,从实体要件和程序要件两个方面对其加以规范。  相似文献   
通过分析《乌尔那穆法典》、《里皮特伊什塔尔法典》和闻名世界的《汉穆腊比法典》三部法典的前言,我们发现古代两河流域文明的立法理论和实践的核心思想--国家最重要的职能是以法律维护社会公平和阶级和谐.这些法典都在前言中宣称国家的代表--国王制定法律的目的是"在国中彰明正义,消灭邪恶和罪行,使强不凌弱,公正对待孤女和寡妇".苏美尔时期的拉旮什、伊辛、拉尔萨和古巴比伦王朝的国王们的铭文中也提及他们建立了社会公正.另外,根据乌尔、伊辛、拉尔萨、巴比伦和其他王朝颁布的年名,可以知道许多国王在其统治的第一年就在全国宣布废除债务,解放债务奴隶法令,并在年名中称"在国内建立了公正之年",解负令的基本内容可以从《巴比伦王阿米嚓杜喀的敕令》中发现.依靠法律和行政主持公正是两河流域的历史传统.  相似文献   
拖欠民工工资的症结是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,拖欠民工工资报酬现象十分突出,要解决这一问题,当前首要的工作是加大执法力度,劳动行政部门充分发挥执法监督职能,对拖欠民工的用人单位依法予以制裁;同时,应当理顺现有的立法,清理模糊的规定,为民工获得工资报酬提供切实的法律保障。  相似文献   
The gender wage gap and wage arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper re-examines the gender wage gap in Russia between 1994 and 1998 taking into account the pervasiveness of Russias non-payment institutions. Using censored regression techniques we investigate wage discrimination at different sections of the income distribution and for various important sub-groups. We find that the wage gap is distributed unevenly. Most notably, women at the lower end of the income distribution suffer the highest degree of discrimination. However, we find that wage arrears and payment in-kind attenuated wage discrimination, particularly amongst the lowest paid workers, suggesting that Russian enterprise managers assigned importance to equity considerations when allocating these forms of non-payment.All correspondence to Carmen A Li. We are grateful for the helpful comments and suggestions of Vanessa Fry, Amanda Gosling, Tim Hatton, Alastair McAuley and two anonymous referees. The usual disclaimer applies. Responsible editor: Junsen Zhang.  相似文献   
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