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While the recovery concept strongly resonates in clinical mental health care today, it first arose in service user-led contexts. A major risk of this professionalization shift is that recovery primarily becomes defined by treatment providers. This study aims to keep the debate on recovery alive through a collaborative exploration of Pete’s recovery process by means of a bricolage approach. This resulted in an idiographic portrait of Pete’s experiences of recovery and treatment, clustered around four themes: life rebuilding, identity, continuity of care and the role of drugs. His experiences illustrate a number of contradictions in the operationalization of the recovery ethos in today’s mental health care; whilst recovery appears as a hopeful vision of empowerment, it also risks being reduced to a tokenistic model that fails to address the social realities of people in recovery and in which the assumption that mental illness is chronic is still latently present.  相似文献   
This article elaborates the process of decision making in organizational environments characterized by disciplined improvisation. Building on an ethnography of forecasting operations at the National Weather Service, it introduces “collage” as a mediating concept between information bricolage and the forging of a decision. The concept of collage serves to (1) heuristically frame decision making as a process of assembling, appropriating, superimposing, juxtaposing, and blurring of information; and (2) externalize into digital practices of screenwork the cognitive labor of merging and distilling complex data into a provisionally coherent decision.  相似文献   
This article explores the following question: To what extent are good governance principles being institutionalised in China as a result of public–private partnerships (PPP) policy transfer? Since 2013, China has been pursuing PPP and applying aspects of related good governance drawing from Western experience despite its radically different fragmented authoritarian regime. This makes China a unique case to observe the extent to which good governance principles can be institutionalised in very different contexts. This article assesses the degree of institutionalisation of three good governance principles that guide PPP policy elsewhere: transparency and accountability, willingness to collaborate and equity between partners. It argues that while the PPP policies have been applied extensively in recent years, these good governance principles have been institutionalised to varying degrees as they have had to be adapted and compromised to fit with existing power relations in authoritarian China. The findings aim to add value to the literature regarding PPP policy transfer and good governance, by revealing the challenges of institutionalising good governance principles through PPP policy transfer in an alien context.  相似文献   
