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Perceptions of infectious diseases are important predictors of whether people engage in disease‐specific preventive behaviors. Having accurate beliefs about a given infectious disease has been found to be a necessary condition for engaging in appropriate preventive behaviors during an infectious disease outbreak, while endorsing conspiracy beliefs can inhibit preventive behaviors. Despite their seemingly opposing natures, knowledge and conspiracy beliefs may share some of the same psychological motivations, including a relationship with perceived risk and self‐efficacy (i.e., control). The 2015–2016 Zika epidemic provided an opportunity to explore this. The current research provides some exploratory tests of this topic derived from two studies with similar measures, but different primary outcomes: one study that included knowledge of Zika as a key outcome and one that included conspiracy beliefs about Zika as a key outcome. Both studies involved cross‐sectional data collections that occurred during the same two periods of the Zika outbreak: one data collection prior to the first cases of local Zika transmission in the United States (March–May 2016) and one just after the first cases of local transmission (July–August). Using ordinal logistic and linear regression analyses of data from two time points in both studies, the authors show an increase in relationship strength between greater perceived risk and self‐efficacy with both increased knowledge and increased conspiracy beliefs after local Zika transmission in the United States. Although these results highlight that similar psychological motivations may lead to Zika knowledge and conspiracy beliefs, there was a divergence in demographic association.  相似文献   
In this article, the quality of data produced by national statistical institutes and by governmental institutions is considered. In particular, the problem of measurement error is analyzed and an integrated Bayesian network decision support system based on non-parametric Bayesian networks is proposed for its detection and correction. Non-parametric Bayesian networks are graphical models expressing dependence structure via bivariate copulas associated to the edges of the graph. The network structure and the misreport probability are estimated using a validation sample. The Bayesian network model is proposed to decide: (i) which records have to be corrected; (ii) the kind and amount of correction to be adopted. The proposed correction procedure is applied to the Banca d’Italia Survey on Household Income and Wealth and, specifically, the bond amounts are analyzed. Finally, the sensitivity of the conditional distribution of the true value random variable given the observed one to different evidence configurations is studied.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is currently recognized as a critical public health concern and a human rights issue. Not surprisingly, Muslims – a religiously and socio-culturally diverse faith-based populace – are not an exception. To address this complex area of criminal justice and social policy, some scholars advocate implementing restorative justice (RJ) approaches. While RJ approaches have been traditionally used in Islamic cultures for conflict resolutions, to date, few studies have investigated how RJ operates in dealing with IPV in Muslim countries and communities. This article explores how RJ approaches towards IPV operate in some Muslim countries/communities, and offers insights into developing culturally and religiously appropriate ways of implementing RJ in IPV situations among Muslims. Given the prevalence of IPV among Muslims, the question is particularly important and timely. Taking exclusively limited examples of RJ approaches that have been used to mediate IPV cases in Muslim countries and communities, this paper found one significant challenge in the RJ approaches among Muslims: community acceptance of IPV. To reduce IPV in Muslim society, it is necessary to develop treatment models and techniques that meet cultural and religious needs. This paper found that since RJ is not alien to Islamic teachings, RJ approaches can be implemented effectively in dealing with IPV among Muslims by ensuring justice and equity of the abused woman. The findings of this paper will assist policymakers, practitioners, and service providers in providing religiously and culturally appropriate care when addressing IPV issues among Muslims.  相似文献   
为培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人,以思政课的教育实践为例,对习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进行研究。研究认为,习近平总书记从民族复兴、党和国家事业发展以及建设中国特色社会主义教育强国的全局出发,高度重视教师队伍建设和教育工作;作为用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人的中坚力量,思政课教师要在学生心里埋下真善美的种子,始终做学生立德铸魂的引路人;思政课教师要坚持不懈地传播马克思主义科学理论,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装师生头脑,引领学生坚定理想信念,补足“精神之钙”,始终做政治清醒的明白人;要引领学生弘扬中国精神,锚定成长成才的“压舱石”,特别要在指导学生贯通学好“四史”,涵育家国情怀和培养创新实践能力方面下功夫;要引领学生培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,在学思悟践中掌握马克思主义科学思辩的方法论精髓和实践要义,切实解决好世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”问题,帮助学生“扣好人生第一粒扣子”。  相似文献   
构建马克思主义信仰教育的内容体系是开展马克思主义信仰教育的基础工程,马克思主义信仰教育的生命观、道德观、理想观、宗教观的有机统一构成了马克思主义信仰教育的内容体系。生命教育是逻辑的起点,理想观教育是其核心,道德观教育是现实支撑,树立科学的宗教观将是马克思主义信仰教育的合理参照。  相似文献   
宗教信仰与族群边界--以保安族为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“回回”原为一个以宗教来认同的族群集体。建国以后 ,国家承认了“回回”的民族身份 ,定名为回族 ,并依据斯大林民族定义进一步将原一律包含进“回回人”中的别具自身文化特点的一些群体识别为单独的少数民族 ,如保安族、东乡族和撒拉族。这样 ,在甘青宁地区穆斯林社会中又出现了一道新的社会边界———民族。那么 ,在当代社会生活中 ,在这个由宗教提供最主要的社会互动关联体系的社会中 ,人们如何区分群体 ?怎样确定群体之间的互动规则 ?基于宗教信仰差异的社会边界和国家认定的民族边界分别发挥着什么样的作用 ?社会生活中真实的族群边界是什么 ?本文试图以保安族为例回答上述问题。  相似文献   
龙王信仰是传承较为久远、分布非常广泛的民间信仰。历来为广大学者所关注,但大都是从文献典籍出发,探讨龙王的有关传说及龙王与佛、道二教的关系。本文通过实地田野作业,对当地民间龙王信仰的内容及相关民俗活动进行了调查分析,认为唐日台村龙王信仰作为地方及民族文化系统中的活态民俗事项,是围绕农业生产(生活)而展开的具有地方性、民族性特征的信仰活动。  相似文献   
土族民间团体嘛呢会调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嘛呢会普遍存在于青海省民和县三川地区的土族村落,是农村中老年居民自愿组成的民间团体.本文在田野调查的基础上,对嘛呢会的历史、构成、组织活动以及与村落管理系统的关系做了一些探讨.文章认为,嘛呢会是地缘、血缘和神缘关系三者结合的产物,反映了土族在宗教信仰体系上的多元特征.嘛呢会对于传承土族文化、整合土族社区发挥着重要的作用,同时又是土族老年人进行社会参与和情感交流的重要途径.  相似文献   
本文介绍了黑龙江省天主教、基督教概况及其教徒信仰趋向的调查分析结果,提出了加强全省天主教、基督教工作的措施和总体思路。  相似文献   
文章从鲁智深与五座寺庙的六次结缘入手,考察《水浒传》的情节设置与人物形象塑造之间的关系,揭示文人佛教视野中的《水浒传》,如何在儒家忠义思想与佛教解脱理念之间求取微妙的美学平衡,以及中国古代文人对佛教信仰模式的独特理解与精妙构建。  相似文献   
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