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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices on triple bottom line (TBL) measures from the perspective of organizational theories. This study identified five SSCM practices using a comprehensive literature review and feedback from industry experts. These five practices were prioritized using a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The results from FAHP analysis were further confirmed by conducting semi-structured interviews in five electronics parts/components manufacturing organizations. This study also prioritized theoretical drivers of SSCM adoption based on the consideration of three organizational theory perspectives – Institutional Theory; Resource-Based View, and; Social Network Theory. The results indicate that the economic dimension was the most important measure for implementing SSCM while sustainable design was the most important SSCM practice for achieving the TBL. The study also found that Institutional Theory is the most important theoretical driver for implementing SSCM. The research findings provide insight for management to allocate necessary resources and to develop effective strategic directions for the implementation of SSCM practices.  相似文献   
随着钻完井技术的发展,采用流入控制阀(ICD)完井技术开发底水油藏成为提高产量、降低成本的有效途径。弄清水平井ICD 控底水原理及影响因素成为利用其实现延缓底水锥进、提高油藏最终采收率的关键。在分析ICD 控水限流原理基础上,通过模拟计算,具体分析了流动剖面、环空流动、含水率等3 个影响控水效果的主要因素。分析结果表明:对于不具有高含水段的油藏,可以利用ICD 增大高渗段阻力,从而在牺牲总产液量的基础上降低产水,实现控水;ICD 所产生附加压降有效地减少了环空流动,增强了控水的稳定性,为实现长期稳油控水提供了保障;对储层物性参数分布认识出现偏差将会较大地影响ICD 的控水效果;对于存在高含水段的水平井,需要增大高含水段的附加压降,降低高含水段的产液量,才能有效实现控水。对水平井ICD 控底水原理及影响因素的分析结果为优化水平井ICD完井设计,控制底水锥进提供了技术思路。  相似文献   
Research shows that top‐down‐designed parenting programmes do not always meet the needs of postmigration parents. Bottom‐up programmes by migrant organizations hold a promise to fill this gap; however, research about these programmes and appropriate evaluation methodologies is scarce. Drawing upon Wenger's ( 2010 ) “communities of practice,” this paper explores an alternative perspective on parenting programme evaluation. Findings are presented from a study looking into social learning processes of postmigration parents who participated in a bottom‐up programme about raising teenagers in urban areas. Using an ethnographically inspired method combined with a preprogramme and postprogramme design, 115 Moroccan‐Dutch mothers and fathers from 15 programme groups participated. Results show that the programme provided a social learning space in which parents used themselves as resources to learn collectively about parenting. Moreover, parents consciously engaged in learning interactions across learning spaces stretched into their social networks. These analyses showed how parents' development of “learning citizenship” (Wenger, 2009 ) provides us with insight in collective learning dimensions present in a bottom‐up parenting programme, which is often not included in evaluation studies. Implications for practitioners as facilitators of parents' collective learning are presented.  相似文献   
从主体、内容及过程等层面对课程审议模式的内涵予以澄清,基于审议的方向和重心的视角,提出上构式课程审议和下构式课程审议两种模式。通过对国内大学通识教育课程实践的考察,将其归纳为下构式的审议模式,在对其基本特征与成效进行分析的基础上,尝试创建一种上构式的通识教育课程审议模式,并对不同阶段的审议内容和特征展开论证。  相似文献   
十九世纪末社会学传入中国以来,社会学理论对中国改良思想的发展和走向产生了重要影响。维新派思想家将社会进化论应用于政治改革理论中,试图以政治制度改革推动社会变革。而二十世纪二三十年代留学欧美的社会学专业学者则将社会学的实证主义方法应用到中国社会基层,主张通过"自下而上"的方式,以社会改革推动政治变革。这一改良方式的变化也影响到了整个中国思想文化界。关注基层、投入农村、投身民众教育成为当时的一种社会潮流。  相似文献   
红柯是中国西域小说的重要代表,为我们描绘了一个独特的西域世界。这个世界,有一般西域小说的壮美人性和壮丽文化,显示出一种浪漫主义的特质;同时,这个世界还由于"底层写作"的渗透,呈现出某种贫瘠,展现出一种深沉的现实关怀精神。后一点,似乎还没有引起人们的注意。  相似文献   
针对卫2块气顶底水油气藏的地质特征,应用地质建模软件建立起构造模型、储层模型,展现出气顶底水油气藏的构造和储层特点,通过建立不同的油层、水层、气层物性解释图版,应用地质统计学方法精确计算出储层非均质参数,描述了该断块储层的非均质特征。在此基础上,应用VIP数模软件描述了剩余油分布特征,讨论了气顶底水油气藏剩余油的分布特征,认为剩余油主要分布在注采系统局部不完善区、未注水的弹性区、未受油水井控制的储量损失区;而剩余气则主要集中在北部地区和顶部砂组。根据所提出的剩余油气分布认识,进行了治理方案部署,经实施后取得了良好的效果,平均年增油2.3×104t,年增气0.2×108m3,年综合递减减缓2.1%。实现了油气同时高效开采。  相似文献   
刘艳萍 《延边大学学报》2009,42(4):38-42,104
萧红与姜敬爱秉着真实是文学生命的创作理念,书写底层女性的苦难与悲剧。前者着重从历史、人性和性别角度揭示底层女性所遭受的性别歧视和愚昧无知的精神状态,而后者主要从民族、阶级和社会层面来透视穷苦女性的悲剧命运。这可从时代悲剧、亲历体验和性差积淀三方面得到解码。  相似文献   
辛稼轩的咏物词具有独特的个性风神,他将身世经历,风神志意灌注于物象之上,通过情和物的结合,寄托了家国之思、政治愤慨、俊逸风神和闲适情怀。辛稼轩的咏物词同他的其他题材的作品共同陶写了英雄志意。  相似文献   
在文学逐渐为读者疏离的今天,路遥的小说依然深受读者喜爱,这是因为它们包含了中国当代读者认同机制中最普遍、最恒定的元素:“硬汉”的励志传奇、道德视角的“底层叙事”、纯洁爱情的理想化书写。路遥小说之所以能成为畅销书,是因为它们总能在纯净而又温暖的氛围中给读者以勇气、温暖和希望。  相似文献   
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