This paper explores the dynamics of health system decentralization and recentralization in Italy, investigating why and how the territorial organization of the health system has changed over time. Drawing from discursive and historical institutionalism, the explanatory framework revolves around the role of ideational and institutional factors. The methods include process tracing and interpretive‐discourse analysis. Empirical material is drawn from documents and in‐depth interviews to experts and decision‐makers. Through the analysis of the reform trajectories in light of decentralization and recentralization processes, the paper shows that the territorial organization of the Italian health system has changed through a mechanism of gradual transformative change that I here call ideational and institutional bricolage, which involves the interplay between ideas, discourse, and institutions.  相似文献   
基于多案例研究的拼凑理念、模式双元与替代式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异于以往模仿或合作创新等“外源式”研究视角,从“资源内生式”视角探索了资源匮乏下中小企业的创新模式——拼凑.借鉴模式双元学习的观点,表明拼凑理念是一种“创意层的探索”与“资源层的利用”的结合,通过组织学习和平衡机理促进创新.通过对3个典型案例的研究发现:中小企业可通过树立拼凑理念促进新创意探索与手边资源利用的模式双元;模式双元的平衡与失衡将产生不同的创新效果,“高高”双元(资源高利用和创意高探索)可以带来“新颖”创新;“高低”双元(资源高利用和创意低探索)则更容易产生“凑合”创新;拼凑理念更容易形成非标准、快速、低成本的替代式创新.  相似文献   
基于战略即实践相关思想,通过理论演绎的方法,论证资源约束是应用创业拼凑理论的前置情境条件。在此基础上,以4家处于资源约束情境的典型新创企业为研究对象,遵循扎根理论范式识别创业拼凑的手边资源要素,以深化创业拼凑的理论内核。研究发现:资源约束企业通过手边资源建构资源基础,确定了手边资源兼具可触达性、可用性和低成本性,并将识别到的手边资源要素与资源边界管理研究进行理论对话,指明手边资源建设不仅要判别资源的边界要素,也要提升管理认知和资源警觉力来加以强化。  相似文献   

The research aims to analyse the social identities of emerging multinational corporations from India. It looks at whether the difference of geography and ethnicity can be overcome with a multi-dimensionality or bricolage approach as a managerial paradigm – where the manager, as bricoleur, adopts a socially efficient hybrid approach of changing the arrangement of socio-historical rules through negotiation of both past and present practices, rather than assuming a revolutionary or disruptive engineering approach. We present thematic and discourse analyses of the communication (interviews, blogs, press releases, and public statements) made by the top and middle management of 15 Indian MNCs. The findings reflect the strategies adopted by the firms to fit their public image to a particular culture or audience, and the ways firms migrate to a transnational image with changes in its geographical identities.  相似文献   
冗余资源对企业瞬时竞争优势有重要影响,但已有研究对两者关系有竞争性观点.此外,既有研究缺少对冗余资源影响瞬时竞争优势的内在机制及其适用条件的理论解释和证据.为了弥补这两个研究空白,本文整合企业行为理论和资源约束理论,提出并检验了冗余资源与瞬时竞争优势的正U型曲线关系,以及中介机制和情境因素.利用软件行业企业的调查数据,研究发现:1)冗余资源和瞬时竞争优势呈正U型关系;2)冗余资源和创业拼凑呈正U型关系;3)创业拼凑在冗余资源和瞬时竞争优势的非线性关系间起中介作用;4)环境不确定性、资源柔性对冗余资源和创业拼凑的关系起正向调节作用;5)创业拼凑的中介效应受到环境不确定性、资源柔性的正向调节.研究表明,在超竞争环境下,冗余资源是企业瞬时竞争优势的重要来源,但企业必须警惕“中等资源陷阱”;同时,冗余资源的绩效意义通过创业拼凑得以实现,且创业拼凑的中介作用在高环境不确定性和高资源柔性的条件下更显著.研究结论对拥有冗余资源,尤其是过剩产能的企业有重要的实践启发.  相似文献   
  创业导向对探索式创新的影响决定创业企业在不确定商业生态环境中的市场机会捕捉能力和价值创造效果。虽然已有研究部分证实了创业导向与探索式创新的相互作用,但面对创业企业生存环境不确定性更高、资源约束更明显的事实,创业企业如何借助合理的战略决策和高效的资源使用行为帮助自身实现由生存到发展的过渡显得尤为重要,鲜有研究对此类问题予以深入探讨。         基于战略创业理论、创新管理理论和资源基础观理论,以创业导向为解释变量,以探索式创新为被解释变量,引入战略灵活性和创业拼凑两个可能影响导向与产出关系的关键要素,探讨创业导向对探索式创新的直接影响,以及战略灵活性和创业拼凑可能起到的特殊中介作用。借鉴并改进已有研究的成熟量表形成问卷,选取深圳的创业企业为调研对象,以电子邮件的形式发放问卷,基于最终获得的283份有效问卷,采用结构方程和双中介模型的研究方法,全面检验创业导向、战略灵活性、创业拼凑与探索式创新之间的关系。         研究结果表明,创业导向、战略灵活性和创业拼凑均对探索式创新产生促进作用;创业导向与战略灵活性呈显著的正相关关系,也对创业拼凑产生积极影响;战略灵活性与创业拼凑呈显著的正相关关系。创业拼凑在创业导向与探索式创新之间和战略灵活性与探索式创新之间起部分中介作用。由战略灵活性和创业拼凑形成的中介链部分中介了创业导向与探索式创新之间的关系。         研究结论从导向-策略-行为-产出的研究框架拓展了战略创业理论的研究内容,揭示了创业导向、战略灵活性、创业拼凑与探索式创新之间的关系机理,为创业企业理解战略灵活性和创业拼凑的影响、充分实践和发挥创业导向的创新精神、促进探索式创新活动的持续开展提供了重要的理论依据和经验证据。  相似文献   
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