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中原贫民违反汉禁亡入匈奴地区者大量存在,虽有严刑峻法障塞哨卡亦不能完全阻断。出塞攻略匈奴的中原将士多留没不还,其子孙亲戚仍在中原而生活贫困者都愿意亡出塞外去谋求生存。中原农民赋役负担过于繁重:力役兵徭苛捐杂税几十倍于古,产子3岁须出口钱,连续23年的大面积严重黄河水患及皇帝官吏的无度奢靡敲骨吸髓,致使他们常衣牛马之衣而食犬彘之食,不少人因饥寒冻饿而死,或至人相食。破产农民流亡就食他乡被诬指为盗贼,并以军兴之法无情镇压。匈奴地区的管理相对宽松。匈奴中有不少来自中原的“秦人”。  相似文献   
Ties in customer facility choice may occur when the customer selects the facility with maximum utility to be served. In the location literature ties in maximum utility are broken by assigning a fixed proportion of the customer demand to the facilities with maximum utility which are owned by the entering firm. This tie breaking rule does not take into account the number of tied facilities of both the entering firm and its competitors. In this paper we introduce a more realistic tie breaking rule which assigns a variable proportion of customer demand to the entering firm depending on the number of tied facilities. We present a general framework in which optimal locations for the old and the new tie breaking rules can be obtained through Integer Linear Programming formulations of the corresponding location models. The optimal locations are obtained for the old tie breaking rule for different values of the fixed proportion and a comparison with the results obtained for the new tie breaking rule is drawn with data of Spanish municipalities in a variety of scenarios. Finally, some conclusions are presented.  相似文献   
My agenda is to ground psychological science in culture by using complex rather than overly simple models of culture and using indigenous categories as criteria of a translation test to determine the adequacy of scientific models of culture. I first explore the compatibility between Chinese indigenous categories and complex models of culture, by casting in the theoretical framework of symmetry and symmetry breaking (Bolender, 2010) a series of translations performed on Fiske's (1991) relational models theory. Next, I show how the dimensional approach to culture, prevalent in mainstream psychology, fails the translation test. Ethical implications of this analysis for cross cultural psychology are discussed.  相似文献   
为了破解学生读不懂古诗的难题,根据学生的实际情况,借鉴古人的读诗方法,结合古诗的句法结构特征,在教学中通过实施“断”—“译”—“联”—“对”四步赏析法,引领学生循序渐进地心领古诗表面文意,神会古诗情志内涵。  相似文献   
介绍了冲旋钻井中冲旋钻头与岩石互作用有限元模型的建立过程,并对冲旋钻头在冲击旋转和单纯冲击载荷作用下的破岩过程进行了计算机仿真研究,描述了冲旋钻头破岩过程,求出了相应的钻头破碎岩石的深度、体积时程关系对比曲线,揭示了冲旋钻头的破岩机理——钻头在冲旋作用下破碎岩石的过程可分为4个阶段、钻头破碎岩石深度主要取决于冲击作用而与旋转作用关系不大、破岩体积在冲旋作用下比单纯冲击载荷作用下要大一倍左右,为冲旋钻头在石油工业中的进一步推广应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
分析了企业商业秘密流失的原因以及新的发展趋势,针对企业的人力资源管理者提出了几种防止商业秘密流失的措施:与核心员工签订有效的保密协议;与员工签署竞业禁止协议;为即将离岗的员工设置脱密期;对员工进行人文主义保障等。  相似文献   
鲁迅小说《故乡》的审美价值,可谓多多。如果从生态文化为切入点,可以得出新的认识:一是自然神话世界的撕裂与变异;二是“我”与闰土互补互渗,展示出古道悠远的人与人之间关系的撕裂与变异;三是生态人格的撕裂与变异。总之,《故乡》中的人们,都处在自然、社会、文化的动态过程中,经历着生态人格的撕裂与变异。  相似文献   
省域经济洼地地区是实现区域协调发展的重要板块和关键区域。以江苏省淮安市为例,从战略角度审视淮安建设成为苏北重要中心城市的意义和基础,并提出淮安在区域经济和流域经济层面上两个维度的发展定位和三个方向的发展路径。通过纵向融入京沪高铁和京杭运河两条复合发展轴,横向建设淮河流域生态经济带,打造苏皖在江北地区的跨界合作示范区等战略,推动淮安苏北重要中心城市的建设和省域经济协调发展格局的形成。  相似文献   
科学主义追求工具理性;人文主义则更多的关心价值理性.心理学对科学主义、工具理性的追求使其在科学价值观上产生了严重分裂,这种分裂阻碍了心理学的发展.心理学只有把工具理性和价值理结合起来,建立多元化的理论模式和多层面的研究途径,才能保持其应有的本性,促进其健康发展.  相似文献   
在对法治信仰作出理论探讨的基础上,就我国公民法治信仰进行了历史考查与现实定位,并以全新的视角,提出了推动公民法治信仰的形成,巩固和提高的思路。  相似文献   
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